Ethan| Sick day

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Title: Sick Day.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1363

Sick Day:

Mornings had never been your thing, nor had they been Ethan's which might have been the reason why you were already on your third cup of coffee. It was the half-hour that the pair of you had before the morning rush hour where it was a whirl-storm of school uniforms, packed lunches and hairdos. Ethan appeared behind you, a small groan escaping his lips as he embraced you. You sighed and lent your head back against his chest, closing your eyes for a minute.

"Morning bubs." He spoke, voice muffled by your hair before he placed a kiss upon the top of your head. You glanced at the clock and groaned slightly, it was time to wake the kids. Pulling away from the warmth of your boyfriend's chest, you kissed his lips lightly before placing your coffee mug on the side and holding a hand out towards the man.

"Come on, let's go get Thing 1 and Thing 2." Ethan chuckled and grabbed your hand, kissing it and walking towards the door with all the stickers on it. You pushed open the door with a smile and slowly entered the room. The strings of fairy lights were still on and left the room with a warm glow.

"I'll get Holly, you get Oscar?" The man questioned, raising an eyebrow in your direction as you nodded and moved towards the race car bed pressed against the right corner of the room. You knelt down and moved to press a kiss to the boy's forehead, muttering his name softly. Oscar was very easily woken and so that was all it took for him to rub his eyes tiredly and blink up at you.

"Morning sweetheart." You smiled before turning to see how Ethan was doing with Holly. He was knelt down just like you, shaking the little girl's shoulder slightly before pressing a kiss to her forehead. Your heart swelled as the girl shot up and wrapped her arms around the man with a giggle.

Oscar suddenly let out a cough from behind you, and then a wail. You were by his side in an instant, pressing a hand to his forehead only to reel back once you felt it's heat. This was not good, you couldn't take the day off work again. Ethan was soon by your side with a thermometer and calpol. The boy had a temperature and soon complained of a stomach ache as well.

"Shit, we can't send him to school but I've got to be in today, we've got a new trainee and nobody else can handle him." You turned to the man beside you, letting him place a hand on your shoulder.

"Bubs, don't worry. I can stay at home today, the viewers will understand if the videos a bit late. Now you go get Holly ready and I'll take care of this one." He directed the last of the sentence to the boy sat in the bed beside you, leaning down to ruffle his hair.

And so you did, leaving the room to get the 5 year old dressed and fed as well as braiding her hair and packing a lunchbox to her liking. Leaving her to her breakfast, you moved to get dressed and ready for your own day. It didn't take long and you were soon prepared to leave, deciding on popping your head round the bedroom door for a minute.

"I rode the purple hellephant, I tamed the scary flumblebee. I put that zoo back in place and I made the monsters scared of me." The man closed the book and placed a kiss on Oscars forehead. You walked into the room and let Holly say goodbye to her dad whilst you said bye to Oscar. Then you kissed the man goodbye and prepared to leave the room.

"You're sure you're okay to do this?" You worried, glancing at your child.

"Y/N, we'll be fine. No need to worry, right little man?" Oscar nodded from his bed and you smiled over at him before actually leaving the two and heading to the school and then to work.


Ethan lifted the child up and onto his waist as he left the warm light of the bedroom and into the slightly harsher one in the rest of the flat. He was going to be the best dad he could be today. Y/N would've laughed at that.

He set Oscar down onto one of the kitchen stools and moved to be stood on the other side of the counter. The child watched him with curious eyes as he began shuffling around in a drawer.

"Right, here it is, " The man placed a chefs hat on his head and the child instantly burst out laughing. "What would you like chef daddy to make for you today? We have toast, yoghurt, I will even chop up some fruit to go with the yoghurt. Oh, and this is one of our most popular options, cereal."

"Ummm, " Oscar smiled widely at his father, quite distracted from the ache in his head, "Yoghurt!" Ethan grinned at his son and bowed lowly, the hat falling from his head.

"Your wish is my command, young sir." And so he busied himself with chopping fruit and scooping a few spoonfuls of yoghurt into a bowl before presenting it to his son with a bow. The child giggled in the way that only a child can and began spooning the breakfast into his mouth.

Ethan then moved to the sofa area where he busied himself with building a blanket fort in front of the television, filling it with pillows and a few of Oscar's favourite stuffed toys. The child was soon finished and came trotting over, a large smile taking over his features.

"No way!" Ethan chuckled before scooping the boy up and setting him gently inside the fort. He turned on the TV and put on some cartoons before wrapping an arm around his son and letting him bury his head into his side.

A few hours passed, Oscar had had a few grizzly moments where his head throbbed a bit too hard or his stomach squeezed just a bit too tight but other than that it had been rather peaceful. They were interrupted from the rather loud voice of SpongeBob however, with the click of a door.


You pushed the door open and let Holly run into the flat before you. Placing her bag and lunchbox onto the kitchen counter, you turned to be met with the sight of a fort in the middle of your living room. Holly was giggling as Ethan tickled her stomach and Oscar was quite contentedly snuggled into a pile of pillows.

"Well then, what did we miss?" You laughed, making your way over to sit underneath the blankets as well. Oscar flung himself into your arms and you kissed his head with a smile. Ethan was watching you with a smile in your face.

"Daddy made me breakfast and he built this fort and we watched cartoons all day, my tummy still hurts though." You looked up at the man a few inches away from you and quirked an eyebrow, he simply shot you a smirk.

The kids soon ran off to colour and you buried your head into the crook of your boyfriend's neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you laid there for a minute, pushing away the urge to sleep. You soon lifted your head to press a kiss to the man's lips, lingering a couple of inches away from his face for a minute.

"Thank you."

"What for Bubs?"

"Everything, I can't imagine not having you here." The man pressed a long kiss to your forehead and chuckled slightly.

"I love you." Before you could respond, a pillow hit the back of your head. You turned to see a grinning 5-year-old. She giggled before squealing as Ethan scooped her back into the blanket shelter. Oscar came running in and you held your arms open for him to run into. You the settled back into Ethan's side and that was where you spent the rest of the afternoon.

A/N: This was requested by byghead123  and I kind of like it, I'm sick at the moment so I just wanted to get this out.

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