Ethan| All over again

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This is an imagine for Allie-oop26 , once again it still uses Y/N. I hope you like it!

Title: All Over Again.
Warnings: Swearing, verbal abuse.
Word Count:

All over again:

"Kids come on, I've got to have you at your dads by 10:00!" You call up the stairs, hearing the two children scramble to get down the hallway. Sighing, you grabbed the suitcase you had packed for the weekend the children were staying.

You see, the two children were both your own and your exes. The two of you decided to call it quits however when there was no fun left in the relationship as his job required a bit of work and you had two toddlers to take care of all the time. You had shared custody and the children spent the weekends at his house with his new girlfriend and the weekdays at yours.

The suitcase was in the car and soon the kids would be too. You smiled watching the children race to the front seat, one of them throwing a tantrum as the other won. Making your way over, you wrapped an arm around the girl's waist and hoisted her upwards.

" It's okay Holly, Oscar can sit in the front on the way there and then you can tell dad to get you to sit in the front when he drops you off on Sunday yeah?" The girl nodded and you smiled at her, wiping the few remaining tears on her face. And so you drove the short distance to the man's house, laughing and joking with your children.


Arriving, you got the siblings from the car and watched them run to the front door. You grabbed their suitcase, dragging it up and listening to the pair fight once more on who gets to press the doorbell. They ended up knocking instead and you stood and waited for the door to open.

It soon swung on its hinges and you were greeted with the sickly sweet smile of who you assumed to be the girlfriend. She greeted you and you gave a polite hello before hugging each child and kissing their foreheads then allowing them to run inside.

"You must be Y/N. I'm Nancy, Ethan's girlfriend." You shot a smile her way, bringing the suitcase to be in front of you. You just wanted to leave. The woman stayed stood at the door and you let out a tired sigh, this was supposed to by your 'me time.'

"Yeah, I am. Nice to meet you but I really must be going now, I've left my car running." You hadn't, but you really wanted to go. The woman smiled and nodded and you went to hand the suitcase over when a small noise sounded from inside the house. Nancy spun around and you peered past her to see that Oscar had dropped a plastic ornament on the floor, no damage done.

"Oscar! What have I told you about touching things you little shit, honestly I don't know why Ethan still wants you kids around. All you ever do is complain, break things and use up all his attention. He wishes you would just-"

"Excuse me?" You took a step towards the house and the woman turned towards you with a smirk.

"Good right, you need to start disciplining your kids more hun-"

"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are talking to my children that way? You're not their mother, you do not have any control with what they do or say and most certainly do not have the right to treat them like shit because we both know that the minute Ethan hears a word of this he will dump you and leave you to rot." You were seething at this point and your children we're looking at you in shock, you never got this angry.

"That's what you think?" Her voice went back to that sickly sweet tone, it seemed dangerous but at that moment you didn't care.

"That's what I know." The woman's face turned sour and she turned around grabbing Holly by the arm, the little girl letting out a yelp.

"You seriously think that Ethan will leave me for these little brats? I have him wrapped around my little finger, I could break her arm right now and have him thinking you did it, sweetheart. Your little shitbags here are nothing. You hear that kids you are nothing. And you, little miss Y/N-"

"Get the fuck off my daughter and get the fuck out of my house." A males voice joined the argument and you watched the woman's face contort to one of shock. Ethan stood behind her, clutching his son to his chest. You were still glaring at the woman who still held your child in a vice lime grip.

"Are you deaf? Give me my daughter and Fuck off, or I swear to God I will call the police." The blonde let out a scoff, shoving your daughter into your legs and shoving past you to flounce down the pavement. Holly was in hysterics, sniffing every five seconds with an endless stream of tears running down her face.

"Come here sweetheart, it's alright, mummy won't ever let that nasty woman touch you again." You clutched the girl to your chest, finally meeting eyes with her father. He stepped towards the door and you let yourself relax a little.

"Hey, do you want a coffee or something?"


The next few weeks all seemed to go the same way, pick the kids up from Ethan's, roll your eyes at his attempt at flirting. See Ethan when you were out, roll your eyes at his attempt at flirting. Drop kids off at Ethan's, roll your eyes at his attempt at flirting. It was an endless cycle of 'you look good today's and 'do you want a coffee or something?' He had even begun sending flowers to your door.

That is, of course, until you said yes that one day. Walking into the small house with a small smile, the man made coffee and you talked. You hadn't realised just how much you had missed him until then. He told you that he was still doing YouTube and you told him his you were still a vet.

"Say, Y/N. I know we left on bad terms, but what would you say we head out and grab dinner sometime?" You smiled at the man, you really had missed him and all his peculiar ways.

"Sure, message me when and where."

And that marked the beginning of a whole new relationship, leading you to the point where you were now. Cuddled up on the sofa with a child on either side of the two if you. Smothered with blankets and snacks with an endless supply of Disney films.

You snuggled further into your boyfriend's chest, bringing Holly closer to yours as well. Sneaking a look up at the man you had grown to care for once more, you grinned as he planted a quick kiss on your lips. Watching him grin back, you realised that you could not wait to fall in love, all over again.

A/N: I hope you like it, I'm sorry if there's not as much fluff as you'd like. Leave a comment and I'll edit it if you'd like! X

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