15: Proposal

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Jimin POV

"Baby, that was amazing what you just did. I didn't know I had a brother....And I didn't know you were ever supposed to marry him" Said Jungkook. I smiled and giggled "Thanks Kookie, I love you and only you....forever..." Jungkook smiled with his bunny smile then kissed me while walking into the car.

It was finally time for our date!

We got ready at home and noticed Kai rushing to get his outfit and hair done. He kept running up to me asking me millions of questions. "J-Jimin, are you sure blue doesn't fit me more than red?" "Is this hair style good?" "Are you sure I'm ready Jimin?" Was his last question. I hugged Kai and told him not to be nervous. I told him that he could ask Jungkook for more advice of he needed it cause he proposed to me.

Kai agreed and I took him to Jungkook.

Then he saw Jungkook he got nervous to ask him.

"Baby, Kai wants your advice on something important" I said leaving Jungkook confused. "Sure, what is it you need advice on Kai?" Kai was sweating so much at that moment. "I....I...I want to... propose to Seulgi, and....I need advice on how to do that..." Jungkook looked shocked and awkward at the same time.

"W-What? T-thats why you and Jimin spend so much time together??" We looked confused until I realized "kookie? Were you Jealous that me and my best friend were spending so much time together? It's okay if you were, we were just arranging everything" Jungkook kept blushing while I giggled at his cuteness.

"O-okay Kai, if you want to propose to my friend you have to stop being so nervous so much. I'm not saying you can't be nervous. It's ok to show weakness sometimes" Kai tried to be calm and listened to Jungkook. "Okay the next thing is, when you propose, tell her how much she means to you. That's what I did with my baby Mochi~" He said while holding my hand. Kai started relaxing alot more after Jungkook's advise and thanked him.

Hours Later

I took Seulgi out for dinner and we got ice cream. When it was 9:30 I took her to the park Jimin talked about. There I closed her eyes, and promised that she would love the surprise. "Uh Kai, where are you taking me?" I relaxed her and told her to open her eyes. She gasped when she was beautiful roses on the floor and balloons of her favorite color. "Kai! What is this?! It's....beautiful...." She turned around and saw the ring I had. "K-kai?...." I finally spoke.

"Seulgi....your my light, your my everything, and you make me smile whenever I feel down...will you marry me?" Seulgi began crying of happiness. "Y-Yes...." That was when we kissed. After a few minutes Jimin and Jungkook came and clapped for us. He were both embarrassed but were happy having their support.

While Seulgi and Jungkook were talking Jimin walked up to me. "Told you could do it!" I smiled and hugged my best friend~

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