Tobi| Permanent

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Title: Permanent.
Warnings: Swearing, slight pain.
Word count: 1158


"Tobi, please!" You groan, dragging out the 'please'. The man in question shoots you a look, a look that quite clearly stated 'no.' You continue to complain and then complain some more. You see, you had been begging the man for months to get a tattoo with you- even a small one.

"Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Like a lot." You pouted, falling dramatically onto your bed. Tobi scoffs at you and moved to begin dressing after spilling water on his shirt. You smirked at his back and sat up a bit.

"It would look really good, right there. It would be perfectly hidden if you wanted to cover it you could!" You poke at a spot on his back and he spins round to face you. You threw your hands up and fell back once more allowing the man to dress in peace.

He soon joined you, laying down beside you on the mattress and sending you a small smile. You looked at him, trying to figure it out. You had brought up the subject a few days ago and the had bluntly refused, 'no explanation needed.'

"Why are you so against tattoos?" You question, normally you would just leave it be but this was truly bugging you- you also quite liked the idea- and you wanted to know what was wrong.

" It's not tattoos in general, I just don't like the idea of getting a tattoo for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Like, I know I have a girlfriend. I know that, why does anyone else need to? And it just makes things too... Permanent, like you have to stay together now that you've got a marking of that person stuck on your body."

You gaped at the man, never having thought of it that way. Your boyfriend had always been the optimist of the relationship and you weren't used to such negative views spewing from his lips. But hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion, right?

"You may think it that way Tobs, but tattoos can represent so much more. Like, my sisters got that one of the bird, to represent finally being 'free' if that relationship. Or I've got the one of an elephant, to remember how I overcame that time in life where I was too insecure to leave the house.

Tattoos can be so symbolic when they mean something to you. Nobody else has to see them, as long as you know they're there."

The man looked at you before planting a kiss on your cheek and standing from the mattress. You watched him leave before letting you head flop back to rest on the pillows.


"Hey baby. Whatcha doin'?" You sang, swinging round a chair to be able to wrap your arms around the man's waist. He chuckled at you and continued whatever he had been doing previous to your arrival.

"Just writing a list, and before you ask, no you can't see what for." You laughed lightly and moved to be sat in one of your kitchen stools. The man dotted one last 'i' and turned to talk to you.

"Hey babe, sorry if I came off too strong about the tattoos. I just get over-excited about stuff sometimes." You offered a sheepish smile and the man laughed at you before responding.

"Don't worry, I was being stupid. Not all tattoos are for show, you just wanted something for us." You smiled and nodded before the conversation turned to that of the sidemen. You smiled, thinking of the video the group were planning on filming soon.

A half your later and the doorbell rang, interesting whatever silly thing the pair of you had been talking about. You ran to get it, greeting Josh at the door with a smile and confused look.

"Oh, hey, I didn't know you were coming over." The man smiled at you as he explained that he was just stopping by to drop off a couple of things that Tobi had left at his house the last time you had visited. "Okay, thanks! You sure you don't want a tea or anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine thanks, in meeting Freya at that coffee shop down the road." You smiled and missed before waving him goodbye and shutting the door. You gave Tobi his items before informing him that you were headed to the gym for a quick work out.


"Happy birthday Y/N!" You smiled at the group as you arrived back into the flat after spending the afternoon with your family. They all welcomed you back and you took a seat beside Tobi in the sofa.

"Soo, what have you got so far?" Talia asked as you felt an arm snake around your waist. You smiled and explained your afternoon with your family. They listened, adding little jokes in here and there.

It was a fun hour or so before gifts we're mentioned and people began handing you cards or bags or something of the sort. You opened them, your smile growing bigger at each item you received.

"You gits are literally the best, thank you so much!"

"I'm not quite done yet." Tobi smirked, handing you another envelope. You smiled at him before tearing it open and pulling out a letter. You skimmed the paragraphs before you got to one.

"Your joint tattoo appointment for the (B/D) at 18:30 had been confirmed? Tobi, what?!"

"I've been thinking, and you were right. I want to finally get that tattoo you've been asking about." You beamed up at him, kissing him quickly before checking the time. Everyone smiled at you before announcing that they were leaving but they had planned a party for you the next day.


The tattoo hurt like hell. The small needle piercing your skin hundreds of times over and over again left a never-ending stinging sensation on your stomach. Tobi held your hand through it all until he had to get his done and then it was your turn to hold his hand.

Eventually, you were done and you thanked the artist before going home with the man you loved. You didn't want to look at the shop as you wanted to be alone when you saw the ink imprinted in your stomach.

"You ready?" You nodded as the pair of you stood in front of your mirror, lifting your shirt and peeling the wrap of cling film that had been covering it off. You let out a loud laugh as you admired them with next to each other, yours was a heart filled with bright colours whilst his was a heart empty on the outside but surrounded by the same colours.

They were both slightly red due to them being new but at that moment it made them even more perfect. You loved the tattoo and you loved the man you shared it with.

A/N: The tattoos may sound bad but as I said... Deeper meanings. I'll leave you to try figure it out.

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