Chapter 44

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We were all gathered at the court and I sat with Kagetora, I didn't know how to feel, I was leaving in a few days, going to America, leaving everyone I loved to go to a country where people who annoy me so much lived. "Juri," Kagetora says and I flinch, "Are you okay?" He smiles as I look at him and nod slowly, "Nervous? Our boys will do great, we trained them after all."

"You're right," I smile at him.

"It's been a week already since Jabberwock's last match! Their opponents are a group of high schoolers call Vorpal Swords! The time for revenge is here!!" The announcer says, "Vorpal Swords vs Jabberwock!! The match begins now!!"

The first quarter, we instantly took the tip off and Daiki moved so fast it was almost unreadable he successful started off the game. The boys were instantly showing Jabberwock their strength and speed by preventing their passes and shoots. You can literally see the shock on their faces from their ability compared to Team Strky. Daiki seemed to have been running the show, which his streetball ability, usually I wasn't a fan of him going on his own but for today, I'll let him off as he is keeping us in the lead. Nash soon got the ball and tried to get past Seijuro, but he was able to keep up which led Nash to pass to one of his teammates. Sushi stopped the teammate from dunking the ball, I was slowly seeing the old team who played together, before they all started to change. It was almost beautiful. Shintaro did his usual three-point shoot, which left Jabberwock team shocked, Nash looks at me shocked and I smirk, almost receiving a death glare from him before he turned away from me. We were leading by 4 points, 20 - 16. 

"This is the end of the first quarter! Vorpal Swords is in the lead!" We all stood up letting the starters sit down.

I crouch down in front of Ryouta and smiles at him, "Everything okay Juricchi?" He asks and drinks his water.

"Yep," I smile, "Even the lead isn't what you all want, but with them... It's unavoidable."

"Who cares?" Daiki asks and we look at him, "This is good, just the kind of opponent I want," He smiles.

"The second quarter will be a little different," I say and they look at me, "What Kagetora has suggested will be fine for now, but what I mean is... They will mock you more," I stand up and glance at Nash before turning back to my team, "It's what they do, they believe they are best... They believe winning is absolute and that they are the strongest that there ever was in the world of basketball and that they are the only ones who can play the game," I say.

"Why didn't you say this before?" Riko asks.

"I thought it was kind of obvious..." I look at her confused, "I'm sorry," I smile at her before looking at them, "Keep the strategy going but keep in mind they will mock you and taunt you, it's what they do. To make you angry and frustrated enough to possibly make fouls, it's what they do and it's them usual the rules of streetball and basketball, to their advantage."

"There's no rule saying they cannot taunt, right?" Seijuro says.

"Correct, just try and stay calm out there. I know it's easier said than done, but please just try it... For me?" I smile at him a little, "I'd like to see the team I know you all can be once more before it's gone."

"Huh?" Seijuro looks at me confused.

"Nothing!" I smile at him, "Just try and have fun out there and make sure to make them scared. Okay?" I smile at them.

The second quarter started with Jason VS Daiki, Jason was fast in his movements and he was able to get past Daiki with ease to the hoop where Sushi was ready to defend but Jason seemed to have more strength than Sushi at the time and pushed harder and so he succeeded in his dunk. Jabberwock started to catch up in scores. It seemed that the Generation of Miracles was unable to keep up with Jason and it soon seemed like they were beginning to show their true power to the team. A time out was called by Kagetora, halfway through then the score was 24 - 33 to Jabberwock. Seijuro and Shintaro were out and Tetsuya and Taiga were in. We went with another one of the strategies that Kagetora and I had worked up together over the week, it was seeming to work as Jason seemed shocked at how Sushi was holding him off from behind, though it didn't last long. As Jason went to dunk, Taiga was able to block, just as looked that Jason started to get the upper hand, Daiki joined in and helped with the block. Double-teamed against Jason, I couldn't help but smile when I saw this, it was something that I don't believe they practised, their double-team was a success and shocked the Jabberwock team.  Tetsuya used his Ignite Pass, as our counterattack to get to Ryouta which was successful. It seemed like Jabberwock were stunned and they were unsure how that happened. It seemed like Nash was going to go one-on-one against Ryouta until Daiki and Jason joined. Nash glared at Ryouta, "She's coming back with us," Nash says to Ryouta who tries to keep his anger down. Ryouta passed to Taiga who was behind him who dunked. successfully. The game carried on and neither team was giving up, the gap never closed completely, but you could feel the teams frustration from anywhere near the court and possibly over the TV screen. Taiga and Sushi double-teamed against Jason who looked like he was struggling, one of the members of Jabberwock wanted him to pass to them, but Jason being himself, played alone and tried to pass the two which worked, though Daiki suddenly marked him with a smirk as he knocked the ball out of Jason's hand. Each team continued to go against the other, both were getting tired. The second quarter was showing success for us, very slowly the score was 36 - 40 with Jabberwock in the lead. 

I stand up with the others as the starters sat down on the bench, "Juricchi...A question," Ryouta says and I look at him, "What happened between you and Nash in America?" He asks looking at me.

"Nothing of what I think that you are thinking," I say, "He just helped me lose weight and get stronger as a person, then I saw him play basketball against another team... Hearing him say they should kill themselves because they were weaker than him, I couldn't stand it... He knows his stuff, I'll admit it and he's strong I'll admit that as well as talented but he is an arsehole," I look at Ryouta, "He may like me in the way you do but I couldn't care less about that," I smile and lean down before kissing him gently, "I'll say this once, I'll let it slide if you wish to crush this team... They need it."

Seijuro chuckles and looks at me, "Never thought I'd hear you say that," He says looking at me and I turn to him, "But if that's what Juri wants I think we can do it."

I look at Nash and see the bench kicked over and he annoyed at Jason, "Also, there's something he's not showing... Be ready for anything... Even I don't know what he is hiding okay? Be ready for a possible ability," I look at the team who nods, "Okay, Kagetaro, on to you," I say turning to the head coach. 

"Juri! I hope you're packed, you'll be staying with me when you're in America!" Nash laughs.

"Shut your mouth, you scum. Juri won't go anywhere near filth such as you anymore. You don't even deserve to breathe the same air as her," Seijuro says pulling me to him, almost protectively.

Daiki chuckles a little and looks at the benchers who aren't used to Seijuro like this, "Meet big brother Akashi, he only gets like this when Juri is in trouble," He explains.

I hug Seijuro, "Thank you Sei-Chan... But I'm okay," I smile at him before stepping back, "Everything will be okay in the end."

"You're all doing well, keep it up and like Juri said, be ready for anything," Kagetaro says. We swap places with the players and I watch as they all go onto the court ready for the third quarter. 

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