Ethan| Plane rides.

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Title: Plane rides.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 937

Plane rides:

Today was the day that the Sidemen were flying to Ibeza. They had all arrived at the airport and were, of course, vlogging.

Boarding the plane, they stood in a group trying to find out who's seat was who's. Tobi ended up behind Josh and Vikk was off on his own somewhere. Simon and JJ were on the opposite row to Ethan.

"Bro wait, look who Ethan's next to!" Simon suddenly slapped a hand across JJ's chest. In one of the two seats sat a beautiful girl, a simple hoodie and some leggings on her body and her h/c hair up in a messy bun.

"No fucking fair. I stuck next to JJ for two and a half hours." Simon continued to complain, Ethan paid no notice. She was easily one of the most attractive girls he had seen and now he got to spend two hours sat next to her.

The boys all headed to their seats, wishing Ethan good luck as they passed. Once everyone else was sat, Ethan made his way over.


You were sat flipping through a magazine, already having turned your phone off. You had just finished when you heard someone clear their throat.

"Hi, sorry, uh-"

"Here." You laughed, moving your legs so that the boy could get to his seat. He laughed along with you before introducing himself.

"I'm Ethan."

"Y/n." You smiled, you weren't gonna lie. The boy was fairly attractive, he had muscles which you liked in a guy.

You decided to read a book to pass time, seeing the boy plug in some headphones. The flight began to take off and you felt your ears pop, wincing slightly.

Around 15 minutes had passed and you were sucking on a lollipop as it helped you ear pain. Tired of the book, you turned to Ethan to see him staring out of the window.

"Hey, Ethan." You nudged his shoulder lightly. He jumped slightly and you sent an apologetic smile his way. He pulled out and earbud and smiled at you.

"Sorry, I was just a bit bored. It was dumb of me I mean, I'm a stranger why would you want to-"

"I'd love to talk Y/n." He placed a finger on you lips and you blushed, nodding slightly.

"Well then, tell me about yourself." He smiled at you. You smiled, beginning with the basics.

"I turn 24 tomorrow, I was born in East London and I have two evil stepsisters." You laughed at the end. He looked at you in confusion.


"Oh yeah, ever since I was ten they'd find some way to torment me. Wether it be telling the other kids that I wet my bed or framing me for whatever they did or just not letting my dad spend more than a few seconds talking to me." You shrugged, bad memories beginning to surface.

"That's shit." He spoke, placing a hand on your arm. Without even thinking, you reached up and placed your hand on his. Blushing furiously when you realised, you changed the subject.

"Well, you know about me. What about you Mr..." He chuckled before answering.

"Payne. Like you, I grew up in East London. I'm 24 and I am an only child, my parents broke up when I was really little. Never really met my dad." He shrugged, you smiled at him.

"What about jobs then, what do you do?" You smiled, watching his face light up.

"Well, most people don't consider it a job but it is, I get paid so... yeah. I'm actually a YouTuber, I game and that." He smiled, you shook your head at how he had to explain why it's a job.

"That's sick! Good on you, I just work at Tesco's." You laughed watching him smile widely.

"Yeah, I'm in a group actually. We call ourselves the Sidemen, they're in this plane right now." He spoke, rolling his eyes at something behind you.

"Right, rapid fire time. What is one of your biggest life improvements?"

"I actually lost 50 pounds a while ago. Definitely proud of that." He smiled.

"Wow, dedication! God for you." You beam, impressed.

"What about you?"

"Last year I actually got out of my depression, I'm off my meds and all now." You spoke, nervous as to how he would take it.

"That's fucking brilliant." You laughed, about to speak again when a air hostesses came around with a tray of chicken snack things.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm vegetarian." You smiled, watching Ethan take a couple. A cheer came from beside you as the woman left, you turned to see a man with a hand over his friends mouth.

"Sorry, I'm vegetarian too." The white haired man smiled.

"Aye, squad!" You laughed holding your hand out for a high five. He laughed and slapped your hand. With that, you turned back to the boy sat next to you.

"Hey umm, Y/n would you like to hang out sometime? We can meet up somewhere." He asked, scratching the back of his neck. Before you could respond, the same guy from last time tapped you on the shoulder.

"Say yes!" He whispered and you laughed.

"I was going to!" You whispered back and he laughed.

"I would love too." You smirked, turning back to Ethan. He beamed and you laughed, brushing your shoulder against his.

The two of you exchanged numbers before parting ways at the airport. Ethan could not stop smiling resulting in endless teasing from the boys. He didn't care though, he had just met his future.

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