Tobi| Pumpkin carving.

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Title: Pumpkin carving.
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1217

Pumpkin carving:

You and seven others were gathered around a large table at the Sidemen house, all of you trying to intro the video. Simons ended up being the one due to JJ shoving him over and well yeah.

"So as you can see there are 7 of them doing the carving, therefore, there will be one team of three. So we have the three that picked a pumpkin: Josh, JJ and Harry, and then the four that didn't." You wave to the camera before jumping onto Tobi's back. JJ chose Ethan, then Harry questioned the three of you. Vikk spoke for about a minute before Harry turned to your boyfriend.

"Oh, he just talks too much."

"And Y/n?"

"I'm very good with my hands." You sent a small wink to the camera as the boys went mad. Tobi looked back at you and you smirked at him before speaking once more.

"Don't give me that look, you know I'm right." He dropped you and ran off, you just stood laughing before Harry ended up picking Tobi. Josh chose Vikk and then the boys did Rock Paper Scissors for who got you. Josh lost to JJ and then JJ lost to Harry.

"Ayeee, winners!" You yell, running over to your team. Then you chose the knives, ending up getting the smallest one possible. Tobi handed the pen to you before you all turned your attention back to Simon.

"Alright you have until you get bored to create something, I don't know." You were about to turn and grab the knife when Harry began stabbing it all over, Tobi threw his arms around You protectively and ran backwards.

"Don't shank my nan again." He spoke as you picked your head up from behind Tobi's shoulder. After that whole fiasco, he began actually cutting the top off of the pumpkin. Ethan pulled theirs off first as you just stood doing nothing as there was only one knife.

Then Harry pulled the top off of yours and you jumped up and down in excitement. Tobi snatched the 'lid' from Harry and snuck up behind JJ who was just staring at the pumpkin.

"Aye, this is actually JJ's hair." He placed it on his head and you watched as he pushed it off. You picked up the top of the pumpkin and began to cut part off it off no one noticed until Simon walked over.

"Y/n, what the fuck are you doing?" You looked up in shock, dropping the knife and accidentally tearing a hole in your leggings. You let out a yelp and Tobi ran over, examining the small scratch on your leg.

"I was just trying to get rid of the pumpkin guts on the lid." you pouted as the knife was taken away from you. Tobi rolled his eyes before leading you over to help gut the pumpkin. You began to scrape the inside with your bare hands, you had no fake nails on so that was an advantage.

"Hey Y/n's really good at this you know." Ethan spoke from where he was, letting JJ draw whatever design they had decided on.

"Told you I was good with my hands." The boys all yelled once more and Tobi wrapped his arms around your waist. You just smiled at him and continued to scrape the walls of the vegetable. Harry then walked over to you and handed you a sharpie, you looked at him and frowned.

"You're the artist! I want a cock." He whispered the last part, you smiled and rolled your eyes before beginning to draw. As soon as he saw you, Simon strode over and watched you draw the simple shape, immediately making a remark.

"All I'm saying is, I think I know what they're drawing."

"It's an elephant."

"Well, what is this then?"

"It's the trunk you dirty bastard." The whole room cracked up at that and you smiled before drawing the rest. Harry came striding towards you with the knife and you backed away with your hands up. Tobi chuckled before going to see what you had drawn.

The sound of the doorbell pulled Simon away from his hosting duties and he ran to answer the door. Tobi being Tobi then took the opportunity to go and steal a spoon from the kitchen. He returned and you smirked at him before noticing that Con was gone as well. He returned with a pizza cutter.

"Really Con? Not a bigger knife, oh no! But a pizza cutter." You explain before watching him pull a large yellow knife from behind his back. You smile and laugh.

"I take it all back." Then you stood back as Tobi continued to get rid of the pumpkins innards. Harry then began cutting into the pumpkin whilst his hand was still inside. You look at them before speaking.

"Aye, I don't like this. This is gonna end badly."

"Nah, teamwork." Tobi says and continues to clean the thing. Vikk then returns and makes comment on it as well. You smirk and raise an eyebrow as the group are further questioned on what they were making and the pair continue to insist it's an elephant.

Simon then returned and questioned you about the new utensils. His answer: they grew. JJ then ate the pumping dick and you continued to just inspect your pumpkin being developed.

A while had passed and you were just chatting with Harry whilst he took a break when JJ came running at the pumpkin with boxing gloves on. You screamed and ran to jump on him. However, you were too late as he had gotten a punch at the pumpkin. Tobi then chased him off before he came at it again. You jump in front of it but he simply nudges you out of the way and you fall into Tobi's arms.

"You dick!" The group were laughing over it now as you gave up on the thing completely, deciding to just chat with Tobi. You were away from the camera and he had his arms wrapped around your waist. You smiled up at him and he began to talk.

"You know, as much as I love that your good with your hands. I get a tad jealous when you tell it out to the public."

"Awww, I'm sorry Tobs, I didn't know you got jealous." you teased before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. The two if you then went to check on Harry only to arrive just in time for him to cut himself. He began yelling and you ran to grab some kitchen towel before running back typically, they were getting the thumbnail.

"Y/n get in this!" you quickly posed before wrapping the finger in paper towel. After that, you mourned your pumpkin once more before Harry ended up destroying Jj and Ethans. You were a little sympathetic as theirs had actually been really good but then Josh and Vikk finished theirs and it was forgotten.

The video had finished and you were currently sat with the group at Nandos. Toni had an arm wrapped around you and as you gazed up at him and the rest of your friends you decided that there was no place you'd rather be.

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