Vik| Late night questions

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A/n: this is incredibly short but I'm tired and no one really likes the Vik imagines anyway🤷🏼‍♀️

Title: Late Night Questions.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 283

Late Night Questions:

You should've been asleep, you knew that, but he was snoring and the storm was relentlessly bashing a branch against your wall. You should have let him sleep, you knew that too, but when did you ever listen to what you knew?

"Vik, Vik! Are you awake?" You were met with a grumble and the small amount of duvet you had left being torn from your body. Rolling your eyes, you yanked it back and the man shot up with a yell.

"Y/N? What are you still doing up? Cold." he mumbled, taking back his share if the covers. You scoffed and lay back onto your pillows.

"Can't sleep."

"Have you tried?"

"Not necessarily." The man chuckled, flopping over to fling an arm around your torso. "Can I ask you a really stupid question that I've been thinking if all night?" The man muttered a yes and you were off.

"Why did Sally sell seashells by the seashore if you can pick them up as you walk?"

"I don't know sweetheart, got any more odd inquiries or can I go to sleep?" You weren't going to turn down the offer.

"Whose idea was it to put an 's' in lisp? What was the best thing before sliced bread? Why is donkey kong called 'donkey' kong if he's a monkey? And my personal favourite, if you choked a Smurf, what colour would it turn?"

You waited for a chuckle or a sarcastic remark, instead, being met with snores. He'd fallen asleep on you, again.

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