Ethan| 80,000 calorie challenge

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Title: 80,000 calorie challenge.
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 1417

80,000 calorie challenge:

A scream forced you awake, jumping up and rushing out of the bedroom you were met with the sight of your boyfriend holding a camera and pointing it towards the table.

"Oh, Y/n I didn't mean to wake you up. Sorry, bub." He spoke, turning the camera to face you as well. You grumbled, moving to get a glass of water from the cupboard. You quickly showed your breakfast and counted the calories before the camera was put down.

"So what's the plan for today?" You sigh, leaning back into Ethan's newly muscly chest.

"Well, We're meeting Tobi and Harry at Nandos and then well see how the day goes from there." He shrugged before grabbing the camera again. You grabbed the protein bars, chucking one at him and smirking.

"Oh, it's on!" He ran for cover, grabbing his own bag. You giggled and ducked behind the kitchen workplace, throwing aimlessly and laughing harder when you heard one hit him. The camera was long forgotten and you were just doing this for fun now. Deciding to run for a new hiding spot, you felt a bar hit you in the back and screeched, laughing before calling out to the boy.


"Yes! Please!" He cackled, you had your head shielded as you approached. The two of you shook hands before realising that you had to leave soon. Throwing on a skin-tight jumper you left to join Ethan in the car.


The two of you arrived at the shopping centre and met up with Harry and Cal (freezy) shortly after. The two boys chatted on their own so you just chatted with Ethan, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek not realising that you were being filmed, courtesy of Tobi.

After getting seated at the restaurant, you began discussing calories again. The boys all spoke about how they were going to smash it, Harry apparently already being 1,000 calories down.

"I could probably go a week on 10,000 calories, I don't know how you lot are gonna do this." You laugh, watching Harry down the rest of his smoothie.

"Why does he look so angry?" The boys laugh at your comment before Tobi pulls out his protein bars, he tells you that their 600 cals each and you all laugh as he realised they're much less.

The waitress takes your orders, all of you taking out your cameras to vlog it. After the boys had done theirs you grabbed your receipt and listed your order.

"I have got the: Watermelon and feta salad, halloumi sticks and chicken butterfly with a side of avocado cause why not. That takes me to... 1,800 calories." The boys cheered and you laughed before the five of you just relaxed for a bit.

Your salad was the first to arrive and you gladly began eating, then came the halloumi sticks. Ethan's came first and he finished those off, the rest of the boys and you got them as Ethan got his second round. Harry's hadn't arrived yet and so he reached you and stole one of Ethan's. The boys laughed but when his arrived you quickly stole one of his, handing it to the boy next to you. The guys laughed even harder and Ethan was quick to speak.

"Ha, yeah. Fuck you, Harry!" You just laughed and continued eating. With half a chicken left, you decided to quit, allaying your head on Ethan's shoulder and groaning. He wrapped an arm around you and continued to chat with your friends.

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