Josh| Graveyard

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Title: Graveyard.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions Death.
Word Count: 998


A sigh escaped your lips as you gazed down at the envelope resting on the table in front of you. You had always hated receiving mail, it always meant bad news. You see, people called or messaged when it was good news which meant letters were left for the bad.

Nonetheless, the thing had to be read eventually so you figured now was as good a time as ever. After a couple of seconds of forcing your fingernail under the stuck down part, the rest of the envelope tore open. A folded sheet of crisp white paper fell out, your name written in neat blue ink.

Unfolding the note the first thing that stood out to you was the place it had come from. The police department. Why on Earth was the police department sending you a letter? The next few lines delivered the bad news you had expected, but you never expected just how terrible it would be.

Miss Y/N L/N,

We regret to inform you of the death of Blake L/N found dead on 1st January 2020, 15:47 PM. He was found in an alleyway in Oxford Street, London, discovered with multiple stab wounds and presumed dead two hours before discovery. We are currently holding an investigation in order to find whoever committed this act and bring justice to the system. We send our sincere condolences and support you during this time of grief.

John Edwards.
Chief of police.

You simply sat for a few seconds, not quite registering the words you had just read. And then it hit you like a ton of bricks. Your little brother was dead, murdered. There would be no more late-night chats, no more gossip sessions, no more stupid inside jokes or silly pranks or dumb arguments over nothing in particular or-

He was gone.


A few months later and you were stood in front of a large, grey stone. A stone that meant so much more than just sitting in a graveyard surrounded by dozens of others. This stone represented your brother and his spirit in all its glory. You placed the small bunch of flowers so that they lay against his grave and sat down beside it.

That was how you spent your days at the moment; get up, go to work, buy flowers, visit Blake. It was simple, but you enjoyed it- well, as much as you could. You had been in charge of arranging the funeral, something you took very seriously- you'd be damned if you let your brother pass without one hell of a send-off.

It seemed as though your thoughts had taken over as you hadn't noticed the stranger appear at the grave beside the one you were currently sat beside. His voice echoed throughout the graveyard and you jumped slightly at the sound. Turning, your gaze settled on a man who seemed to be in his mid-twenties placing a bunch of flowers against the gravestone.

He must've felt the weight of your eyes as he turned to face you. Not knowing how to acknowledge the man, you shot him a sad smile before turning back to Blake. You stood, kissing your hand and then touching the gravestone, preparing to leave.

"I'm Josh." You froze, was he speaking to you? Spinning to face the man, you knew you were right in your assumptions upon seeing him looking at you expectantly.

"Um, Y/N." He nodded and you scanned his face once more. Upon seeing no signs of wanting to continue your conversation, you left with a small wave his way- not that he would've seen it. It was a bit odd really, why didn't he say anything other than his name? You supposed he was just being polite, or maybe you had been caught staring for a second longer than you should've. You'd never know.


The next few weeks passed as expected, same old routine, same old people. Then, on one of your graveyard trips, he appeared. There he sat, at the grave beside Blake's with a bunch of flowers in his hands. You strode down the small pathway before you reached your destination and settled on the grass beside the grave.The two of you didn't speak a word and, apart from the small smile you sent him, didn't acknowledge the other's presence.

Ever since that day, the man had been sat at the grave beside Blake's and every day you wouldn't speak a word. That is, of course, until one day he spoke up.

"Who was he?" Your head snapped upwards and you studied the man for a minute before looking back at the stone beside you. A sad smile graced your face as you responded.

"My little brother." The man, Josh, nodded and you believed that he thought that was the end of your conversation. But you had other ideas. "What about her? Who was she?"

"My mother, terminal illness." You 'ahh'ed with a small sorry and that marked the end of your small chat.


The man eventually asked you out after weeks of talking beside the same two graves. You were reluctant at first but soon opened up to it and allowed him to take you out. He'd had you hooked ever since.

And there you have it, a match made in heaven. You began helping with YouTube and he helped out with your job as well, you got along with his friends and all was well in the world. Your brother still lingered at the back of your mind, returning from time to time but Josh was always there to help just as you were for him.

Fans would often see you out and about on little dates in London or midnight Sainsbury's shopping trips. More often than not though, you'd be spotted sat in between two stones in a church. For that graveyard held memories you couldn't explain if you tried.

A/N: I don't really like this one but oh well.

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