Chapter 16

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He walks down the corridor with me in his arms, "What about Koganei, didn't he hit his head... But... I didn't see him," I say.

"He didn't hit his head as much as you, just a little dizzy. He didn't hit his head as you did," He tells me before we go into the infirmary, he lays me on the bed, "Hello?" He looks around, "Looks like no one's here."

"Close the curtains, it's too bright," I wince a little and he does as I say, "Thank you," I close my eyes.

"Don't sleep," He says.

"Keep talking to me then," I reply as he put an icepack on my head to let the bump shrink a little, "Thank you," He sits me up and holds me still, "You don't have to stay here."

"I want to," He says, "Katamatsu-Senpai is keeping an eye on the score for us."

"Okay," I yawn and curl up a little into him.

"You're adorable at times Juricchi," He slowly lays down, keeping me in his arms, I rest my head on his chest and closes my eyes, "Juricchi..."

"Yeah...?" I answer with my eyes closed.

"Hmm... Do you... Do you want to go for dinner later this week?" He asks.

"Who's paying?" I ask.

"Me," He says slightly unsure.

"Good, then yes," I yawn, "Can I sleep now?"

"Hmm... How's your head?" He asks.

"I have a headache, but it's not too as bad as when we were at Teiko. I'm going to nap, wake me up when it's the end of 3rd quarter?" I ask and he agrees as I start falling asleep on his chest.


"Juricchi?" Ryouta wakes me up a little and I open my eyes looking up at him and he looks at me, "Sorry, but it's the end of the 3rd quarter... Want to go see the ending?" He asks.

"No, did Riko message me?" I ask and he leans over grabbing my bag and gets my phone. 

I watch as he unlocks my phone, "Still the day we got together?" He cuddles, "Cute," I blush and pinch his cheeks, "Ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry," I release him, "And yes she did, Seirin won 73 to 71," He tells me, "She's asked if you will be there for Shutuko."

"I think so," I tell him and he types on my phone, "Thank you..."

"Want anything?" He asks.

"Glass of water please," I look at him and he nods. He gets off the bed and I rest my head on the pillow, "Thank you Ryouta."

"No problem," He says before walking back to the bed. I sit up slowly, "Feeling better?" 

"Yeah, thank you," I take the glass and sip the water, "Thanks Ryouta, let's go," I say and stand up.

"You sure?" He looks at me.

"Yeah, walk with me though please?" I ask.

"Sure," He holds my hand as we walk to the court, "I'll text you later," He smiles.

"Sounds good," I walk to the bench and hear Taiga.

"So what if I don't pass!" Taiga shouts, "Look, right now, I'm the only one on par with Shutoku! What we need right now isn't teamwork! It's me scoring!!" He glares forward.

I walk behind him and Tetsuya in front of him, Tetsuya punches him and I hit him in the back of his head with my bag, "Kuroko! Juri! Bastards!" He stands to grab Kuroko by his collar.

"Basketball is not a one-man sport!" Tetsuya says.

"You mean you'll let it rest if you lose as long as everyone enjoys playing?! There's no meaning unless we win!" Taiga shouts in Tetsuya's face.

"There's no meaning if you win alone. You said you wanted to defeat the Generation of Miracles but you think just like them!" Tetsuya says.

"And even if you guys defeat Shutoky your way, no one will be happy!" I says and push Taiga off Tetsuya.

"Don't talk high minded like this! You're not even playing, you don't play basketball, you know nothing!" Taiga says and glares at me, "If we lose here, that'll just be some feel-good trash!!"

"In that case - what's victory?" Tetsuya asks and puts a protective arm in front of me, pushing back behind him, "Don't shout at her, she's been in the infirmary."

"Even if you have a higher score than the opponent when the final whistle blows, if there's no one happy is it a victory?" I ask.

"Not that we want to lose! But basketball is not a sport that can be played alone!" Koganei says and looks at me, "A...Are you okay now?" I wave him off as if it's okay.

"You have anything more to say?" Hyuga says.

"Well... Not... No... I'm sorry," Taiga says and grabs my wrist, pulling me into him and hugs him, "I'm sorry... You okay?"

"Get off me, you sweaty dumbass!!" I shout trying to get out of his hold.

"Kagamicchi get your hands off her!!" Ryouta shouts from the stands and Taiga steps back.

"It'll be so much better if we win this together," Taiga smiles.

I sit on the bench and look at the score, 47 - 61 Shutuko in the lead. Riko sits beside me, "Sorry you came back to this," She says.

"It's okay, just be happy Taiga has finally cooled down," I say.

"Okay, fine... Kagami's cooled down thanks to Kuroko and Kurosawa," Hyuga says, "But our situation on the court hasn't changed! Any ideas?"

"Here, I... Have one way that may work," Tetsuya says removing his T-shirt he wears over his uniform, "I can only pass around, but there's one more level on top of that," Tetsuya says.

"Be ready everyone," I say and they look at me before they go onto the court.

"So what's the next level pass?" Riko asks.

"It's called Cyclone Pass, I think," I tell her and drink my water a little as I watch the game. I look at everyone's muscles data and memorise them for later, till I'm home to write out the notes.

By the end of the match, both teams battle out for the win of the match. Taiga starts passing again and he plays great with Tetsuya and the rest of Seirin team. 

"END OF THE MATCH!!" The referee shouts and we all cheer.

82 - 81, Seirin won!

I stand and go to Tetsuya when he smiles at me, I jump and hug him, "Great job guys! Eww, you're sweaty," I jump away quickly.

"You're still the same," He says and drinks his water.

I pick up my bag, "I'm heading out first," I say and smile before walking off, "Good job guys!" I say and I walk to the entrance of the gym to see it's raining.

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