JJ| Jealous prank

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Title: Jealous Prank.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count:1867

Jealous Prank:

"Hey, what is up guys? It's your girl Y/YT/N, Y/N, Y/N/N, that H/C girl, all of the above. Welcome or welcome back to my channel. I'm gonna attempt to keep this short, umm." You laughed, readjusting the camera slightly.

"Hey love, have you seen my tripod? The one that I use for str- oh shit sorry, didn't know you were filming." The door had flung open and in walked JJ, a camera in hand and eyes searching the room for this missing tripod.

"Oh, the one with the red stripey thingys? It's on the windowsill." You smiled, gesturing in the vague direction. He grabbed it and left a quick kiss on top of your head before leaving the room. You turned back to the camera with a smile.

"Anyway, this is basically me playing a prank on JJ. I'm going to try and make him jealous over the next week or so... You'll see what I mean throughout the video. Enjoy I guess." You pressed the off button and moved to go and join JJ in the living room.

He was filming something and so you kept quiet, getting a drink from the fridge before standing to watch whatever it was that he was doing. To be completely honest you were admiring the way his biceps flexed as he moved the camera around the room.

Once he had finished he moved over to you, placing the camera down on a table on the way. You beamed, opening your arms and falling onto him just as he stopped a few inches away from you. He was warm, and he smelt good and his arms made you feel secure.

"Hey, baby."



"Okay, so I'm pulling a prank on JJ where I like flirt to try to make him jealous and stuff. So if I make any flirtatious comments don't worry about it." You explained as JJ left the room to get a glass of water. You had set up a couple of cameras to catch his reaction. And with that, the prank began.

The man soon returned and you all continued your night. The guys had begun a game of FIFA and you took your chance to begin the comments. As soon as Simon scored a goal you let out a yell of excitement. They continued to play and you continued to support anyone who wasn't JJ.

"Wow Harry, you're really good at this." JJ turned to give you an almost quizzical look. You simply ignored him and continued to watch their game. "That was sick!" You exclaimed as Harry did a small trick, JJ simply let out a grunt.

Simon then appeared drinks, handing them around to everyone. He got to you and you winked to let him know what you were about to do, he sent a smirk which let you know he'd gotten the message.

"Aww, my favourite! You're too kind to me Simon."

"Yeah Simon, so kind," JJ grumbled and you let out a small smile before sending a confused look his way. He simply moved from where he had been stood in the doorway to sit down next to you on the sofa. A small smirk settled on your lips as you realised that this was working.

The night continued, you continued to make the occasional comment and JJ continued to stay as close to you as possible. The boys all left and at the end of the night, he didn't question you, didn't even mention it. But he did hug you a little tighter in bed that night.


A day had passed and this time you were tagging along to a training session with JJ. It turned out that Ethan was coming along as well and so that made your plan even better. The pair of you arrived outside the gym and headed inside in order to begin whatever it was that the man was going to be doing that day.

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