Harry| Neighbors

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Title: Neighbors.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions drugs.
Word count: 1015.


You were entering your apartment complex after walking home from work when you saw it. The thing that started the whole fiasco in the first place. It hung pinned to the notice board scribbled in messy handwriting and black pen. A note, a note that read:

To room 306,

Please keep your dogs barking to a minimum, it gets very irritating.

Room 305.

You let out a scoff, you knew your dogs barked a lot and sure, maybe it would be a bit irritating, but it was his own fault. It was a bit annoying really, they had to pin it up for all to see instead if just leaving their flat to walk three steps to the next one?

And so the next day there you were, pinning a note up next to the one addressed to you. It was funny really, the two of you clearly didn't like the other and yet- because other occupants of the building would be reading them- they were all formal.

"Room 305,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps if my dogs couldn't smell the excessive amount of marijuana coming from your flat the wouldn't go so crazy.

Room 306.

That day you walked to work with a busy mind, who was room 305 and why were you so worried about them? Maybe you had passed them in the hallway, exchanged a polite nod. Maybe you had held the door that once time, helped pick up some fallen coins, kept the elevator door open.

Even so, they seemed like an ass. Sure, maybe you were just saying that because you felt insulted, but would you admit it? No. You made it to work, confiding in a coworker about your troubles with room 305. They just laughed, told you that you'd end up falling in love.

The day dragged on and you returned to your building, having forgotten about the whole neighbour fiasco. You stepped past the notice board, not paying any attention to it when you noticed a new sheet of paper. It was written in the same messy handwriting and the same place ink.

Room 306,

That. Is only for weekends and your hounds from hell yip all day every day, so I'd appreciate it if you found some way to shut them up.

Room 305.

Eyebrows furrowed and a dark look upon your face, you sprinted upstairs to unlock your flat and get to writing a response. So much for being civil. The notice board now held yet another note for your neighbour.

Room 305,

Is that so? Because I know that the smell isn't coming from 307 or any other of our neighbours, considering the wall that it's wafting through is the one connected to your room. My dogs are well trained and only bark when that smell comes flooding through. I'd appreciate if you left us alone from now on.

Room 306.

So maybe it was a bit rude, but he was too! You were sure that the notes would end at that but surely enough the next day there it was. Same messy writing, same black ink. You were shocked, they just would not give up, would they?


The notes had been being pinned for around a month now and it had grown into more of a feud than a conversation between two neighbours. You were sure the other residents of the building were loving it, it was probably the only bit of excitement they'd seen in months. You still hadn't met Room 305, that was until that one evening.

You had been returning from a late shift at your job and were fumbling with the key in the lock. The door beside yours opened and there he stood. Dishevelled brown hair and deep chestnut eyes, he watched as you left the key in the lock, freezing for a second.

"You." You seethed, taking a step forward. The man stepped from his flat, an awkward look taking over his face.

"Oh, umm hi. I'm-"

"My dogs are perfectly well trained, I never play any loud music in the mornings, my doorstep is always pristine, I haven't any pictures hanging on the connecting wall and I most definitely do not some weed." You stepped forward with every complaint said, pointing a finger into his chest.

"-Harry." You took a step back, turning your key in your lock and stepping into the room. Then you turned to see the guy still looking at you and called out.

"Its Y/N."


Weeks passed, the notes had stopped and you and Harry hadn't spoken a word to each other. The occasional nod was exchanged but nothing major, that is until you were cornered one evening when you were entering your flat and someone was leaving his.

"Oh my God, you must be the famous Y/N. Bog's been talking about you for a while now." You frowned at the stranger, moving to be a step into your home.

"Um, hi. Who's Bog?"

"Oh, Harry, sorry I should've known he hadn't spoken to you. I'll be going now, bye Bog!" And with that, the redhead sauntered off, leaving you alone with the now red in the face Harry. He scratched the back of his head, glancing awkwardly at you.




You walked out of your bedroom, preparing two mugs ready for tea- or in your case coffee- and watched as the brown-eyed man left it too. His hair looked just as dishevelled as the day you had first met him and he simply walked up to the counter and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Morning Har."

"Morning babe." You smiled, leaning back into his chest with a sigh. It was a weekday which meant you had to head out to work soon. But for the time being, you two were making the most of the time you had with the other. Eventually, though, you had to leave.

"Bye hun, have a good day at work."

"Bye Har, love you." Huh, guess your coworker was right.

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