Chapter 18

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As I walking home yesterday it started to rain again and I ended up with a cold and dad made me stay at home. I texted both Riko and Tetsuya letting them know I wasn't going to be at school. 

I'm sat in my bed, with my laptop desk over my lap and I was studying when my door opens, I see Riko, Tetsuya and Taiga walking in, "Hello," I smile at him and cover my mouth with a tissue before coughing and binning the tissue, "How was school?" I ask looking at them.

"It's okay but hmm..." Riko starts and sits on the end of the bed, "The day after tomorrow is an all-day review test... Tetsuya said he'd help you review today's classes," She tells me and I nod slowly, "Can I see your midterm test results?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're in my bag help yourself," I tell her, I see Tetsuya holding his notebooks to me, "Thanks?" I take it and look at them, "Can I copy your notes?" He nods and I start getting to work on the notes.

Riko leans down and grabs my midterms, she looks through them, "Wow... You're pretty smart," She comments, "The reason being the final league is Saturday and if your score is under 100 you have to retake on Saturday on cannot go to the final league... Guess I don't need to worry about you."

"No... If I'm lacking, dad gets me a personal tutor," I tell her as I copy Tetsuya's notes, "I can help with studying though... Who's the worse?"

"The benchers are fine, Tetsuya is normal," Riko says and I giggle.

"I'm not surprised," I smile at her, "He always has been."

"Worse is an understatement... Awful is the correct word," Riko looks at Taiga, "Kagami is terrible," Riko says and hands me his tests.

I look at them and see the results 5, 41, 3, 9, 0, 14. My eyes widen, "You've got to be kidding me! Taiga you dumb shit!!" I start coughing and quickly cover my mouth with a tissue, "Fucking hell..."

"We're heading to my place now, the others are downstairs with your dad... Will you be joining us tomorrow?" Riko asks looking at me.

"If I'm at school I will be," I tell her and smile, "I'll text you."

"Alright, have you finished with Kuroko's notes?" She asks and I nod handing it to him.

"Thank you Tetsuya, see you tomorrow maybe," I say and smile as they walk off.

I go back to studying in my bed, again the door opens, "Juricchi!!" Ryouta runs in and hugs me, "How are you? Are you still sick? Will you be at your school tomorrow? I knew I should have taken you home and made you get Sebastian!" He says and sits on the floor beside me, looking up at me, "Juricchi? What are you doing?"

"Ryouta, hey... I'm okay just drained, I might be not sure, it's okay my fault, I'm studying," I answer all his questions and look at him, "What are you doing here?"

"Well... Kurokocchi texted me letting me know you were sick... I got worried," He says and smiles, "I'll nurse you back to health!" He declares and stands up.

"Don't you have homework or need to study?" I ask and he flinches, "Do that on the ground, dad's nursing me."

"O...Okay," He sits down and gets his notebooks and homework sheets out, "Do you think you can help me?" He asks.

"Nope, do it yourself," I tell him and start writing out my answers as Ryouta does his work.

We all take part in the test review two days later and got our results. I tilt my head back with a mask on my face, "Juri..." Tetsuya says and I look at him, "Feeling better?"

"I'll be fine, thanks for yesterday... Sorry, you had to come over to give me your notes and your plans were changed because of me," I say as yesterday the basketball team came over to study at my place instead of Riko's.

The next day came and I still had a mask covering my nose and mouth. The second years rush to us, "Kagami! How did the test go?!" Hyuga asks.

"Well..." Taiga holds up his results 90th place which made Hyuga freak out.

Hyuga looks at me, "Juri?" He asks.

I show him my results 1st place, "I'm good," I say and Riko hugs me, "Riko?"

"I was worried you'd be distracted due to being sick, I'm so happy," She says and releases me then they find out how Taiga got his result, by the rolling pencil Tetsuya got for Shintaro.

"I feel like I owe him now..." Taiga says.

"Don't worry," I say and he looks at me, "I'll make sure he knows you owe him a favour," I say and he glares at me as I smile sweetly behind my mask.

"Damn you Juri!" Taiga gets up, I grab my bag and run out as he follows after me, "Get back here!!" He shouts and I get my phone out and start texting Shintaro. 

I speed walk as I pass a teacher, "Kagami, Taiga! No running in the hallway!" The teacher shouts.

I quickly go into the girls' toilets and smile to myself knowing Taiga won't follow me inside. I remove my mask and wash my face before walking back out with the mask on. 

Riko walks to me, "Juri... Do you feel strong enough to be with us during club activities today?" She asks.

"I don't think so, it might be best I go home but the Inter-High..." I rub the back of my neck.

"Hey, don't worry about that... You head home, get better for the tournament," She says and I nod, "See you tomorrow."

"Bye," I wave at her slightly before walking on ahead of her. 

I walk to the school gates and see a familiar dark blue-haired guy with tanned skin, "Daiki?" I call out and he looks at him, "What do you want?" I ask, standing in front of him.

"Ryouta said you're ill and that you were coming to school today. Why?" He asks with a frown.

"Revise test thingy results today and I was in yesterday," I tell him, "Anyway, see ya," I wave and walk to a black Tesla.

"Juri," He calls out and I look at him, "I won't lose against you, the only one who can beat me is me."

"I'm too drained to deal with that damn ego of yours," I say and get in the back, "Straight home, please," I tell Sebastian who nods and takes me home.

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