Ethan| 80,000 Callorie Challenge (2)

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Title: 80,000 calorie challenge (2)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1997

80,000 Calorie Challenge (2)

"Welcome to the Sidemen try and burn 80,000 calories." You emerged from the bedroom due to hearing the voice of your boyfriend, husky with sleep. He turned the camera towards you and you rubbed the sleep from your eyes with a very unenthusiastic:


"Now, you might think 'oh Ethan goes to the gym, he'll enjoy this challenge' well I would if I wasn't horrendously ill at the minute." You moved to begin making yourself and Ethan some coffee as he continued speaking to the camera.

He stopped for a minute and you turned your gaze upwards to find him filming as you randomly danced whilst waiting for the coffee maker to, well, make. Blushing, you flipped him the quick middle finger before turning to grab both mugs from the tabletop.

"Thank you bub." He spoke, taking the mug and leaving a kiss on your forehead. He then tapped his watch to show the number of calories he had already burnt that day.

"556 calories, that means I have to burn another 9,500 before the end of today." You both let out a groan before he explained the plan of action and put the camera down. He moved to the kitchen to sort out breakfast and you sat curled under a blanket on the sofa for a while, scrolling through Instagram.

"Here you are bubs, and if anyone was wondering, this is what our breakfast looks like every morning. It's literally an oats packet, with peanut butter." You sat up slightly, making childish grabbing motions towards the bowl.

"Gracias." You smiled, accepting the bowl and moving to be sat properly. Ethan sat beside you and the two of you simply chatted for a bit before you placed the dishes in the dishwasher and moved to get ready for the gym.

A sports bra and pair of leggings later, you were left in your living room before grabbing your keys and phone and moving to stand beside your boyfriend. He was stood at the mirror and pulled his camera out to film you quickly, zooming into the mirror as you let out a tired groan.


The two of you lime-biked to the gym, entering and discussing the plan of action. He went to go and do his own strength training whilst you headed towards the treadmills to work on your stamina and endurance.

The camera was set to time-lapse and you begin your session, plugging in your headphones and getting started. Ethan was still visible across the gym and you sent a small wave his way, giggling as he visibly began to try to show off.

An hour later, you moved to join him again, taking a breather whilst he finished whatever he was doing. Then the two of you decided that he would do a leg session and you would just do different exercises for the last hour.

Lunges, plank and crunches done and you were currently attempting plyometric squats before calling it a day. Ethan was working behind you and you could feel his eyes on your body, turning back to smirk at him.

"I love you, but stop undressing me with your eyes." Your smirk was returned as he winked at you before climbing off of his piece of equipment and made his way over.

"How are you doing this then?"

"They're just bodyweight squats but once you reach the bottom you come back up quickly onto your toes, try not to fall over." A giggle escaped your lips as you pulled out a camera to capture his attempt.

His squat was good, holding the position for a second before launching upwards to be on his tiptoes and falling forwards. A hand clenched your mouth, stifling the laugh fighting to escape as he turned to face you with a frown.

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