Chapter 5

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The weekend passed by with flying colours and it was Monday morning. I woke up and dressed in a black skater dress with red flats and a scarf. Red was Saki's favourite colour and black was our mum's favourite. I plaited my hair to the side, over my right shoulder with light and natural makeup before joining my dad downstairs.

"We'll have breakfast on the way," He says when he notices me walking into the living, "You still want to go to the school?"

"Yeah," I smile, "We don't have to stay long but I'd like to see a preview of what the boys are doing."

"You and Riko will be a pair, good job the Generations of Miracles didn't have you both with Momoi, though... Though, if they did then they might not have turned as they did," He stands up and I noticed him in a suit with a red tie, "Are you all ready?"

"Yes dad," I smile and he walks to me bringing me into his arms, so I wrap my arms around his waist, "Have you got the whole day off like normal?"

"Yeah," He smiles and looks at me, "It's good being the boss of the company," He chuckles.

We pull away from each other and my phone beeps a couple of times, "Sorry dad," I say and dig into my bag pulling out my phone, "Tetsuya and Riko."

Tetsuya Kuroko
Good luck today, message me later if you want a milkshake.

Juri Kurosawa
Thank you and I probably will want a milkshake, get a takeaway of our orders and come over after practice?

Tetsuya Kuroko
Sure thing, with extra notes?

Juri Kurosawa
You're a star! See you later.

Tetsuya Kuroko
See you later, does your dad want anything?

I look up at dad, "Tetsuya is coming over after practice and he is wondering if you want anything from Maji Burgers and a milkshake or something?" I ask him.

"Double bacon cheese and a latte?" Dad asks, "I'll pay him back."

"Okay," I smile and text Tetsuya our orders then open up Riko's message.

Riko Aida
Hey, good luck today. The recording is all set up for your gift tomorrow! Are you still coming to spy for a little bit?

Juri Kurosawa
Won't be there long, but we'll see some for a preview. Heading to school now. Also, thanks.

Riko Aida
No problem and see you tomorrow, I'm over the phone if you need me!

"Come on little miss, time to head out," Dad says from the door and I follow him into his car. 

Dad drives to the school and he parks up at the entrance gates, we look out my window and I see small figures standing by the railing on the roof. I roll the window down a little and watch the figures on the roof as the other students stand at the ground with the teachers for Monday morning meetings. 

"CLASS 1-B, SEAT 8, KAGAMI TAIGA!" Taiga shouts and my eyes widen a little, "I WILL DEFEAT THE 'GENERATION MIRACLES' AND BECOME THE NUMBER ONE IN JAPAN!!" Taiga finishes and jumps off the railing.

"Impressive," I mutter with a smile.

"He'll need help that one, you've got your work cut out for you sweetheart," Dad says and I look at him, "But at least he knows what he wants."

"True but he hasn't got the brains to get there just yet, he thinks it's brute force is the way to go around things when he needs a team, truly," I say and turn to the roof, "Come on, let's head-on."

"Okay," He smiles and starts the engine before driving off.

We grabbed some breakfast from a coffee shop to takeaway, we ate while we were on the road to the cemetery and are now walking up to my mums and sisters burial place. I hold our takeaway cups as dad holds the two bouquets of flowers for them.

I walk up to a burial place with the names Sakura Kurosawa and Saki Kurosawa. I put the coffee cups down and take a bouquet of lilies. We place them down and say our respects, telling them everything that's happened since the last time we visited them.

"You'll be proud of me Saki, I'm back friends with Tetsuya and I made a new friend called Riko. Lost a lot of weight and stopped mopping and blaming myself," I say and look at dad before looking at my sisters name, "Which I know you'll be cursing and hitting me with anything whenever I mopped around," I giggle, "You would enjoy Seirin and the basketball team I'm the manager of this time. They're a funny bunch and seem to have a really big family aura."

"She's already staying out later with Kuroko after practice and meeting up with Aida who's the coach of the team," Dad says and I smile at him, "She's slowly opening up again and lost a lot of weight, so proud of her."

"Thank you," I say to him and smile, "I miss them, dad, so much."

"I know sweetie," He says and pulls me into his arms, "I do too, but I thank every star I see that I was left one and that not all of you were taken from me," He says and kisses my temple.

"Yeah, you on your own would be terrible," I joke and smile at him.

"Hey! That's mean!" He chuckles and we pray for the two.


I walk around my living room on the phone, "And why not? Because we're not as well known as you?" I question, "Do you know who I used to manage? Generation of Miracles, at Teiko Middle School," I say.

"J...Juri Kurosawa?!" The voice over the phone questions.

"Hello, so I know who I'm working with and these guys are will bring the battle to the court and will make your boys work for the victory though we won't give it to them," I smile and there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Dad says and I nod.

"I can't do it so soon... Maybe... Wednesday to Friday," He says.

"Friday, after school at about 4?" I ask and open my diary.

"See you then," He says and hangs up. I write in my diary and close it.

Dad walks in and smiles, "It seems your club came to join us for dinner," He says and I see the whole club here.

"Hey guys, thanks for visiting though you didn't have to," I smile at them as Riko walks to me and we hug, "I have some news, so I just got off the phone with another schools coach for later in the week," My eyes land on Taiga, "You want to win, remember it's not just you on the team!"

"I'd take her words unless you want to be in hell," Dad comments.

"Who's the school?" Riko asks.

"I'll give you all the details tomorrow, promise," I look at her, "Also, did you bring the recording of this morning?"

"Yep, here you are," She hands over a CD, "Come on, everyone let's eat!"

The guys cheer and we all sit around in the living eating burgers, fries, dessert and drinking either pop, hot drink or a milkshake. "So, Kurosawa," Taiga says and I pop a fry in my mouth as I lean my back against Tetsuya's, looking at him, "Why did you pick the team?"

"Great team, school is dedicated to sports, why shouldn't I have gone with them?" I ask as I look at him.

"Sounds good, you'll give me details tomorrow?" Riko asks.

"Will do," I smile at her and we all go back to talking Riko and Hyuga tell me about today's practice, they just continued practice games between themselves.

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