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Dohun and SooYeon are watching the male Alpha, there's no way that it has no effect on him.

Taehyung sips his tea, takes the last bite of the cake when suddenly his eyes become slowly bigger. Someone would say he looks like Flash from Zootopia when he is about to laugh at Nick's joke.

SooYeon sighs. "Took him long enough." She mumbles inaudible for the others.

The Alpha coughs into his fist before he finally asks them. "Does that mean that I'm going to be a father?"

Dohun raises his left eyebrow. "What do you think, huh?" He reaches over the table to flick Taehyung's forehead.

"Hey! No need to get violent, okay? I mean wow, fuck. Jeonggukie is pregnant, oh my God!" He gets up, pulls a few hundred wons out of his pocket and places them on the table. "I need to go. It was nice, see you whenever. Bye."

As soon as Taehyung is out of the coffee shop, SooYeon rolls her eyes. "I suddenly feel bad for Jeon, his mate is so fucking slow."

Dohun can't help but let out a chuckle, agreeing with her.

Jeongguk is working out in the basement, the doctor gave him permission, only if he's not overdoing it. The Omega would never hurt his pups, he's careful but that doesn't mean he's going to stop all of his routine.

Will Taehyung be happy to be a dad soon?

Speaking of the Alpha, he's on his way to Hoseok. First he wanted to run to the younger, tell him that he's there for him, even though he needs a little bit more time. But Taehyung decided against it, messaged Dohun to not tell Jeongguk that he knows, because he has planned something.

SooYeon was of course nosy but the fellow Alpha kept silent on his plans.

Hoseok fortunately was at home and not with Seokjin. Jeongguk's brother has a loose mouth and he can't risk the surprise to get leaked.

"Okay Tae, what got you so excited?" The Omega groaned exhaust while sitting down. His body is hurting after spending a few days and nights with his mate.

Taehyung eyes the older curious but as soon as he winced when his butt met the couch, he knew what's going on. "Oh shit, was he rough?"

Hoseok scoffs. "That's how I like it, I'm not complaining but you're changing the topic, Tae. What brings you to visit me?"

"Can't a friend visit another friend?" Taehyung wiggles his brows, laughs when the older is about to slap his arm. "Okay okay, I'm going to tell you but don't freak out."

Taehyung takes a deep breath, sits up more straight and spills the tea. "Jeongguk is pregnant and I'm the father. We are currently not talking as you may know, so I wanna surprise him and therefore I need your help."

He expects the other to be shocked, though Hoseok is only nodding as a sign that he got it.

"Wait, you aren't surprised? I said that Jeonggukie is pregnant." Taehyung tries again.

Hoseok looks at the Alpha, clears his throat and then gasps, putting his palm over his mouth to feigning his surprise. "No way! Oh gosh Tae, when did this happen?"

The younger glares at him unamused. "Since when?" He asks.

"Since when what?" Hoseok doesn't look him into his eyes.

"Hobi! You knew and didn't tell me? What the fuck?" Taehyung feels betrayed.

"Woa wait, it wasn't my place to tell you and everyone knew, except for you. I mean it was obvious that he's pregnant. I don't think you should be angry at me but yourself, how could you not notice it?" The Omega is shaking his head, disappointment clearly in his voice.

Taehyung is scratching his nape. "I may or may not didn't know that the pup isn't going to have my scent. There was a moment when I thought that he could be pregnant but waved it off because of that. Ugh I'm so stupid, aren't I?"

Hoseok nods. "That you are. What do you wanna do now? Not long ago, you've announced that you need time and distance from him. Is it still the case?"

"No, the reason why I wanted to stay away from Gguk is, that I needed to figure out the reason of why his scent has changed. Now that I know, I wanna stay by his side." Taehyung smiles a little at the thought of rubbing the younger's belly while talking to the pup inside him and giving many pecks all over the soon growing stomach.

"Oh you sap." The Omega chuckles. "I can see what you think. Don't coddle the poor boy too much."

"I have a lot to catch up with, I'm allowed to pamper him. First I need to let him know though and that's why I am here. Hobi, help me to plan something special, I wanna surprise him." Taehyung literally kneels on the couch, hopping up and down excited.

"Gosh, sometimes I think that you're an Omega and not an Alpha. Sure, I'm in." The older groans when Taehyung jumps on him, hugging the living hell out of his smaller body. "I'm so gonna regret it, don't I?"

"Never, you just can't tell Seokjin about it. Promise me." Taehyung pouts, knows that it's difficult for Hoseok to keep a secret from his love.

"No!" The older shakes his head. "You can't do that to me. Seokjin is like a mind reader, I mean of course he can read mine and oh fuck Tae, there's no way I won't think about it."

"Then shut him out." Taehyung states matter-of-factly.

"Are you serious? He'd think I'm hiding something from him." The Omega furrows his brows, his mate is smart and really nosy.

"You actually do, you know? It's just that Jin is going to tell Jeongguk and ruin my surprise. I can't do that without you Hobi, you know what an Omega likes and I want it to be perfect." Taehyung is using his best puppy face, it usually never fails.

Hoseok pushes him off the couch. "Stop that, I wouldn't be able to say no, even if you don't try to look cute. Fine, gonna do my best to avoid my mate until this whole thing is over. Promise me it won't take a week or longer, I'm a weak man."

"I was hoping to do it within two days, can't wait any longer to have him in my arms again." Taehyung smiles dreamily.

"And in your bed." Hoseok adds with a smirk, receiving a kick to his shin. "It was worth it." He rubs the part with his palm, still smirking.

✔ Disorder // BTS Taekook 18+Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora