Simon| Staring contest

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Title: Staring Contest.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 971.

Staring contest:

"Y/N, let's goooo!" Your friend called as you ran down the stairs, wrapping the hairband around your ponytail one last time. You grabbed your phone from wherever it had been charging and then stood panting in front of her.

"Okay, I'm here. Give me like five minutes to catch my breath and then I'll be with you." The girl rolled her eyes, gripping your hand and dragging you away from the radiator you had been leant on and towards the open front door.

The two of you made your way to the bus stop, laughing at some of the things you saw on the way there. London can be a weird place sometimes. The only reason she had dragged you from your flat was that she was craving Nandos.

"I feel like we haven't talked in ages." She claimed, chuckling as you fell trying to climb the stairs to the top part of the bus- the bottom was full- and you agreed, knowing she'd begin the conversation.

"So, met any good guys recently? You've been single for too long girl." You sighed, rolling your eyes at the girl beside you. She nudged your shoulder, glaring at the side of your head.

"Nope, all the guys in my part of town are either on drugs it dealing them and I don't want part in any of that. What about you though?" You shrugged, you were telling the truth, and most guys just weren't that into you.

"Fair enough, " she laughed slightly " I dated someone a while back but we never got anywhere." You laughed with her before the bus came to a stop at where you needed to get off. The pair of you rushed from the doors and across the road to the restaurant, being greeted and seated soon after.

You were sat at a two-person table, deciding on getting settled before ordering anything other than drinks. The place was fairly empty, it was just you two, a teenage couple and a group of around seven men. Your friend came back from ordering and you beamed towards her, as much as you missed your bed, you did enjoy spending time with her.


Your food arrived soon after and the two of you got stuck in. You had been chewing a piece of chicken when you decided to look around again, the group of guys were still there and one of them had been looking at you. You frowned slightly but held your gaze and for some reason, the man held it too.

Now, being you, you saw this as a competition and shifted in your seat slightly to be facing towards him more and didn't dare blink. He smirked at you and you wiggled your fingers back. Eventually,  one of his friends caught his attention and so did yours.

"F/N, I was just about to win!" You complained as she frowned at you.

"Win what?"

"The starting contest! Duh." The girl just chuckled back at you, she had missed you. The group of guys stood up to leave, walking out your table as they did so. A napkin landed on your lap and you moved it upwards, reading the scribbled words out loud.

"**** *****,
I so won that contest, but I'm down for a rematch." You burst out laughing, now this was new. Your friend snatched the napkin from your grasp, reading it herself before grinning at you.

"Thank fuck, finally a man is interested!" You smacked her arm and the two of you left a tip for the waitress before leaving the restaurant and moving back to the bus stop. The girl would not shut up about the 'cute stranger' and you simply rolled your eyes- over and over and over again.


You watched your friend down the road before heading back to your own flat, making sure to keep the napkin in your pocket. As much if an odd first meeting that was, you had to admit the guy was pretty good looking.

Your phone lay in your hand as you debated texting the number of not. You hadn't dated in a while but as much as the single life was fun, you missed other people's company. Deciding on a simple message, you typed the words onto the screen.

"Hey, it's the girl from Nandos. I totally won but I'm down for that rematch if you are. X"

Hitting send you felt your stomach do a couple of flips and scolded yourself for it. Who did you think you were, getting excited over the idea of a guy you just met. Then your phone chimed and you gripped it tightly.

"Hey girl from Nandos, I'm Simon. You keep on believing that, when and where. X"

You giggled at the joke, a bit bewildered at just how easy he seemed to be able to create messages. You had to debate whether or not it sounded weird or if you were being to forward and then a million other things.

"Its Y/N and I'm free every day this week apart from Thursday. You can just keep dreaming. X"

His reply came soon after and you looked down at the phone, grinning when you read his next words.

"How's tomorrow, 12:00, same place?"

"Someones eager 😂, I'll be there."

You placed the phone down, unable to wipe the smile from your face at the thought of dating again. Your friend will be ecstatic. Then, your phone chimed again.

"Great, what's happening on Thursday? X"

"Now that would be telling ;) x"

"Guess I'll have to force it from you tomorrow. X"

You carried on talking to the man, the occasional but of flirting coming in every now and again. Maybe this guy would be different, you really did hope so.


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