>>>|Stupid Ian |<<<

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*I was gonna let them have sex in the last chapter but I thought about it and decided not too cause I think they should get to know each other better first before they do it.

Enjoy ☺

Chapter 63●
You're all that I'll

Ever need


"Wake up princess" A familiar voice said and I felt a hand lightly tapping me to wake up which I whined to and pushed that hand away, snuggling closer to the warm body that had me in his arms.

I sigh in satisfaction and was once again falling into a deep sleep BUT all of a sudden, I felt something soft on my forehead, then my lips, then my cheeks then all over my damn face and that was waking me up, something I didn't want.

All I wanted was to sleep peacefully!

Dang! Can't even sleep without Someone waking me up!

I groan, opening my eyes to see who I'll have to murder today and saw that it was Damon, littering my face with kisses. I squint my eyes, pushing in off of me with a whined but that dude didn't move, not even a bit.

"Damon! Stop kissing me! Ugh! Can't I just sleep in peace?" I asked with a glare on my face and that cause him to laugh. He pulled away with a smile on his lips then cupped my face with his hands.

"Good morning" he greeted and I rolled my eyes since he didn't hear what I just said cause if he did, he would have stop and let me sleep.

"Yes, yes good morning. Now let me sleep!" I said pushing his hands away from my face but again, it didn't move. How strong is the man

"But it's almost nine in the morning babe." he said, placing a kiss on
my lips then laid down and pulled me into his arms once again.

"Fine then...I'll just not sleep" I said after thinking for a while and he sat up after that, pulling me into his arms again.

We just stayed there silently, feeling each other's warmth and I felt so comfortable in his arms but my head was running wild with all sorts of question I wanted answers to.

I haven't really thought about it before but I think I want to know everything about this man that have me in his arms and I also wanted to find out some stuff about myself, that I'm dying to know.

"Let's play 20 questions" I suddenly spoke up and he hummed in response and I sigh when his hands suddenly went to my hair and stared massaging my scalp, making me more comfortable.

"Okay, um...I'll begin. What's your favorite food to eat?" I asked and he went straight to thinking.

"Hm...my favorite food....that would be spaghetti" he responded and I took note so I can make it for him one day. "And yours?"he asked me my question and I thought only for a second.

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