Vikk| Rollercoasters.

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Title: Rollercoasters.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 750

"Fuck that. Nope, no way." Your best friend groaned, still trying to drag you into the que for Thorpe Parks 'stealth'.

"Oh come on Y/n, I'll be there next to you. You'll be fine." She continued to beg, you dug your heels into the ground.

"I will not, you know what happens last time. That was my favourite pair of shoes." You sigh at the memory, the last time you had been on a roller coaster your shoe had flown off and hit a pigeon.

"That was one time! Come on, pleaseeeee?" Her eyes grew wide and a pout grew on her face. You had been met with this face countless times before, a similar look growing on your face. The stare off was a common occurrence, whoever won always got their way.

"Shit." A sudden shove from behind you forced you to break your gaze and your friend exclaimed in excitement. Grumbling, you got into the line for the rollercoaster.

You were behind a group of boys, they were all shoving each other and having fun. Not helping but being a little jealous, you decided to forgive the girl next to you. However, once you saw the nervous look on her face you glared.

"Oh no. You are not chickening out now!" She looked at you apologeticly, claiming that she would keep her promise.


Around half an hour later, you were finally being seated. You had unfortunately not been put next to your friend and she was going to have to be in the one behind you. However, before she could climb on she made her way away from the rude mouthing a sorry to you.

"You Bitch!" You screamed, hearing the guy next to you chuckle. Snapping your head in his direction, you noticed how he was actually quite attractive. Black hair and brown eyes with a wide smile wearing a branded T-shirt, you smiled at him.

"Sorry, she dragged me here only to leave me at the last moment." You rolled your eyes and he smirked.

"Not a big fan of rollercoasters hey?" You laughed.

"No, I love em. Just been a bit afraid to since last time." He looked confused, shaking his head anyway.

"I'm Vikk." He smiled, as the ride began to start up.


"Well, Y/n, if you do get scared. Feel free to hold onto me." You laughed, nodding and holding onto the railing in front of you. Making sure to keep both feet planted on the ground.

The ride eventually began trailing upwards and you felt your heart beat faster against your chest, watching the ground get farther and farther away. You could no longer smell the food being sold and could only hear the edited chatter of the others on the ride.

"Why's they have to leave us up here for so long." You complained as the ride continued to slowly ascend.

"I guess it's to make it more exiting." Vikk laughed, you joined in laughing as you finally reached the top. Feeling bold, you grabbed Vikk' hand and threw them up in the air.

You smiled at him when he looked at you before the both of you let out a shriek as you tipped over, plummeting down the railings. You beamed as you felt the wind whip throwing your hair and whistle in your ears.

The ride eventually came to an end, your hand hadn't disconnected from the boys beside you. Unfortunately though, you pulled away embarrassedly as you climbed out.

The two of you continued to talk as you exited the ride, him telling terrible puns and you smacking his arm and laughing slightly.


"Oh my god that was so bad!" He had just said some cheesy pick up line, hinting about getting your number. He laughed and the two of you made it back into the main park. You saw your friend and seven before turning to the man in front of you.

"No but seriously though, can I get your number?" He held his phone out and you beamed, taking it and typing your number in. Naming your contact: Rollercoaster Girl 😜🖤.

He smiled and you bid your goodbyes before walking back to your original groups. Your friend smirked at you as you approached, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Seee, that wasn't so bad."

"Oh fuck off!" You laughed, shoving her lightly. She smirked at you before looking in his direction, seeing him stood with several other guys.

"His friends don't look too bad either."

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