Harry| Enemies

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Title: Enemies
Warnings: Swearing.
Prompts: 26, 19 & 11.
Word Count: 1601


Today was a good day. You were able to spend time with the sidemen without their seventh insufferable friend and they informed you of a party that they were attending later, inviting you as well as a friend of your choice.

"Wait, whose party is it?"

"One of JJ's mates, they told us to invite a few people and you like a party. Just made sense." Josh spoke, shooting you a confused look as your face twisted.

"He's going to be there, isn't he?"

"If 'he' means boggo then yeah, he'll be there." He laughed and you threw your head back with a groan. The pair of you had never gotten along, he had a talent of getting on your last nerve and whenever the pair of you thing out with friends you always returned home with bitter thoughts racing through your mind.

You finished up the night and then returned to your flat in order to attempt to sleep the drunk away.


It was the night of the party and you had shown up in a bodysuit and a pair of denim short shorts with a friend attached to your arm. You had decided on bringing one of your hometown friends, Ruby, who had only recently moved to London and to say she was exited would be an understatement.

"Okay, ready?" She nodded at the pair of you walked up to the front door, lifting a hand to knock when he door was thrown open. A man that you did not know stood in front of you with a wide smile.

"Welcome ladies!" You laughed and brushed past him scanning the room for anyone you knew. Ruby then pointed out Freya and you beamed striding towards her. Ruby was flirting with a guy and you made a mental note to keep an eye on her that night.

"Frey! I haven't seen you in ages, how's it going girl?" The girl spun around with a grin and wrapped her arms around you giving you a quick kiss on the cheek as a greeting. The pair of you caught up for a minute before she started to lead you into another room.

"Ruby, come on." You called watching her man get pulled away by his friends. She made her way towards you and greeted Freya before the three of you made your way around the house to find the drinks. Freya got called over to another group of friends and so you waved her off and continued to hunt for a drinks table.

"Y/N, hey!" It was Ethan, stood talking to the rest of the boys. He wasn't what interested you though, it was the bottles of alcohol next to him. You grabbed a couple of beers and uncapped them with an odd amount of speed. You handed one to Ruby and clicked glasses.


"Salud." She responded and after taking a long drink you turned to the guys. They were watching you with an amused gaze and you just smiled and waved.

"A party's not a party without a little bit of alcohol." Ruby then began introducing herself to them all and you knew she would be setting her eye on at least one of them that night. Unfortunately, you saw the sly wink that she shot Harry and frowned pulling her aside.

"Why him Bee, the one asshole in the group."

"He's friendly and very easy on the eyes if I do say so myself."

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