>>>|I want to talk to you|<<<

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Chapter 32●

" I hope you find your way

Sorry we couldn't make it

Still, I miss you anyway, yeah

I just grew and couldn't break it"



I stood there frozen.


What's he doing me? And how the hell did he know I live here?

"Who's there?!!" Marcus shouted from the living room and Damon frown looking behind me to get a glimpse of who the voice belonged to, I guess and I didn't bother answering Marcus because I was way too shocked and speechless to see Damon standing at the door but I later found my voice and opened my mouth to speak in anger.

"What are you doing here?!"my voice came out harsher that I wanted it to but I don't regret anything. He deserve every bad thing that happens to him.

Damon pulled his gaze from behind me but didn't reply to me, instead his eyes went to my clothes and that's when I remember that I was dressed in a big, male, over sized T-shirt that Bianca said looked cute on me, and shorts underneath.

but however clearing my throat seems to bring him back to earth and he looked up to my face, almost immediately. His eyes gazing over my features as if this was the first time we met and then he finally decided to speak after a while of just staring at me.

"I um....came to talk to you" Damon responded, looking away after clearing his throat and I almost busted out in laughter.

He came to talkme? Why? To hurt me more?

Seriously, just leave me alone!

My anger for him was rising by every passing second and I really tired to keep my mouth shut before I say something to him that I might regret but I just couldn't BUT thankfully before I could've spoke, I was interrupted by Marcus and Bianca.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Marcus said as soon as he was now standing besides me and I jumped a bit when I felt one of his arms around my waist.

This kinda remind me of that time when the ice-cream shop manager mistook Damon and I for a couple and began taking pictures of us because we were their 100th customers and then he wrapped him arms around me. Yeah, this kinda reminds me of that time...

But it's not time to think about those memories. It's time to deal with this jerk standing in front of the door.

I looked down at Marcus's arms almost immediately and then up to meet his face. He just send me a smile and I gulp before turning my focus back to Damon, who was staring at Marcus's arms around me and who's expression had changed to more of an angry one.

"Oh um...this is Damon" I introduced and Marcus and Bianca's expression changed right away to a glare. I guess they had figure out that this was the Damon I've been telling them about.

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