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Maddie's POV:

After I dropped Maggie off, I called the twins because Billie was busy and I was bored. So they told me I could come over, I drove over there. It's like 11 at night so I'm feeling a sleepover vibe, but it's more fun when the whole crew is here.

I walked up the path, but I had to pee so bad.


                                                    ill come talk to y'all in a second, I have to pee so bad.


Read at 12:10AM

I walked inside their house quietly and went to the bathroom upstairs, but when I walked down the stairs I heard a voice that I haven't heard in awhile. I didn't turn the corner because it sounded like they were at the door.

Billie: "Dude I almost kissed her, what did I do?"

I'm sorry she did what?

Isaac: "What? Who? You cheated on Maddie?"

Say no, please say no.

Billie: "Yes and no."

I leaned against the wall as I realized that my biggest fear came true.

Isaac: "There is no yes or no, you did or you didn't."

Billie: "I didn't cheat on her, but I had the temptation to dude."

I knew she wasn't telling me something. I just fucking knew it.

I pulled out my phone and texted Isaac.


                                                please get her away from the door so I can leave.

okay, i love you.

                                                    i love you too.

Read at 12:28AM

Issac and Billie walked towards the couch, once I heard both of them sit down I made my way to the door. I didn't care how much noise it made when it closed, I didn't have the energy to care how much noise it made. I stopped right at the end of the stairs, so I can catch my breath and take in everything.

Billie: "Maddie!"

Of fucking course.

Maddie: "No, I don't want to talk to you."

Billie: "Please Maddie, please."

Maddie: "No, you fucked up."

Billie: "You don't think I know that?! I've been eating myself alive for days because of it."

Maddie: "I don't care, you lied to me. I let my guard down, that was my mistake. It was my mistake for thinking you were any different."

Billie: "You don't mean that do you?"

Maddie: "I don't wanna mean that, even though I am pissed at you. But I do mean it, sadly. But you wanna know what boggles my mind?"

Billie: "Hm?"

Maddie: "The fucking fact you knew what I've been through and you said that I didn't deserve anything I was put through. But then you put me through something very similar, I was finally starting to think that I was good enough to maintain you. But I was very wrong, so wrong. But you can go have fun with that bitch you met not even a month ago."

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