Simon|Fake date.

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Title: Fake date.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1136

Fake date.

You walked into the small coffee shop, shrugging off you coat as you did so. Looking around, you saw a man sat alone and assumed he was the guy your friend had set you up with.

"Hey, are you Jake? I think you're the guy Rachel set me up with." You smiled, walking over to his table.

The guy looked up from where he had been reading the menu, a surprised look on his face.

"Umm, yeah. Here take a seat." The guy beamed, moving to pull the chair opposite him out from where it had been tucked under the table.

"Ohhh, a gentleman. I like you already!" You joked as he tucked you in before sitting in front of you again.

"What can I say, my mother raised me right." He laughed with you. You took a minute to look him over.

His hair was cut in a faux style and faded from black to a silvery white, his eyes a greyish colour.

As for what he was wearing, he wore a simple hoodie with the word Sidemen written across the front of it with some grey joggers.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten your name." He spoke, gazing into your (e/c) eyes.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." You beamed, reaching a hand across the table. He shook your hand, speaking his own name.

"S- Jake. Jake M...ichaels." You furrowed you brow at the trouble but simply brushed it off to nerves.

"Well then, Jake, tell me about yourself."

"Ah ah, ladies first." The man smirked at you, watching as you entire face lit up as you laughed.

"Well, if you insist." You joked.

"I'm 25, I was born and raised In Croydon but moved to London a couple of years ago. Ummm, I have two siblings and I'm the youngest of them both." You started, stopping when a waitress walked over.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I take your orders?" She questioned, pen at the ready on her notebook.

"It's fine, I'll have the... Lemon infused green tea please." You beamed, running a finger down the menu quickly.

"I'll just have a latte thanks." 'Jake' spoke, pushing his menu to the side.

"Anything else?" You both shook your heads.

"Lovely, I'll be right back."

"Thank you!" You smiled sweetly before turning you attention back to your date only to find him already staring at you

To say he was attractive would be an understatement and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as his gaze locked with yours.

"Right, I've done me. What about you? I want to know all about Jake Michaels." You teased, watching the boy smile.

"Well, I'm 26 and from Hempstead, I have two older brothers. I went to a private school where I met my best friend." He spoke, you noticed how he seemed to speak with his hands as he would move them around as he spoke.

"Wow, you must've known him for a while then! How'd you become friends?" You smiled, intrigued at private school life.

"It's quite a funny story actually, we started off as enemies. One day we got into a fight in class, our teacher decided to try and force us to be friends. I dare say she succeeded, I walked out of class that day with a bleeding lip and soon to be best friend." He smiled at the memory.

"That's... sweet?" You laughed, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

"What about work, what do you do?" He questioned, thanking the waitress quickly as she gave you your drinks.

"Actually I'm a product tester, I go out and test new products before they hit the shops and evaluate them. The best thing is I get to keep them." You beamed, happily blabbering about what you do.

"That's sick! Anything I might know?"

"Have you heard of Segways? Cause I got to test one of those." You laughed as his jaw fell open.

"No fucking way! You got a free one?" Nodding, you took a sip of your drink before asking him about his job.

"Well, some people don't consider it a job but I do. I'm actually a YouTuber, I make videos and post them to the internet." He seemed nervous.

"That's so cool, got a lot of subs then?" You joked, wiggling your eyebrows.

"You could say that." He smirked, glancing at his phone as a notification popped up.

"Oooo, tell me!"


"Go on!"

"Fine. 8 million." He grumbled. He seemed nervous for your reaction. It was your turn for your jaw to drop.

"Holy fuck! That's amazing." You laughed, looking at the man in front of you. He was famous and you were sat having a normal conversation.

He was looking at you like he had just ruined everything. He must think you were a fan or something.

"Well consider me impressed! I'm not really big with YouTube so I wouldn't know." He visibly relaxed, smiling over at you.

"What can I say, I'm just that likeable." He smirked, leaning back his chair. You rolled you eyes playfully.

"Uh huh, sure." He was about to respond when your phone pinged. Apologising, you went to turn it off.

Seeing a text from Rachel made you pause however. It read:
"Sorry Jake stood you up hun, he was just a bit nervous."

You frowned, quickly texting back:
"What, no he's here with me."

She soon replied:
"Jakes currently sat on my sofa hun..."

Panic ran through your body. If Jake was with Rachel, who the hell were you on a date with? You looked up at the man with a frown on your face.

"That was Rachel, Jakes with her. So who the hell, are you?." 'Jakes' eyes widened as he stuttered to get a scentence out.

"O- Okay. Listen, I- I didn't mean to umm-"

"Explain." You demanded, staring at the man in front of you.

"My names Simon Minter. I'm part of a group of friends called the Sidemen, we're all YouTubers. Everything I told you was true, I'm so sorry I lied about being you date but I just thought that you were really pretty and yeah. I really do like you though Y/n." He sighed, his gaze locked on the table.

"I don't appreciate being lied to, Simon, but I like you too. And as long as you promise to tell the truth from now on... I'd like to see you again." You sighed, sending a small smile the boys way.

"W- What? Thank you! I'd love to see you again." He beamed, his eyes locking with yours once more.

You both exchanged numbers and you left the cafe with a smile on your face.

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