Josh| Locked in

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Title: Locked In.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1068

Locked In:

"You seriously couldn't have just waited in the car?" You complained as Josh appeared by your side whilst you made your way towards the office building. The man smirked down at you whilst you fumbled with the car keys.

"Nope, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk into an empty building alone" You could hear the smile in his voice and had no doubt that he was still watching you instead of the way he was going. Rolling your eyes, you continued to the door and pushed it open, reminding the man to stay outside. He simply smirked and shook his head, venturing into the building himself.

"Josh, you don't even know where you're going!" You ran in after the man, deciding on just letting him be. Your office was on the fourth floor and so the pair of you decided on taking the elevator. It didn't take long for you to find your phone, for you had set it on the desk after all.

Grabbing your phone and then your boyfriend's hand, you lead him back towards the elevators and eventually the front door. Only, once you had reached said door and had moved to pull it open you found it to be locked.

"What do you mean locked? Here, let me try." Josh pushed you out of the way and moved to attempt to open the door himself. You watched with a smirk as he took a step back and frowned once it wouldn't open for him either. A scoff escaped your lips before you could help it and the man looked at you with an eyebrow raised.

"If you had just stayed in the car like I asked we wouldn't be it this situation. The keys are in my bag." You frowned, you hated being right sometimes. Josh shrugged, moving towards the staircase as if he were going somewhere.

"Well, " He stopped by the stairs and turned to look at you, " Coming?" You shrugged, moving to join him with a small huff of annoyance. To be honest, you were almost a little glad that the pair of you were stuck in the building, for you hadn't spent a lot of time together recently. The man ended up leading you to your break room where he opened the small fridge and took out a couple of Doctor Peppers.

"My phones dead, I can't call anyone and no one will answer if you call cause its an unknown number." You informed, accepting the can he offered you. Josh simply shrugged and moved to leave the room once again.

"So, Y/N, what do you do for fun around here?"

"Fun?" You let out a curt laugh before continuing, "The only fun thing to do in here is stack post-it notes and that's hardly the thrill of a lifetime." Josh chuckled at you statement before wandering through the halls once more with you hot on his tail. There were cameras set up around the building and so if anyone were to check them, you'd be in deep shit.

The pair of you proceeded into a meeting room where he cleared the table of a few papers and then turned to face you with an all too recognisable look in his eye. You raised your hands and began retreating from the room, all whilst shaking your head 'no'.

"Oh come on, you don't even know what I was gonna say?"

"No, but knowing you it's gonna be something reckless and I don't have the energy right now." You frowned, watching as the man stalked towards you with an odd smile on his face. He was soon within arms reach and he immediately grabbed you around the waist before lifting you so that you were stood on the table.

"There, now you're already doing something 'reckless' now lets actually have some fun." He smirked as you dropped from the table and tried to fight back your smile.

"You're so persistent."

"You're so easy to win over."

"Touche." You giggled and allowed him to drag you back to the break room where you kept the few cushions and other comfy bits for chairs. He piled as many into his arms as possible before returning back to the meeting room.

"What's this then?" You smirked, watching as he set them up a the end of the table. Without warning, he spun around and pointed a finger in your direction.

"I challenge thee to a table gliding contest!" You let out a bewildered laugh as he pranced forwards and held a hand out. "Ladies first, as always."

"Now who said I agreed to this?" You giggled, accepting the offered hand and watching his face light up. He led you towards the chair he had placed down and helped you to get into the right 'position.'


"Josh I don't know if-"


"I didn't say I was ready!"

"Go." And with that, he pushed you forwards so that you could slide along the length of the table, stopping around three-quarters of the way. You were breathing heavily and we're finding it rather difficult to wipe the grin from your face.

"Right, " You sat up suddenly and beamed at the man, "Your turn." You watched him prepare his cushions and scurried to get off the table once you saw him move to run forwards.

He winked at you before launching himself at the furniture and gliding across it with a loud shout. You then let out a rather unattractive snort as he went flying off of the other side, landing in the floor with a 'thud'.

He sat up and you ran over, landing on the floor beside him, "You managed to land right beside the blanket and I'm tired now so..." Josh laughed and the two of you lay on the carpeted floor.

"I won."


The next day, you had been let out and were already back at the workplace when you were pulled aside by one of your bosses.

"Miss L/N, can we have a chat in my office please?" A groan escaped your lips and you tiptoed over to the room with your head hung low.

" It's about the cameras..."

A/N: I have been in a depressed lump these past few days and haven't updated but here's a shit one to get you by. Also, requests may take a bit longer to write x.

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