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Title: World War III
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1324


It had been around a year since the war broke out, you had already been part of the army before the conflict and so you were the first to be sent away. You had been promoted to a Seargent and were in control of around thirty-five soldiers. The war was tough, trenches were still a thing and even with new technology Russia was still very close to becoming the ones to win the damned thing.

You were getting a new private today, the government had begun drafting people, any man (or woman) seen as fit enough were forced to join. And so there you were, sat in the dugout with the other higher-ups, waiting for the message to inform you of the new soldier.

"Y/N, Ma'am, the new private had arrived. I was asked to tell you that you've got another two joining as well." A sigh escaped your lips, typical. Three new soldiers instead of one. You stood, preparing to go and greet the men.

"Well, see ya boys." You smiled, mock saluting the men sat around the crate with a stack of cards. They all laughed and bid you goodbye before you ducked under the small doorway and left to find these new men. It wasn't hard to spot them, for they were stood shifting from foot to foot in the middle of the trench whilst other soldiers mocked them.

"You must be Minter. And you two are...?" you trailed off, reaching out to shake the taller man's hand. He nodded and shook your hand rather firmly. Turning to the other two, you raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"Olatunji, ma'am."

"Um, Brown, " his friend nudged him in the side. "ma'am." You nodded once and saw the higher up leave, breaking out into a smirk.

"I'm Sergeant L/N, but you can call me Y/N whenever we aren't being watched by the folks who don't stay in the trenches. They act as though we're in the olden days!" The three looked at each other confused and you et out a laugh. "You'll get used to it, now, names?"

"Simon, Simon Minter ma'am." You sighed with a small smile.

"Quit it with the ma'am! I want us to be friends. So, Simon..." You trailed off looking to the other two men at the side.

"Olajide. Please call me JJ though."

"Tobi. I'm Tobi." You nodded and then decided it was time to introduce them to everyone. A shrill whistle flew from your lips and all soldiers went quiet.

"Alright guys, this is Simon, JJ and Tobi. The poor sods are joining us in this dammed war, so give 'em a welcome before I show 'em the bunks, yeah?" The men whistled and smiled a few patting the others on the back as you led them through the trench.

"I'd keep your head down if I were you, the Russians like to think of it as target practice if you will." They all ducked down lower and you nodded, leading them into the dugout where most cots we're stored.

"Okay then, three empty cots over there. Each has your packs on, I'll leave you to get acquainted. Unless you know each other before all this." They blinked at you and you raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, umm, yeah we were mates. Our other friends are in the trench a few miles down, good that sounds weird." The man you knew to be Tobi spoke with a small frown. You sent him a sad smile before leaving.


"Well then, how were they? Any of them take your fancy?" The captain, Lilly, spoke wiggling her eyebrows. You scoffed, accepting the glass of whiskey that was offered to you and took a seat on a crate.

"The usually, nervous wrecks, ma'am and all that. Although Tobi seemed sweet. Tobi Brown his name was." The woman smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. Just then a private entered the dugout, you smiled pulling up a crate and letting it.

"Hey Liam, what's up." The young man smiled, taking a seat beside you. You felt bad for the lad, only 19 and out fighting a war. He smiled over at Lilly and then spoke to the two if you.

"Message from the mains, they're saying that there's to be a raid next month. That Y/N is going to be in charge of it and to choose ten privates to go with her. We're to grab one of the Russians and drag 'em back 'ere." A deep frown settled on your face, you had survived before but your luck would have to run out sooner or later.

"Thanks lad, you'd best head back out yeah?" He nodded and left. You turned to go Lilly with a sigh and began discussing who would go with you.


It was amazing, how close you could get to somebody in a month. Hey, shared trauma I guess. Tobi had asked you to be his girlfriend a week ago and you hadn't gotten over it since.

There was a week until the raid and the higher-ups had changed their plan. They were now deciding who went on that trip and who didn't. You prayed for the men and women who were chosen.

Tobi shook you from your thought by flopping down in the bunk beside you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You laughed, turning to face him.

"Hi there, shouldn't you be at your station?"

"Lunch break." He smirked back at you and you let out another laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. And there you would stay until time ran out.


"Liam, grab Simon. Zach, Alex, keep hold of that Russian and Tobi, do not close your eyes!" You screamed, guiding your troops back to safety. They all jumped down into your trench and both Tobi and Simon were wheeled off to be treated medically.

The Russian scrambled away from you and you sent a soft smile her way, holding a hand out. She took it hesitantly and you led her into the dugout, placing her in a cot. She was only young, Liam's age maybe, stuck in a shit situation like the rest of you. Maybe a bit shitter though.

You handed her a blanket and cup of tea before leaving her with the higher-ups with one last smile. Tobi was awake, barely, his left side covered with blood-stained bandages. You ran to his side as he panted, the medic told you that he couldn't do anymore and it was up to the man to recover in his own.

"Come on Tobs, stay with me, " The man just squeezed your hand, breathing getting heavier. "No no no, don't go dying on me now. We were gonna grow old, have kids, tell them tales of mummy and daddy off fighting the bad guys. We were gonna get married, travel the world. We weren't gonna die on a lumpy cot in a stinkin' trench in the middle of nowhere."

The man dropped your hand and tears streamed down your face. And then you realised he was still breathing and just unconscious.

"Seriously? I got all sappy and your just sleeping? What am I gonna do with you?" You shook your head, gripping his hand once more.


You stuck true to your word, Tobi recovered, you won the war, travelled the world. He proposed in front of the Eiffel tower and you had a summer wedding. Two beautiful kids we're raised, growing to know just how brave their parents were and you grew old together.

"Told ya." You smiled over at the man beside you. He looked up from his device and gave you and inquisitive look. "We did it all." He clocked on and shot you a smile, kissing your cheek just as he used to.

As shit as that war was, it was all with it.

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