Tobi| Hide & seek.

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Title| Hide & seek.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 921

Hide & seek.

Tired, you began setting up railings outside of the venue. Today was the day of the wireless festival and you were one of the people called to help set up.

"Hey, Y/n, you heard of the people who paid to have the venue whilst we set up?" Your friend Eliana asked, walking over to help you haul the metal to its place.

"No, what're they doing?" You inquired, looking around. There were a group of seven men all holding cameras stood in the middle of the railing you just set up.

"Playing hide and seek, they're like YouTubers or something." She spoke, you could practically feel her rolling her eyes.

"Like we do on our breaks hey?" You chuckle, nudging her shoulder. She laughed along with you and the two of you moved onto helping with setting up some decorations.

Little did you know, a man was watching you from across the land. His friends engaged in a conversation.


"Hey! Follow me, quick!" You whisper yell as a tall man holding a camera sprinted towards you. He looked behind him before diving towards the trees where you were stood.

"Here, he's just been to the back but so you should be good back there for a while." You smile jogging in that direction. He smiled and followed you.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked as you arrived. You laughed as you panted, you really needed to work out more.

"My friends and I play on our breaks, plus I'm really bored. Railing get boring after a while." You joked, they guy smiled before spotting two of his friends. He thanked you before running to join them.

You saw that the bins were either upside down or knocked over and so went to fix them. You looked in the direction of the bean bags to see a man looking you way. You sent a smile and he waved back.

Just then you noticed the person you knew to be the seeker and pointed in his direction, gesturing to get down. He did and you giggled to yourself, watching the other two that were there get down as well.


"So E, fancy going out Saturday?" You smiled, you and Eliana were currently sat on some beanbags out overlooking the preparations.

"Hell yeah! We need to get some shopping in." She laughed, pointing at the top she was wearing. It was quite clearly getting to small and she was constantly pulling it down.

"Okay then, I'll text you the details?" You speak, looking around. You hadn't seen the group of boys in a while and were wondering what was going on. Eliana simply nodded, examining her nail, she had broken it moving one of the countless railings.

"I wonder where those- hello?" Then same man from earlier had just sat down with you.

"Hey sorry, trying to blend in." He laughed, pulling his camera out again.

"It's fine! Who are you guys then?" You asked, smiling.

"I'm Tobi, the others are JJ he's the seeker and then there's; Simon, Josh, Harry, Vikk and Ethan." He explained and you nodded.

"What's going on then?" You asked, you truly were bored.

"So, I hid in the beanbags over there."

"Did he find you?"

"No, me and Ethan hid in the beanbags. And then Dimon and Josh got chased out of here and then JJ chased them, he caught Josh. Simon came and joined me and Ethan."

"Oh, So Simon was the one I helped." You say, now understanding.

"Yeah but then JJ found Simon and Ethan but he didn't find me. So I thought like oh I can't just stay here so now I'm trying to find somewhere else." You nod along, laughing.

"Wait, I'm gonna call Josh." He laughed, pulling his phone out, Eliana laughed and stood up saying something about coffee.


"Ohh, put it on speaker." You called, he did.

"Hey, can you pass the phone to my man Olajide?"

"I'm already here you prick!"

"Hey hey, I'm in a very chill environment. You know, I'm in a lot of shade it's very cool." You contend to listen as he explained the space you were in.

He then hang up and laid in next to you, you laughed and continued chatting. He was a very nice guy, funny too. Not go forget he was also quite attractive.

"Hey, hold up. They're here!" You say, spotting the group from across the way. JJ ran towards the pile of beanbags and the others spotted him. They seemed to be keeping quiet though.

Then people started shouting about trees and security and a couple of them ran off. The others were giving hints as to where Tobi was.

"Hey, quick he's gonna figure it out!" You whisper, standing up. He gets up as well, but it's too late. They had found him, yelling about how he had won.

"Hey, it's you!" Simon cheered, and you laughed. Tobi pulled you to the side quickly and the others ran off towards a tree where a crowd had gathered.

"Hey umm, would you like to go out some time?" He asked, smiling at you. You beamed, pulling your phone out.

"Of course!" You laugh, handing him your phone. Then you got radioed to head backstage and had to leave.

"Hey, sorry but that's my call. Text me soon!" You smile giving him a quick hug and jogging off. Eliana was going to go mad when she found out.

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