Harry| Confessions

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Title: Confessions.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count:1397


The sky was filled with grey clouds, a few wisps of white appearing every now and then. You sat watching them pass from the window seat of a small coffee shop on the corner of a random street in London. It was pure luck that you had found it as it was really not that noticeable but now it was one of your favourite places to visit whenever you needed an outing.

Harry really liked it there as well, it was the perfect place to get work done without interruptions and the two of you often were found sat opposite the other in a secluded area at the small corner table that was pretty much your own. You were actually waiting on Harry as he had asked you to come with him as he got his wisdom teeth removed, it would be his first upload in a while.

"Hey Y/N, hope you weren't waiting too long." You looked up, watching as the man settled into his usual seat and shrugged off his coat. You smiled over at him and scoffed when he frowned at the spot his coffee would usually sit.

"Don't give me that look we agreed to meet here at 12:00 and it's 12:25. I knew you'd be late Haz, I can't remember a time in the whole duration of our friendship that you have been less than 5 minutes late." You laughed and listened as he mumbled under his breath about his watch being wrong. He then looked up and smirked at you, leaning over and snatching your coffee from its coaster. "Hey!"

"What, I won't have time to drink mine if I order now." He sighed sadly, looking into the mug. "So this'll have to do." You rolled your eyes and turned to look out the window quickly to find raindrops rolling smoothly down the glass. You turned back to Harry and saw him still looking into the mug with a frown.

"You're such a drama queen, just drink my coffee and let's go"


"Okay Harry, you may feel a slight pinch but other than that you'll be fine." The dentist spoke preparing the needle. Harry simply let out a small grunt due to having to keep his mouth open. You smirked at him as he closed his eyes once the dentist appeared in front of him. He held his hand out and you took that as your Que to make your way over and grab his hand.

"Oh, you big baby!" You teased and he squeezed your hand in protest. The lady who had been helping the dentist at the time watched the two of you with a smile on her face as the dentist prepared the gas.

"You two are a very sweet couple." Both of your heads snapped towards the woman as your cheeks flushed a vibrant red. Harry drooled a little bit due to his mouth being open for so long. You scoffed and grabbed one of the tissues on the table and wiped it before forcing his head to be the way it was before.

"Oh no, we- we're not dating. Just really, really good friends." You were still blushing and Harry poked your cheek teasingly. You slapped him away and stood back to grab the camera in order to film the first part of the video, you were actually trying to calm your crazy heartbeat. It was cliche but over the years, you'd developed a crush on the YouTuber. But it's only a small crush, a small crush that had lasted 6 years.

The removal lasted around half an hour. It was an odd half-hour, you spent it holding Harry's hand as he got drugged up and then looking away as the dentist got rid of the wisdom teeth. By the end, Harry was saying some very amusing things and the dentist was finding it rather hard to get his work done due to the laughter spewing from his lips.

"Okay Miss, he's all yours." The dentist spoke, handing you a leaflet and a few papers before turning to the man admiring his hand. You sighed, grabbing the hand he had been twisting and turning as if it hadn't been attached to his arm all his life.

"Hey! Oh Y/N! When did you grow another head? It looks good on you."

"Come on Har, let's get going and let the dentist get back to work okay?" You spoke, giggling and gently pulling on his arm to get him upright. You smiled and thanked the man as he helped to catch Harry when he fell and offered to take him to the car with you. A few stumbles and many falls later, you made it to your car and let Harry climb in himself. You thanked the man and drove off


To say the car journey was eventful would be and understatement. Harry had opened the car door twice, tried to jump out of the car once, leaned on the horn more times than you cared to remember and was currently trying to place his legs across your lap.

"Harry, I really don't want to die in a car crash. Maybe another day, but not now, so can you please sit still and wait until we get back home?" He did not like that, not one bit. He let out a very loud and very over-exaggerated sigh, huffing and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine. I'm never allowed to have any fun." You giggled at his silliness and suddenly the man was happy once more. He jumped around in his seat and faced you with his biggest grin. "I made you smile! I made you laugh! I love it when you laugh, your face goes all scrunched and cute." That comment had you a tad bit shocked.

"Thank you, I think?" You blushed bright red as the man kissed your cheek before sighing contently and sitting back in his seat. Your mind had gone into overdrive, as per usual, and you couldn't help but wonder if what he said was the truth. Even if it wasn't, it sure had you feeling some type of way. It was just the drugs talking, right?

"I love you Y/N." The car swerved as you reeled away from the man sat next to you. He blinked back at you with innocence embedded in his eyes before chirruping "Are we there yet?"


The morning after was incredibly awkward. Harry seemed to have no recollection of what had happened the day before and you didn't seem to be able to discard the thoughts from your head. They had been swimming around up there for hours.

"Did I do something wrong? You've been acting weird all day." The man himself appeared, resting against the doorframe as you closed your laptop. You sighed, looking up at him and patting the bed slightly. He smiled and sat down gently beside you.

"Do you remember anything you said yesterday? Anything at all?"

"Nope, just a blurry image of the car door is open and my shoe on my hand?" You laughed and nodded your head slightly as the man dropped his head into his hands with a groan.

"You umm, you said a lot of things. I don't know if you meant them or not though." You fumbled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Harry seemed nervous now and you tried to disguise your evident blush.

"You told me that you love me." Your eyes rested everywhere but his eyes, even though you felt them burning a hole into the side of your head. A sigh escaped the man's lips as he placed a finger under your chin and pushed slightly. Your eyes met his and noticed the soft time of pink that always seemed to be there.

"Y/N, I have loved you since we were eighteen." It felt as though the air had been knocked out of you as you gazed up at the man. Was this a dream?

"You- I- We- I love you too." And then another pair of lips met your own. Your eyes widened but you soon melted under his touch, wrapping an arm around his neck to bring him closer. He soon pulled away with a grin as you gaped back at him.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

A/N: I despise that ending but oh well, sorry this took so long and thank you for 15K reads???

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