Josh| Comfort food.

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Title: Comfort food.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 733

Comfort food.

Today had been an absolute bucket of shit. For starters, your alarm hadn't worked and then you had no clean clothes and then you missed the meeting and then so much other crap. And to top it all off, your car had broken down.

"Mother Fucking piece of crap, go fuck a- who are you looking at?!" You scream, kicking your car and groaning. You were parked in a Sainsbury's car park and were currently physically and verbally assaulting the piece of tin sat in front of you.

Today was just not your day. But maybe, just maybe, a nice serving of c/f would make it just a little bit more tolerable.

Trudging into the shop, you search for the sweets section. Aha! There... all the way on the other side of the shop.

You groaned before beginning to make your way over there, only to be stopped by a group of five year olds. They were stood in the middle of the isle, shoving each other and blocking the whole area.

You cleared your throat, loudly. They all stopped to look at you, in all your coffee stained- falling bun glory.

"Why does she look like that?"

"Is she even allowed to be here?"

"Do you think she's like a monster or something?"

"I bet she stole something."

They all stopped when you straightened you posture, staring at you like a monkey in a zoo.


They all screamed, running towards the next isle. You chuckled to yourself as you finally reached the isle you needed.

"I'm going to hell." You muttered, still laughing to yourself. Hopefully, your eyes scanned the shelves. Finally stopping on c/f. There was only one bag left yet just as you went to grab it, another got it instead.

You turned to face a man who looked to be around 5'9- 5'10. He had black hair as well as a beard and was currently watching you as your fists clenched.

"I'm sorry sir, but can I please have that?" You asked, a poisonous hint on your tone. The man shook his head no quite obviously joking. But you were too tired to see that.

"Okay, listen. Today I have been burned, bruised, teased, rained on, hell my cars even broken down! So please let me have the bag of c/f!" You scream, watching him take a step back and smile.

"I'm Josh." He smiled.

"Y/n." You responded, completely bewildered as to why the handsome stranger was still talking to you. He then gestured for you to follow him, which you did.

"Sorry for blowing up back there, I'm so embarrassed. I'm kinda having a-"

"Shit day?" He laughed, paying for the c/f before walking away again.

"Yeah." You smiled softly, still unsure as to why the man had told you to follow him.

"So I'm, random question. Where are we going?"

"My place." He shrugged, turning to look at you as if waiting for an answer. I mean, the day had been going shit and he seemed nice. Plus, he had the c/f. Ah fuck it, so what if you die!

"Lead the way." You laugh, watching as he climbed into the drivers side of a car. You slid in next to him and the two of you began the drive to who knows where.


He had taken you to a beautiful house, and was currently walking inside. He made his way towards the staircase and you awkwardly followed.

"So, Josh, you gonna tell me why I'm here?" The man simply smiled and pushed open a door. Okay, so this was his room.

"Do you want some to change into?" He smiled, gesturing to your wet and coffee stained clothes.

"Yes. Please." You beamed, happily accepting the hoodie and joggers he threw your way. He pointed you to a bathroom and you went to change, the clothes were loose and comfy. Just what you needed.

"Thank you! Now, you want to explain why you brought me here?"

"Simple. You're a pretty girl who needed cheering up and comfort food." You smiled widely, sitting down in the bed.

And so that what you did for the next few hours, talk play video games and eat comfort food. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

A/n: it's so short, I'm so sorry!

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