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After putting their things away, both of them can finally rest a little and talk about the omega. "Gguk, tell me about your mate."

The food ordered fills the room with a delicious smell. "It doesn't matter now. I mean, we met for the first time a week ago and then mated yesterday. It was extremely stupid and rash of me, I admit. What's important now is that I'm here and he is still in Daegu."

Seokjin hums. "You blame him for it, am I right?"

"What do you mean, hyung?" Jeongguk puts the mini spring roll in his mouth and slowly chews on it.

"You blame him for not being able to be with the pack because you both had sex." The alpha doesn't hold back with his words, there's no need to do so.

Jeongguk stops chewing and swallows it all down, then pats his chest. "H-hyung... you don't understand."

Seokjin raises an eyebrow, looks at him questioningly. "Why shouldn't I understand, it's obvious if you ask me."

Seokjin wished things had gone differently. Had these bastards not come to the pack, Jeongguk would have introduced his mate to them and everything would have been great. But now it has happened and nothing is as it was before. The brothers had to flee and start a new life far away from everything they were used to.

"Please don't call him my mate. And to be honest with you, yeah I hold him responsible, there's no reason to lie to you. I should have gone home after we did it. No, I should have waited longer before I tie myself to him for the rest of my damn life." Jeongguk sighs and continues to eat.

The harsh tone of his voice worries the alpha. The younger shouldn't be so derogatory about an important part of his life. "Go to sleep Gguk, rethink again. Maybe you can clear your head and call him tomorrow. He doesn't know where you are, does he? Just imagine how worried he must be. You didn't show up for the meeting after all." The older takes the last piece of food from the table and gives it to his brother. "Eat, you have to stay healthy and strong."

Without answering, Jeongguk goes to bed first and Seokjin soon follows. They share a bed for today, just in case either of them has a bad dream.

The next day will be a tough one. Now that they have both moved to another city, Jeongguk has to introduce himself to an university. He's already searched online for a perfect one on the way to Seoul and hopes they'll accept him.

The morning starts rainy. "What a nice start in a new city." He groans.

At the same moment Seokjin enters the living room. "Shall I come with you? I know Seoul a little."

"There's no need for that, Hyung. I'm a big boy already." Jeongguk laughs, was looking for the way a few minutes ago and, to his surprise, the university is a ten-minute walk away.

"Fine, but call me if you need help with anything, whatever it is." The alpha reminds him and then leaves him alone.

Jeongguk is glad that he brought suitable clothing for every weather. It would have been too cold with the things he was wearing when they left the pack. It's definitely colder in Seoul than Daegu.

He enters the building a short time later and it's impressive compared to the one he had previously visited. "Wow, so many people." He doesn't like their gazes that linger on him for too long. It's obvious that the other students are trying to find out if he is human or a werewolf.

Seokjin had shown him how to hide the mark and the typical wolf smell. Nobody should know that he's mated. Why not have some fun, right? Soon he will be in heat and therefore needs a partner. Betas are his preferred choice for this, it's easier because they're not that possessive, especially afterwards.

Jeongguk opens the door to the secretariat after a knock. "Hello?" His voice is gentle as he tries to make himself heard.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" Asks an omega-lady and looks up from the magazines she had read a second ago.

"I wrote an email yesterday. My name is Jeon Jeongguk and I hope I can enroll for this university." He sits down on the chair when the woman points to it.

"Ah yes, I saw it. Can I ask why you want to join here?" She smiles, Jeongguk relaxes a little.

"Well, I had to leave my old hometown and this university suits me and my interests best." It's the truth, there's no reason to lie.

"I see you are lucky. A group of ten went overseas last week. Please sign these papers after reading them and return them to me when you're done. You can visit the auditorium for your major too." She gives him the papers.

"Thank you ma'am." He bows and leaves the office.

Jeongguk has already read through this online, is pretty quick to fill out everything. After he has returned the signed documents to the omega woman, he strolls through the corridors and looks for the correct room.

"You there!" Three young men, perhaps a year or so older than him, suddenly stand in his way.

"Uh, yeah?" Jeongguk asks carefully, knowing that some people are after a pointless fight.

"We have never seen you here and we know everyone who goes to this university. Are you going to start as a student?" The smallest of them asks.

"Ah yes, I just moved to Seoul and plan to study here as soon as possible." Jeongguk rubs his neck nervously.

"Good. My name is Karl, this is Jack-" He points to the tallest"- and last but not least, Tony. We use our international names because we will be moving to other countries in the future."

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Jeongguk and I don't have an international name." He smiles a little cautiously.

Jeongguk can smell that they are human and after the initial shock, he calms down. They're not here to fight him, what a relief.

"Are you looking for something? Maybe we can help." Jack steps forward and puts his arm around Jeongguk's shoulder.

"Yes, that would be nice. Thanks." He shows the paper with the room number.

"Oh, I'm in this course, too, hopefully we'll attend on the same days." The boy giggles.

Jeongguk cannot believe that he has already made friends, or at least he hopes so.

✔ Disorder // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now