Harry| Crossbar

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Title: Crossbar
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 879


"Okay Y/n, ready to go?" Your boyfriend asked as you tied the laces to your trainers.

"Yeah, I'm gonna kick your ass." You joked, not realising what you were actually doing today. Harry simply laughed and ruffled your hair before walking towards the front door.

"Race ya!" You call as the two of you begin the walk down the stairs. He lets out a shout and you hear the sound of clambering footsteps behind you. Just as you placed your hand on the door handle however, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and lifted your feet from the ground.

"No fair!" He simply laughed, placing you back down and walking to the car. You climbed in and he started the car, driving off to wherever you were headed. You watched the side of his head as he sang along to the song on the radio, noticing how his top lip formed into a heart-like shape.

"You know, it's not nice to stare." He chuckled. You laughed as he pulled into a parking space next to a park.

"Uh Oh." Harry chuckled as you realised what the video was. You climbed out of the car and he went to set up the camera. After you had slowly made your way over to the goal post Harry pressed the play button.

"Hello! And welcome to the crossbar challenge with-"

"Meeeeeeeeee" You ran and attempted to tackle the boy. Keyword- attempted. You ended up jumping on him and then sliding to hit the floor.

"What on Earth was that!" You were giggling uncontrollably and he just stood and watched, that had definitely made the video. Harry eventually helped you up and you started the video.

"Rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?" You nod and throw your hand out ready.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" You threw rock, he threw paper. The camera angles had been set up and you were now sat watching as Harry lined up his shot. He ran towards the ball, kicking his foot out and sending it flying away over the goal post.

"What was that!" You call, standing to go and fetch your ball. He groaned and went to stand behind the camera. You smiled at the camera and ran towards the ball, kicking it and watching as it just rolled into the goal.

"Well, that was pathetic." You complain, jogging over to your boyfriend. He turned the camera off and went to grab the ball, calling for you to turn it back on a few minutes later.

"Go on babe!" You scream as he kicks the ball, it flies through the air before hitting the crossbar. He throws his hands up and runs in a circle before running over to you. You celebrate before it was your turn once more. You take a deep breath before booting the ball upwards. It flies just under and into the goal again.

"Gods sake!" You scream, turning and stomping back to the camera. Harry laughs and pats your head before taking his turn again.

It carried on like that for a while until you had finished. In the end, he had gotten three whilst you had hit it twice. The two of you then did a trick shot round.

"Okay, I'm gonna do this one blindfolded." He explained to the camera before pulling his hat over his eyes. You winked at the camera before running over and stealing the ball.

"Wait, what the?!" He yelled before turning to see you doubled over in laughter at the way his leg twisted when he went to go and kick it. He ran and tackled you, laughing and teasing before you two wrapped up the video.

"Okay guys, that's it for today. I don't know when I'll upload again so I hope you enjoyed!" He then spun around and the two of you kicked a football at the crossbar, hearing two satisfying 'clinks' as they hit the bar.

"That was sick!" He called, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggled and the two of you shared a quick kiss before heading home.


"Today was fun." You curled up against your boyfriend's chest, he was editing the video but you were in an annoying mood.

He smiled at you before gently moving your head. You pouted and moved to have your legs over his, deciding on just laying there.

"Babe, I have to edit." He groaned and you got up, he seemed stressed.

"Sorry Har, I'll go make us some tea." You smiled, watching him get back to deciding what got into the video and what didn't.

Handing him his tea, you rubbed the boy's feet before heading up to bed with a quick goodnight. He waved you off and you climbed in feeling a little lonely.

A while later he got in next to you, pressing a kiss to your neck.

"I'm sorry n/n, I just wanted to get that video up." You smiled and pressed your back into his chest, taking his hand in yours. And just like that, the two of you fell asleep thinking about the crossbar.

I'm so sorry, this is crap with a capital C. I'm back at college so I'm rushing.

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