- O n e h u n d r e d & e l e v e n -

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Maddie smiled at the comments, as she walked back towards me. She looked up from her phone and kissed my cheek. If we were anywhere else, then people would have gasped or took pictures. But everyone was really mature and they didn't care what we were doing.

Maddie didn't really leave my side the whole night, because neither of us knew anyone. Like we were literally the youngest people here, I don't think it was that obvious but if you really tried to figure out how old we were, then you could tell.

As the night was winding down, we both knew what needed to happen and I could tell her mood was changing through out the night. I'm not even gonna lie, I don't wanna talk, strictly because I knew what there was a chance of. There's a chance that she doesn't wanna be with me anymore and that's my biggest fear.

Billie: "We gotta talk." I said trying to hide the fact that I was nervous.

Maddie exhaled "I know."

She laced our hands together, and we walked up the staircase to find a private room to talk. You'd be surprised the amount of people crowed in one room, but we finally found one that no one was in. We locked the door, and sat on this fancy couch.

Billie: "Dude, sit closer to me." We both laughed at what I said. As she scooted over towards me, she rested her hand on my thigh.

Billie: "Do you have any questions?"

Maddie: "What happened?"

I exhaled, calling myself stupid. Knowing that's what she was going to ask.

Billie: "Okay so we're going to start from the beginning, this is when dance practice started. My dance teacher, said that her daughter knew all the exercises that I needed to do. So she helped me do them, but then we got caught up talking about her past and why she's helping her mom and what she wants to do. Then we got caught up talking about you, and how you're so perfect. I made it very evident that we were together. I don't know, you and Kylie are very different. Like you both have completely different personalities. Then it was like eleven, and we were just talking about her past. Then next thing you know, I'm looking into her eyes, she has like the craziest color combo eyes. It's almost like a bluish-grey, and I know you don't hear me hype up some other girl but I have to tell you what happened. Then we were both sitting there, and then she leaned in and I leaned in. But I leaned away, and I had the temptation to kiss her, I'm not going to lie to you because I need you to know what happened. Till this day, I still don't know why I would want to kiss her. Because I'm in love with you and I never questioned whether I was or not. I haven't been to dance, even though I'm supposed to be going. Because I meant it when I said, you're my priority and I was lost when I didn't have you."

I could tell Maddie was shocked that I opened up that easily, but I care about her and I need her to know that I'm down for her and her only.

Maddie: "I understand, briefly. I don't know dude, like I wasn't even really hurt or anything, I was mad at myself the most because this is my fault that I got so attached to somebody else again. I mean don't get me wrong, I really enjoy being with you and we had times that I'll never forget. As much as I hate letting myself be vulnerable with someone as much as I am with you, I love it at the same time because you really opened my eyes that someone really can care about me. If you didn't care about me, you wouldn't come to this stupid ass ball just to prove your love. I got mad at you just to prove a point, but I've been miserable. I need everything to go back to the way it was."

Billie: "Wait, so you're saying that you'll take me back?"

Maddie: "Yes, that's all I wanted for the last two weeks."

Billie: "Oh my god! Shorty! You will not regret your decision."

I pulled her into a hug, it was a hug we both needed and I could tell, I was so happy everything was going to go back to the way it used to be.

Billie: "Can we go get food?"

Maddie: "I thought you'd never ask."

I smiled at her and laced our hands together, we walked down the grand staircase and walked to my car. The event wasn't over for another hour, but I could tell we were both happy as hell to get out of there.

Once she got in the car, I rested my hand on her thigh and started driving to the closest Taco Bell. We're in Hollywood and when I say the traffic is horrible right now.

Billie: "Why would you go to Nicole after everything happened?"

I did not mean for that to slip out.

Maddie: "Because as much as I hate to admit this, Nicole's the one who shaped me into this and I hate that. But she knows what she did, and I don't know. I guess I just needed somebody."

Billie: "When's the last time you talked to her?"

Maddie: "Like three days ago for point two seconds."

Billie: "So are you going to stop talking to her?"

Maddie: "She's the one that opened my eyes about how much I'm in love with you, if that's what you want, I'll stop talking to her consistently. But like I can't cut her off."

Billie: "Okay deal."

Maddie: "Are you going to go back to dance?"


this is the chapter you guys have all been waiting for and i've been waiting to write it only because i wanted it to make sense, and it doesn't make sense to me.

in the book, the last chapter will be LIKE september 12th, that's not confirmed but anyways.

thanks ily

words: 1034.

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