- T h i r t y n i ne -

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Kenzie and I walked out of the meeting and I took a blurry picture for instagram, I put one of the question things and I titled it: "I'm coming back to YouTube, ask some shit."

I looked at the time and it was 6:14, I was fucking starving. I swung by McDonalds and Dani called me.

Dani: "What are you up to?"

Maddie: "I'm at McDonalds, then I gotta go home and film a video. But besides that a bitch is free."

Dani: "I was just checking up on you, we still on for Monday?"

Maddie: "Yup, I'm good I appreciate you though."

Dani: "Okay, I'm glad you're coming back to YouTube. I love you bye bitch."

Maddie: "I love you too, thanks bitch bye."

Call ended.

I sat in my driveway and ate my food, while I looked at questions. I screenshotted the ones I liked and I had no clue where my camera was, I was thinking about the last time I had it. I bet it's in my junk drawer.

I walked in and I threw my sack away, and I looked in my drawer for my camera. It was there, I'm so smart. Anyways, I looked at the battery and it was surprisingly fulling charged. I set it up on this like bench thing, and I sat on the floor of the middle of my house. I pressed record.

"I don't even know if this is on, but hey. What's up. Okay I'm gonna be real, I don't know what I'm doing. But today I'm answering your questions."

"The first question is Where have you been?"

The only way that I can answer that question is to show you." I'll put together a cute little montage. "But no, I've been everywhere, and I've been doing everything. But when I left, some personal shit was going on. Then when I was gonna come back, I noticed that everyone is the same anymore. Not to eat my own ass, but I don't classify myself as a "basic bitch." I don't think I'll ever classify myself as one either, a personal opinion is I don't think it's... cute when people classify themselves as that."

"The next question, are you gonna delete the videos you did with Nicole?"

No I'm not and let me tell you the only reason why, when I was consistent. I loved this couple on YouTube at the time, and they filmed videos together sometimes. I loved watching them, in my free time I'd watch them. They were my favorite thing to watch, and then they broke up. She deleted all the videos that they filmed together. I was beyond sad, so the only reason I'm not gonna delete them. Is if those are someones favorite videos, I want them to still be there for that person to enjoy. If that makes any sense."

"Next, You and Billie, by the way your guys ship name would be baddie."

"Omg I hate that, Billie bro." I exhaled. "Billie is something else, like I've never met someone like her. She is so career driven but she makes sure that everyone else is happy, she's so funny. Her personality is contagious, like you can be so mad or sad, or like overall just not feeling it. Then if you're around her when you feel this way, you'll almost like vibe off of her. Like you'll catch the energy that she has almost. It's so crazy. But to answer your question, we're really good friends, we're best friends."

"Next. You and Tana."

I laughed, "Bitch. I'll never put another female down, but what she did was slimly as hell."


I have something coming for you like next week so make sure that you keep eyes peeled for that shit."

"How old are you?"

I am seventeen, I'll be eighteen September ninth."

"Where are you from?"

"San Fransisco."

"Not a question but you should film a closet tour."

"I have a glam room, over there, and that's where all my like glam clothes are. Then theres my causal closet or whatever."

"Okay I feel like I talked enough, I don't wanna say I'm back. But I'm back. Thanks for the questions, I love you. I'll see you- I wanna try to upload every Monday, so leave me some ideas. Make sure you follow me on Instagram, linked below. Okay bye, love you thots." 

I stopped the camera from recording, I was like shocked that I was still able to do that. The way that I just did, I picked up my camera and took the memory card and I put it in my laptop. I don't got shit to do tomorrow so I'm just gonna edit and take it easy, this is like the first off day I've had all month. But I'm not gonna edit tonight, I looked at the clock and it's 9:37PM. I feel like I'm forgetting to do something, but I'mma read. I haven't done that in a fucking minute. 

I turned out all my lights, and I walked over to my chair in the corner. I turned on the lamp, and I put on my glasses. I always wear contacts, but I'm ready for bed. But I refuse to read anywhere else besides that chair.

About an hour half later. 11:23PM ← I almost did a normal time, then I looked at it said "Oh no no no, we do not do that here." 

I was reading a book that I started awhile ago, I was dozing off in the chair and I remembered what I forgot. I looked at the clock and it read 11:23, I was supposed to FaceTime Billie.

I rushed over to where I was filming to grab my phone and I see nothing, she relied on me to call her. And I didn't.

I pressed the FaceTime button, it rung and rung. But it didn't ring enough times, she declined the call.


baby im so sorry, I was filming and then I read and then I remembered that I was supposed to call yo-

Incoming FaceTime call from Babies❤️

Billie: "I didn't mean to decline your call, I was looking for my phone."

Maddie: "Oh thank god."

Billie: "What?"

Maddie: "I thought that you were gonna be pissed at me because I forgot to call you."

Billie: "Nah, you were busy I get it- wait look at the camera."

I put my face in the camera.

Billie: "Are you wearing glasses?"

Maddie: "Hey my name is Maddie, and I'm blind." 

Billie: "Awwww look at you, smile."

I huffed and smiled.

Billie: "That's my new lock screen."

Maddie: "I look horrible but okay."

Billie: "You look good, you should wear your glasses more."

Maddie: "I don't think I'll do that."

Billie: "What do you got going on tomorrow?"

Maddie: "I have a video to edit, and an apartment to clean."

Billie: "So it's a chill day for you basically?"

Maddie: "Basically. But what have you been up to though?"

Billie: "I've been at home, I talked to my mom and Finneas."

I knew exactly what her and her mom talked about, I had an idea.

Maddie: "What did you and your mom talk about?"

Billie: "Oh um-"

Maddie: "She texted me."

Billie: "Oh?"

Maddie: "She said that you know about tour."


plot twist bitch lmao jk.

thanks ily

words: 1231 

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