JJ| Gone too far (3)

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Title: Gone Too Far (3)
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1036

Gone Too Far (3):

Five days had passed, the internet had found a new scandal, JJ had only lost around 20,000 subscribers and you were no longer the subject of everyone's conversation. Five days had passed, you hadn't spoken to JJ, you hadn't spoken to Simon, you hadn't spoken to anyone, you hadn't left the house. Five days had passed and you were still curled up in bed surrounded by chocolate wrappers and mascara stained tissues.

It was circumstances like these that you were thankful Talia had demanded a key to the flat when she did. Although, whilst you were still going through whatever shit you were going through you were just a little less thankful. On the Sixth day of your, whatever it was you were doing, she burst through your bedroom door to find you re-watching 'The Fault In Our Stars' whilst gouging on M&M'S (the crunchy kind, just in case you were wondering.)

"Ah, hello, welcome to pillow town. Let me just get up to greet you," You shifted to be lying on your back and then turned to face her, "There we go. How may I help you today?" You smiled before throwing an empty tissue box at the TV. Talia scoffed before crawling onto the bed beside you and promptly snatching the sweets from your grasp. "Hey!" The girl placed them on the bedside table and crossed her arms. You paid no attention, still mourning the loss of your M&M'S.

"Oh please, stop with the dramatics. You have been moping in this room for too long, people are starting to worry and I'm starting to get bored. I get that you and JJ broke up recently-"

"We are on a break!"

"Okay, I get that you and JJ are on a break and I feel for you, I do, but you need to get up and get moving girl! Have you spoken to anyone since Wednesday?" You shrugged, sitting up slightly and moving to grab the glass of wine you had hidden beside the bed. Another disapproving look was sent your way but you dismissed it with a wave of your hand. After downing what was left of the glass you leapt out of the small cave you had created yourself and wrapped your arms around the girl.

"I'm sorry, I know that I'm being dramatic but I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending episode of 'We were on a break' and I don't know what to do anymore. I love the man Girl, I truly do. But I don't know how much more of this I can take. He does this all the time you know, not messaging me back or starting up rumours as a popularity stunt, and now this. I just don't know what to do anymore." And then for the third time that day, you burst into tears.


After your small breakdown, Talia had given you some advice. You know, the type of advice that only best friends can give? Yeah, that advice. And so you took another day to gather yourself and update everyone on how you were deciding that the day after would be time to have another talk. Simon had messaged, telling you that you were welcome to come round to his place and he'd leave and you'd gladly accepted. If things went south you didn't want to have to ask JJ to leave again.

To be honest, you had no idea how to feel. You thought JJ was the love of your life but this wasn't the first time he'd had to go and live with a friend. Past events had occurred and you'd talked through it. He'd promise it would never happen again and it never did, but something different would. Fans usually found out and all of a sudden everyone was a relationship therapist, to be quite honest you were tired of it. You loved the man, that much was clear, but were you willing to continue putting p with this? It all depended on the chat that would be taking place in a few hours.

There was a bad feeling in your gut as you approached Simon's door, like this thing would all go horribly wrong. Nevertheless, you knocked and waited with a few shaky breaths. The oak opened and you were met with him. The man who you hadn't seen in a week and yet still managed to take control of your mind every second of every day.

"Hey, Simon already left and I've just put the kettle on. Lets be done with this yeah?" You smiled and nodded, stepping into the flat and gravitating towards the sofa whilst JJ made tea. The air was thick with tension and awkward silence hung over the room, clinging to your skin. Shifting slightly you took the mug from JJ's hand and waited for a minute before taking a sip. It was jut the way you liked it, he'd remembered.

"Okay, lets not put this off any further. We seriously need to talk Jide because this has been killing me." The man sighed, placing his mug on a coaster and sitting up slightly straighter. You weren't going o talk first, you wanted to make sure he knew what he was apologising for instead of just going off of what you had said.

"Y/N I'm so fucking sorry, I know it doesn't mean much but it's a start. I've done some fucked up things, things that you don't deserve, and I know that you want something more than whatever it is we're doing right now. I'm okay wi-"

"JJ, do you understand why I'm so upset? Cause right now I feel like yo're just telling me what I want to hear." It was harsh but this conversation held your relationship in its hands. JJ looked up at you and for the first time since that night a whole week ago you realised how badly this was affecting him.

"I- I cheated and got angry and then tried to make up for it with some sucky apology" A heavy sigh escaped your lips as your eyes filled with tears, for a moment there you thought he understood. You had heard these sentences dozens of times before and so hearing them again especially when you both knew how important this was broke you heart.

"JJ I have heard these apologies, these excuses, so many times before. You really don't understand do you?" The man gazed at you with tear glazed eyes and you stood, growing angrier. "You have done this so many times Jide, first you post a tweet asking if anyone was willing to do... things for a video. That was the first time I heard the apology. Next you posted that rumour about me and the whole internet went wild, second time. You didn't message me back for two whole weeks when you disappeared to LA, third time. And the list goes on."

The air grew thicker the tension replacing oxygen. Both of you were crying now, that bad feeling had been right, something bad was happening and you had no idea how to fix it. You sat back down and took the mans hand, waiting for the comforting squeeze that would always follow. Except, this time, it didn't.

"I don't know what to say Y/N, I love you so, so much but we can't keep on like this. We might need a little bit more than a break this time. I just, I don't know what to say." You were on the verge of sobbing now but grabbed your bag and stood nonetheless.

"Goodbye JJ, you say goodbye." And with that you placed the mug in the kitchen sink, stole one last glance at the man you were hopelessly in love with and whispered one last 'goodbye.'

A/N: This so this is the end of the series and I apologise for the stupid stuff at the beginning but I was in one of 'those' moods and can't be bothered to re-write it. thank you for reading xx

credit to @StylishStylesX for the original idea xx

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