Chapter 26

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I sit beside Riko looking at the 5 first-years standing opposite the other team, "Coach, what's the meaning of this?" Koganei asks.

"He wanted to see the first years play... No matter what..." Riko says unsure.

"He does know that three of them haven't truly played in an official match... So, why not a practice match 2nd years versus 1st again?" I suggest.

"There's another reason why it was a match," Kiyoshi looks at me, "You know..."

"You're letting them loose on purpose?" I question.

"To teach them, that you can't win a game alone, right?" Koganei questions.

"Kuroko," Taiga says and I look at them, "You don't need to pass to me anymore."

"Yeah I don't think it's all them who need to know that, I think it's just one person right now," I say and frown, "This match doesn't need me here, why am I here?"

"Teppei wanted you here..." Riko says and looks at me, "What do you mean you're not needed here?"

"The data will be shit and when it's a selfish play I can't concentrate on the whole team much," I explain and sigh, "I'll try though."

"That Kagami... He's being so stupid, he won't realise if we just tell him, right?" Kiyoshi says and I nod, "Though to me, he never appeared troubled or doubted... Rather, the one who needs to realise... Is Kuroko," He says.

"Hmm..." I frown, "What do you mean it's Tetsuya?"

"Just watch," Kiyoshi says, "You went to middle school with him right? You should be able to figure it out," He smiles.

I look away from him and watch the match while writing down the data out of habit. I watch as Tetsuya starts to pass to the other first years, not giving Taiga the ball at all. 

After the match, I didn't even bother to register who won and I walked out with Tetsuya, "Tetsuya... Hmm..." I start.

"I'll talk to the captain tomorrow... I already know," He says and looks at me, "I can't be a starter anymore..." He adds, "Will you..."

"Sure thing," I smile at him, "We're in this together, always," I say and we fist bump, "So weird it being me and not a guy."

"Yeah, but it's good," He says with a smile, "Oh... You're good with development right?" I nod slowly, "Is there anything I could be doing..."

"It's hard with you... In a good way... I think you could go with what feels natural, don't force it because Taiga is having a tantrum... I'd say wait till you feel like your body is ready," I smile, "Okay?"

"Okay," He nods, "Ice popsicles?" He asks pointing to the store.

"Yeah sure," I nod.

The next day, after school I go with Tetsuya to the gym, "Hey," We say from beside Hyuga, who's alone in the gym practising his shooting.

"WAAA!" He screams and jumps, shooting the ball but completely misses the hoop, "Don't do that Juri you should know better!"

"Captain, I'd like to talk to you... I'm at my limit, I'd like to be taken off as a starter," Tetsuya says.

"Huh? L-Limit?! More importantly... Why?!" Hyuga says.

"Like this, I'll just drag down Seirin, therefore, please make Kiyoshi-Senpai a starter," Tetsuya says.

Hyuga sighs and looks at me, "You support this?" Hyuga asks.

"Yes, it's the best choice at the moment," I bow a little.

"Man... And when you finally take the initiative to start a talk, it's this..." Hyuga says and hits Tetsuya over the head, "Don't get cock, idiot!!"

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