Chapter 3

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I run towards the gym under my umbrella, I change my shoes, I put my umbrella down and into the stand for it to drain, "Hey, Juri!" Riko waves me over to her and Hyuga. I walk over to him, "How did your day go?"

"Good thanks, Sorry I'm late. I had to see some teachers, what's happening?" I ask.

"We usually have a run about now but as you can see," Hyuga says, "Since we can't go for roadworks and the rain, we still have time left in our training... What should we do, coach?"

Riko thinks for a minute, "It might be a good opportunity," She says and we walk back into the gym, "Gather round boys!" She says and the club turns to her, "Let's have a 5 VS 5 mini-game! With the freshmen against the second years."

"I like that," I smile as some of the first-years complain about the idea Riko just gave them.

Riko looks at me, "Have you looked over the strategies and data I emailed you? Also, these are my handwritten ones, photocopied, take time to go over them."

"Thank you," I smile and take them, "I looked over the last years data and I saw some errors in the way you worked."

"Already?!" She questions and I nod, "We'll go over that sometime soon, yeah?"

"Sounds good," I nod and sit on the stage beside the adviser of the group. I look over the photocopied data and bring out my documents, comparing them as the boys have their 5 V 5.

I hear bickering between Taiga and Tetsuya and smile remembering the past.

"Calm down Aomine," Tetsuya said to the dark blue-haired boy, "It's just a practice game."

"You bastard Tetsu..." Daiki turned to Tetsuya and swung for him who dodged swiftly, "Stay still and let me hit you!" He shouts with a smile on his face.

"No, it'll hurt," Tetsuya said with a small smile on his face.

"That's the point!" Daiki shouted.

"Daiki!" I shouted and he looked at me, "Enough, he's right. Don't push yourself, we'll need you for the match tomorrow... We'll need all of you at you fullest tomorrow!"

"What shall we do then?" Seijuro asked.

"You're the captain and the coach is off sick," I said and gestured him to go on to the team.

"It was fun... Sometimes..." I mumble.

"Everything okay deary?" The Takeda-Sensei asks and I look at him, "You look like you've been hurt."

"I'm fine, thank you, sir," I smile at him.

"If you need to talk, I may not be a good opponent on the court, but I can listen and offer advice," He says.

"Thank you, I'll think about it," I say and turn back to the team, "Tetsuya quit playing around!" Everyone looks at me and I smirk, "You were at Teiko or was that my imagination? Show them what you are known for."

He looks at me, nods and begins loosening his wrist, "Excuse me, can you pass me the ball," Tetsuya says to a first-year.

I smile and I watch as he uses his misdirection to pass the ball to another first-year, shocking a second-year in the process, "Better," I whisper with a smile as the first-years shoot.

"It...It's in?! How did he get that pass through just now?!" Hyuga questions.

"I don't know, I didn't see!!" Izumi says.

My smile widens as I watch Tetsuya, I was always able to notice Tetsuya maybe it's because I used to have a shadow in basketball. I may not be able to notice him constantly, but I see his hair and eyes before my brain registers him. 

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