JJ| Gone too far

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*This is a request for StylishStylesX it still uses     Y/N. I've tried my best and I'm so sorry for the wait! X

Title: Gone Too Far.
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence.
Word Count: 1254

Gone Too Far:

It late at night when you had come up with the idea, JJ was snoring and you could hear the night time traffic from outside your window. You had simply been laying in bed with your head burrowed into your boyfriend's chest and it just popped up.

It was a good video idea, and it would be fun for you as well considering the number of times the man had pranked you the past month. And so on that one winter night, it was decided, you were going to pull one of the biggest pranks yet.


The idea was there, but there were a few issues planning it. You see, you wanted to hire an actor to help but didn't feel comfortable doing a few things around a stranger. And so you were faced with a dilemma, hire a stranger and be uncomfortable or ask one of the sidemen and make the prank hurt even more.

Eventually, you decided it was best to ask Simon as you'd know him the longest and you knew no drama would be created between both him and JJ. You thought it would be easy, finding Simon and getting him alone for a minute considering he was always round your flat but apparently he had disappeared when you needed him most.

It was a couple of days later when Simon finally showed up at the flat. The three of you had been binging some show on Netflix when you decided to pull him into the other room. So what if it looked suspicious, it would just add to the prank.

"Hey, Si. Can I talk to you real quick?" The man shot you an odd look but agreed nonetheless, rising from his seat on your sofa and following you into the bedroom.

"Okay, so you know his JJ has been pranking everyone a lot recently?" He nodded and rolled his eyes, "Well I want to get him back, a triple whammy if you will, you down?"

"I'd say no but I woke up at 6:00 this morning due to Talia squealing her head off all because JJ had put a rat in the kitchen before he left ours last night. So, yeah, I'm down. What's the plan?" You smirked before explaining the basic idea and then how you planned on making it believable.

"You're fucking evil you know?" The man chuckled, you laughed along with him before you walked back out into the living room. JJ watched as you grinned and made your way towards him, curling into his arms once more.


"You know, never in my life did I think I would be sucking my skin into a bottle in order to fake a few hickeys. Never thought I'd say that either." You laughed as you and Simon sat in front of your bathroom mirror attempting to suck enough skin into the bottleneck for the mark to be believable.

"Never did I think I'd be helping my best friend prank my other best friend by pretending to be in a relationship with her." The pair of you cracked up at that before you pulled the bottle from your neck, seeing a purple coloured, circular bruise on the side of your neck.

The pair of you marvelled at the bruise, comparing it to a real one. You high fived and then pressed the bottle to your neck once more, creating a few more for effect. After that, you made sure the cameras were all well hidden before heading to the bedroom to wait for the man.

Simon was shirtless and you were going to rid yourself of your top the minute the front door opened. It was nerve-wracking, sitting and waiting for someone to arrive only for you to then make them panic. Nonetheless, you sat and you waited.


The click of a lock sprung you into action, stripping yourself of a top and climbing under the duvet with Simon. You heard JJ place a few things down outside before the bedroom door swung open. You immediately poked your head out from under the covers, watching the man's face fall at the sight.

"Shit, shit! Baby, I didn't know you'd be home so soon." He didn't say anything, simply walking out the door. You and Simon shared a look, you told him to just leave and you'd text him once it was over.

The tension hung in the air as you crept from the bedroom, walking cautiously towards your boyfriend. He was sat on one of your kitchen chairs, head held in his hands.

"JJ I- I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd be home yet, I didn't want you to find out that way."

"You didn't want me to find out that way? Y/N you've been fucking my best friend behind my back!" His voice was coated in disbelief, you reached a hand out to touch his arm but he pulled away.

"Babe, calm down. We can talk about this."

"Don't, don't call me babe. Don't tell me to 'calm down'. Don't think you can try and explain yourself because we both know that you can't... Fuck!" The man swung around, his hand coming in contact with the wall, hard.

He then advanced towards you and you had to admit, even though you knew he would never physically harm you, you were scared. Shrinking back a bit, you watched as he reached an arm out towards you.

"These are fake right? You're pranking me." He rubbed his thumb across the marks on your neck expectantly, his face twisting once he realised they weren't coming off. You made sure to keep your face solemn as you spoke once more.

"JJ, I need to tell you something." The man laughed at you, yelling once more.

"What? What could you possibly have to tell me Y/N- You're breaking up with me?" You gazed downwards, praying he wouldn't do something he would regret. "Y- You're breaking up with me?"

You nodded your head, it was time to call this off soon. It hurt you to see him so torn up over something that you had done, all because you had thought it be funny. The man had tears rolling down his cheeks now as he grasped at the hair on his head.

"There- There's one more thing..." He just looked at you, waiting.

"You, we're just pranked, big time." A small smile crept onto your face as you watched his turn to anger. "Theres a camera there, there and there. I can show you the footage of me creating the hickeys, I'm sorry."

"What the fuck Y/N? You think that was funny?" You took a couple of steps back, this was not the reaction you had been expecting. Sure, he was bound to be a little angry but this was incredibly different.

"Wh- What? JJ why are you getting so upset?" The man scoffed, his hand releasing the tight hold that he had on his hair.

"Seriously? Why am I so upset, you just told me that you had cheated on me and that we're breaking up! What did you expect me to do, laugh?"

"Jide, calm down. Please, I didn't mean for you to-"

"Forget it Y/N, you're pathetic." The word rang in your head as the man slammed the front door behind him. . It was just a harmless prank? Pathetic. What if he really thought of you that way, maybe it wasn't just the anger speaking. Pathetic. Perhaps you had gone too far.

A/N: I hope you liked it, sorry if you didn't. And again, in so sorry for the wait xx

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