JJ| Gone too far (2)

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Title: Gone Too Far (2)
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 1210

Gone Too Far (2):

Thoughts ran in circles around your mind, bad, bad thoughts. JJ hadn't returned that night and you hadn't heard from him even after countless attempts of communication. You knew that he was probably staying the night at friends but there was a nagging feeling at the back of your mind that he wasn't.

What if he had run across the road in a blind rage and a car had clipped him? What if he had gotten drunk and was wandering aimlessly around London. What if his phone had died and he had no money for a taxi? What if, what if, what if. His friends would've messaged though, surely they would have messaged.

And so you lay awake with nothing but the ceiling and your thoughts to entertain you. Every time your phone buzzed you'd jolt upright only to find that it was just another Instagram notification which resulted in wave after wave of disappointment. Hour after hour ticked by until the idea that he might be posting on Snap-chat struck.

You had silenced all other notifications a while ago which is why the dozens of notifications hit you like a ton of bricks. Messages from friends and tags from random people popped up all at once and you grew increasingly worried. Opening the first message, you were further concerned at its content. Talia had sent the message and it read 'Hey boo, how are you holding up? Freya and I are prepared to come over, just say the word.'

Holding up? Why would they need to come over? The next message came from Simon, reading to be a very simple 'JJ's with me. He's a dick.' Two new emotions added to the whirlpool swirling around your head. Relief washed over you in waves at the fact that JJ was somewhere safe and yet all these messages were leaving you a confused mess. Messages weren't getting you very far and so you picked your next poison, Instagram.

Multiple unknown accounts had tagged you many involving deeply concerning hashtags, what on Earth was going on. Some celebrities had even mentioned something about how they sent you their best wishes. What the hell had Jide gotten himself into now? You tapped on one of the posts, a loading sign popping up on the screen. The caption read 'I can't believe he'd do that to Y/N!' a couple of emojis followed after along with multiple hashtags. It seemed the video finally decided to load and it showed JJ in a club in between two girls, the sight already had you imagining the worst. And it was the worst you got. the man leant down and pressed a messy kiss to the blonde's lips, then doing the same to the redhead to his left. The video ended then and began to replay.

Tears burned your eyes as you watched it again-just in case you had imagined the whole thing. He had cheated. You had pretended to, but he had actually cheated. Another message popped up but you ignored it completely, moving to message Simon instead.

'Was he drunk?' He responded immediately, swerving the question completely. You messaged again. 'Was.He.Drunk?' the next answer was simple and had your heart falling into your stomach. 'No.'


That night Talia had come over along with Freya, Disney films and heaps of junk food. You'd pushed them away at first, wanting to do nothing but cry but they knew you too well and eventually, you allowed them to stay. Morning came and you awoke with puffy eyes and a foot in your face.

Sitting up and weaving your way around the other two girls so as not to disturb them, you made your way towards the kitchen. More notifications lit up your phone and more text messages rolled in. None from the man himself though.

The other two soon left and you continued to scroll through the hundreds of Insta posts, tweets and countless of other things. The doorknob then rattled and your head shot upwards. A sheepish looking JJ stepped forward and you put the phone down.

"I uh- I guess we need to talk huh?"

"Yeah, I guess." You responded, watching as he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. He took a few steps into the house and you continued to watch, the air slowly grew thicker. He stopped at the other end to the kitchen counter and the pair of you locked eyes.

"Y/N I- I'm so fucking sorry, " You nodded waiting for him to continue. "I was so angry with you, I wasn't thinking straight so I went to a club. I got drunk and I-"


"What? Y/N I was drunk, I couldn't think straight. You have to believe me, Simon had to come to get me and-"

"Liar." You scowled up at him and continued. "I some to Simon JJ, you weren't drunk. You went to that club and you kissed both of those girls, on camera, whilst you were in a stable state of mind." Your voice shook with emotion and you tried your best to remain calm.

"Okay, you caught me. I wasn't drunk, but I was high on anger, I don't think I can remember anything that happened last night. All I know is that that prank had me seeing red and that I wanted to get my own back." He grasped fistful's of hair between his fingers and you watched as he paced the length of the kitchen.

"That's just it Jide, it was just a prank. I took it too far and I apologized immediately once I realised how you felt. The is a very, very strong line between pretending and actually doing something though, you didn't even have the decency to message me when half the internet blew up!"

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" You jumped slightly at his outburst, watching as he threw his hands around in defeat. "I fucking know okay, I messed up. I messed everything up." Tears rolled freely down his cheeks and your voice shook as you spoke the next sentence.

"I- I think you should stay at Simons for a while." The man locked eyes with you and nodded once, leaving silently to gather a bag. The tension hung thick in the air, draining any and all oxygen. It felt as though your lungs were going to collapse and you found yourself fighting for air. The man soon returned and you walked him to the door, stopping once you reached the glossy wood.

"I'll see you soon. Love you." The man pressed a kiss to your forehead and you simply opened the door. It slammed shut behind him drowning out your small "Love you too." Your relationship was strong, this had caused a huge dent but it was repairable. You'd bounce back. I was insanity, the amount of pain caused by one harmless prank that had gone just a bit too far.

A/N: So this was ready to come out last night but I deleted it accidentally. I'm not sure I like it but I wanted to do a part two, I love getting feedback so bote, comment and request!

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