Josh| Pranks

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Title: Pranks.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1211


Both you and Josh were big pranksters, whether it be as simple as Saran Wrap on the toilet seat or as planned out as wrapping each others car in tinfoil. Today was the day Josh had declared war, you had put fun snaps (the things that pop) under the toilet seat and he had come running out of the bathroom with his trousers hanging down his legs.

You were being extra cautious, checking around every corner and not trusting anyone. Josh was absolutely loving it, always asking you silly questions like,

"How do you know there's not a snake in that room or is there?" Or "I know something you donnnn't"

Finally, the day came, You had left an half empty can of coke in the fridge and had grabbed it to finish off. However, as you went to take a sip from the straw you weren't met with the carbonated taste of Diet Coke but with the tomato-y taste of ketchup. Spitting it out, you gagged and ran to rinse your mouth out. You despised anything to do with tomatoes and so that was pure hell.

"Josh!" You screeched as you saw him appear in the bathroom mirror. He was holding the camera and cackling, you stalked towards him with a finger pointed.

"Just you wait, I'll get you back."


You kept to your word, getting up to set up the prank the very next morning. Josh was filming videos all day and so wouldn't be expecting anything, a perfect time for your plan to take place.

"Okay so, I'm currently putting mentos in an ice cube tray so that I can make mento ice cubes... why the fuck am I doing this? It's three AM!" You whisper yell into the camera. You fill the tray with water and place it in the freezer.

Upon sneaking back to bed, you also taped a horn to the other side of your bedroom door so Josh would get a surprise the next morning. Setting your alarm up, you went back to bed and sleep through the rest of the night.


Awakening, you woke Josh up before sneaking into the hallway to set up the camera. Josh was up as well and the two of you got ready for the day, he made to leave and you grabbed your camera, watching as he pushed open the door.

The sound of compressed air immediately filled your ears as Josh let out a yell and jumped a mile in the air. You fell to the ground in laughter as he went to investigate whatever had made the noise.


"Paybacks a bitch." you smiled, brushing past the man and grabbing your camera before heading back downstairs for the day. He called after you yelling about how revenge would be sweet.

Checking on your ice cubes you were very pleased to find out that they had worked and you had three ice cubes with mentos in the middle. This would be golden.


Josh had stayed in your room all day and you decided it was time to set your plan in motion. Grabbing a bottle of Dr Pepper, you managed to force the ice cubes inside and brought it up to the room.

"Just got you a drink, figured you'd be thirsty." you smiled placing it down away from the electronics.

"Aww, thanks, babe." he spoke before continuing to play the game. You sat down on the bed and fiddled with the camera as you waited for the ice to melt. Eventually, it did and you pressed play the minute it began to fizz.

"Woah, what the fuck?" you watched as a fountain of fizz came shooting from the bottle, drowning Josh and the desk. He looked back at you and you just smirked before standing and fetching a towel.

"Need this?" you asked innocently before leaving the room in a fit of laughter. He was shouting profanity's down the stairs as you just continued to giggle.


A week had last and Josh hadn't retaliated at all yet, today the pair if you were going to a food shop as there was nothing in. Deciding on going to different parts of the shop and then meeting back at the car, the two if you split ways.

You took your time, messaging your boyfriend every now and again. An idea then popped into your head and you ran to the crafts section, grabbing as many googly eyes as you could find. You hit a text from Josh saying he'd be a little while longer and to just head back to the car whenever you were ready.

"He's probably had the same idea as me." you chuckled, making your way to the tills. The cashier ended up being really nice and you chatted for a while before she recognised you. This was new, you weren't a very popular creator yet.

"Oh my God, you're Y/n L/n! Can I please get a picture?"

"Of course, it's so lovely to know you're a fan!" you couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you quickly snapped a picture before bidding her a quick goodbye and letting her go back to doing her job.

Then you began your trek back to the car, opening your boot and turning to grab a bag. However, when you turned to place it there you saw a child's doll with big round eyes looking up at you. The bag fell to the floor as you shrieked, jumping back in fear. Dolls had always frightened you and seeing one in your car scared the living crap out of you. You had locked the car after all.

After throwing the thing far, far away, you opened the door and climbed into the driver's seat. Immediately, you were met with the sound of at least ten childlike voices calling out to you. To the left of you, there were around 13 dolls all with your name written on their forehead.

"Holy Fucking Shit!" you screeched and jumped out of the car, crouching on the ground with a hand over your heart. That was when Josh ran out of behind some bushes with a camera, you looked at him and were immediately relieved.

"Oh my God that was so scary!" you whisper, wrapping your arms around him and feeling safe. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you as well. That was when you realised that it was his fault. Pulling away you smacked his shoulder before demanding he got rid of the creepy playthings.


This continued on for a while before one day you grew tired. Josh had just pushed you fully clothed into the pool and was giggling to himself. That was when a new idea sparked in your mind.

"Hey, J, what do you say we stop this. And... Prank the sidemen instead?" He smirked evilly at you before taking your hand. You shook on it and so a new phase started, this time being much more fun.

You were currently cuddled against Josh when an angry Simon walked into the room. Taking one look at his face you glanced at Josh before jumping up and grabbing his hand. You kissed his cheek before screaming:


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