S3 33: Coma

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Jimin POV

After 2 hours I was allowed to see Jungkook

"Park Jimin?" asked one of the nurses. "Jeon Jimin, and Yes...how's my husband?" I asked. She gave me a unsure look "Come look for yourself" She said leading me to the room Jungkook was placed in. "Oh my god!" I yelled. I couldn't believe my eyes. Jungkook's entire body was covered with bandages and casts.

"What's wrong with him!?" I yelled. "Almost his entire body of bones are broke, he had bleeding coming from many areas and....he had a concussion...." She said. That sounded like a slap in the face. "he's in a coma....a very deep one....he might not wake up for weeks, months....or years. Or worse, he might not wake up at all" she said.

"W-what do you mean he might not wake up?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, he has severe injuries which he might not recover from" she said before leaving the room.

I put down my crutches and sat next to Jungkook while holding his hand with my right hand. I couldn't stop myself from crying. This world might take away the man I love in this world....

"I'm sorry Kookie....I love you so much, I can't afford to loose you...." I whispered. Minutes later Kai, Seulgi, Taehyung, Irene, and Yeji came running into the room. "JIMIN!!" Yelled Kai while running up to me to give me a huge hug. "We heard about what happened...." he said with tears in his eyes. "I can't believe a stupid driver hit you...." Cried Seulgi. She quickly noticed Jungkook and walked towards him and began crying even worse.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry" Said Taehyung who looked like he just stopped crying. "J-Jungkook....oh my god...." Said Yeji. Irene just remained silent and looked at Jungkook with tears coming from her eyes.

Irene POV

When Jungkook noticed how I was feeling after Momo's death and came to cheer me up I felt....happy....

"Hey Irene, listen....I know how much you miss Momo, she was like a sister to you, but....if you want her to be proud, you have to move on, she wouldn't want to to be depressed. She would want you to live a happy and proud life, with or without her. She died for you"

"Y-your right....thanks Jungkook, but....I just need time to relax and calm down....I'll be fine"

And when you hugged me I felt like I had a urge to live again, knowing i still have people that care about me....you made me realize that, but now that you might not be with us....why even bother living.....?

Your not there to stop my tears....

"Stay strong Irene, you can do anything you set your mind to. Momo knew it too...."

Y-your right Jungkook....

I have to keep fighting..... For my friends, Momo, and you....

We're family now....

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