Ethan| Do or die

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Title: Do or Die
Warnings: Swearing
Prompts: 17, 18, 20, 25
Word Count: 1386

Do or die:

The Jackals were one of the toughest gangs in London, notorious for their wit and strength. Their leader, a man who you could pass in the street and just assume he was your average working man. But he was so much more.

He couldn't lead this gang of course, if it wasn't for his right hand man... or woman Y/N. Better known as Phoenix (she thought it best to keep her identity as private as possible.)

To put things simply, she was a badass. Not once had a setup failed nor had she failed to get the job done. She was not to be fucked with. The one person who could make her weak however, was her boyfriend Ethan. Which brings me to the story for today.


"Phoenix! Get in here."

"What is it now?" You joked, dropping into the chair on the opposite side of his desk. He had that look on his face, the one where he knew something that you didn't.

"Well, spit it out then." You grew more serious by the second. He said nothing, simply pushing a file forward implying you should read it. You pulled it towards yourself and read the name and picture paper clipped to the top. You gasped.

"We knew it was coming Phoenix, it was simply a matter of time."

"Yeah, months... not days! We are nowhere near prepared for this sir."

"I have faith in you, and I have partnered you with someone I believe to be the best for this situation." You said nothing, reading into the details of the file, into exactly what you were getting yourself into.

"Ethan Payne? Never heard of him." You said in distaste, placing the file back on the desk and lighting a cigarette. Inhaling the smoke you held it in you lungs for a while, listening to the man explain what was to happen.

"You go tonight, I've sent you the address. And, please, wear something nice."


"I can't believe I'm wearing a fucking dress. Stupid fucking thing, why do they even- oh. You must be Ethan." You stopped abruptly, being met with the face of someone who fit the description (and dress code) of your boss.

"That'd be me. I assume your filled in on what we're doing." You let out a small scoff, making your way to the limousine parched outside the building.

Ethan followed and you spent the car ride talking about exactly what was going to happen and when it was going to happen. He had told you that he was fairly new to the gang to which you let out another scoff, of course the boss would send a newbie.

"Good luck guys." The driver spoke as you climbed out the car and you sent him a small nod before he drove off. Taking a deep breath you moved your way into the club, putting on a happy couple facade with the man beside you.

"Okay... drinks, got to blend in." You spoke, pulling the man towards the bar. The bartender seemed to have disappeared and so you reached over the counter and pulled out a bottle of champagne, proceeding to slip into the crowd as your 'date' followed.

"Isn't that like... illegal?"

"Probably." You shrugged, moving to enter the roped off section of the club. The two of you got to talking whilst you waited and it turned out he wasn't as new as you thought he was, he'd only joined the gang a month ago but he'd known about it for years. You then saw a group leave a room just to the left of you.

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