Chapter 9

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"Seirin won!!" The referee shouts and the team cheer as I smile at them as does Riko.

"We... Lost?" Ryouta says and I look at him to see him staring off into space before he starts crying.

"Excuse me Riko... Can I... Just?" I look at her as the boys line up thanking each other.

"Go on," She smiles.

I smile and stand up as I walk to Ryouta, then tap his head with my notepad, "Oi, blondie," He looks at me as does his captain, "Quit your moping, I'd rather not have dinner with someone with a snotty nose," I smile at him.

"Dinner?" Kasamatsu question then kicks Ryouta, "IDIOT! Stop getting all the cute girls!!" 

Ryouta whines and looks at him, "Senpai, stop hitting me!" He says with tears falling.

I laugh a little and cover my mouth, "Sorry, sorry," I say as the two of them look at me shocked and I look at Ryouta, "So, tell me... Why did you lose?" I smile.

"Why did... I... Lose?" Ryouta asks and he thinks for a moment, "Hmm..."

"Please don't hurt your head," I giggle, "Listen, I'm going to be dragged off somewhere if they want to eat, I'll text you where I am then we can head off," I tell him, "Also, it was a good game," I look at Kasamatsu, "Can I offer you some advice for this dumbass?" I point to Ryouta who flinches and whines as Kasamatsu gives me his full attention, "I'm just a manager but I did help out in practice occasionally... The best thing for this dumbass is... Keep doing what you're doing, he'll end up behaving," I smile, "Also, a little praise goes a long way with him... Sometimes too much, so keep it to a minimum," I tell him.

"You're giving me permission to... Kick him," Kasamatsu points to Ryouta, "You're boyfriend?"

"Ex-boyfriend," I correct him and skip off.

I go to the locker room, "You boys decent?" I ask and Tetsuya opens the door then steps aside letting me in, I walk in, "Good job boys," I smile at them, "You got a manager for 3 years," I tell them and look at Taiga, "Great job red," I say and he looks at me, "You did good, I'm proud."

"You're really sticking with us?!" Riko smiles at me.

"Yep," I smile at her and nod, "Come on, everyone, let's see where we can go for food," I grab my bag, "Can you wait outside for, I need to change."

"Sure thing," Riko says and everyone leaves me alone as I change into my outfit for later.

"Sure thing," Riko says and everyone leaves me alone as I change into my outfit for later

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I put on my jacket and walk out with my bags. I walk around the Kaijo team and jog up to Riko, "Thanks for waiting, you're rather smiley," I smile at her and I look at the other team to see Coach Takeuchi glaring at us, "Thank you for having us, many a rematch in the future?"

I sigh seeing the Ryouta not come to say bye but we walk on, "I wonder why Kise didn't come to say bye?" Tetsuya says beside me shocking Izumi and Mitobe in front of us.

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