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Jeongguk hates it, he can't believe that it has affected him. 

Right now he's in the dance room with all the other students who took the course, but can't concentrate at all. He makes mistakes and sometimes even forgets to move at all. 

Hoseok, who sees everything, walks over to the younger omega. "Are you alright?" Even though they aren't the best of friends - or friends at all - he's worried. Jeongguk is a good dancer, but has changed for the better after leaving his former friends. Now he's visibly struggling and it's obvious that something is bothering him. The older one doesn't know what had happened, but if he would, he'd probably leave him alone. 

"Yeah, I'm fucking fine." Jeongguk answers through gritted teeth, didn't meant to be so harsh. However, Hoseok is Taehyung's friend and therefore a kind of enemy, too. Both of them are omega's, there's this unspoken connection and also rivalry between them. The same rank, the same struggles when it came to it and also the same amount of strength they have to show when they want to be the best in something also betas and alphas attend to. 

When they had first started this course the other ranks had only smiled at them, thought they'd give up after a few lessons, but Hoseok and Jeongguk both had proved them wrong. They were even in a battle about the leading position which the older of them won; because of Jeongguk's wrong choice of friends. 

"Woah, I just wanted to help, no need to be an asshole." Hoseok raised his hands in defense. "Make sure you're into it from now on or I'll have to ask you to leave. It's distracting and doesn't help us improve." 

Jeongguk rolls his eyes but nods. Knows that he's right, and would have done the same if he'd be the leader, and one of the dancers just can't get it right for whatever reason. "I'll get it now, let's continue." He sighs. 

The first round wasn't better but fortunately Jeongguk improved in the following lessons. Hoseok's watching him all the time, wonders what's going on in his head but he doesn't ask. 

The session is over after two more hours. They need to practice more for the festival, but they all are too exhausted and done for today. It wouldn't be good to drag it out further because it would only get worse. 

Jeongguk's on his way home, on the way he's passing the small coffee shop SooYeon wanted to go with him. He smiles at the thought of cute foam pictures as a topping and doesn't notice a few guys walking not far from him. 

Only as the smaller of them stops, he recognizes the voice - Dohun. Jeongguk hides behind a big sign, making sure he can't be seen. From there he can watch the scene that's unfolding in front of him. 

Taehyung and Dohun are talking, the words clearly audible and it makes Jeongguk feel uneasy. Are they going to kiss? Does he have to prepare himself for the pain a kiss would cause to him as his mate? 

"It was really nice Tae, I enjoyed it a lot. We should do it more often, maybe as a real date next time?" Dohun asks the alpha, is keeping a healthy distance between them. 

Taehyung rubs his nape. "I enjoyed it too, Hun. I'd rather not call it a date just yet, but I'm all in for hangouts. Maybe Hoseok can also join us if that's okay." 

Dohun chuckles, smiles when he answers. "Of course it is. He's a really nice guy and I like his company. I know that you have a mate and that you need time. I'll wait until you're ready to move on." He takes a step closer and takes Taehyung's hand, debates if he should kiss the back or not. At the end he decides against it, it's too early. 

"Goodnight Tae, sleep well. See you tomorrow at Uni." Dohun drops the other's hand carefully. 

"Goodnight Hun. I'll text you when I've arrived, okay?" Taehyung wants to hug him. He always does it with friends, but doesn't want to send a wrong signal so he just waves at him. 

"I will, bye." Dohun waves back, turns around and walks away with a last glance over his shoulder. 

Jeongguk exhales the breath he was holding, is glad that they haven't done anything; yet. Maybe he should try harder to make Dohun his. 

Taehyung is still standing there, looking at the back of his disappearing friend. He knows that his mate is close, can feel the presence, however, Taehyung doesn't want to look for him. He doesn't care anymore, at least that's what he's telling himself over and over, day by day. He's more worthy than that, if the one who's supposed to be by his side is behaving like an asshole. He can act like one, too. 

Jeongguk waits for five more minutes until Taehyung finally walks away. Why was he stopping in front of his home? Was he hoping he'd come out? Jeongguk shakes his head. Taehyung probably wanted to visit Seokjin. His heart beats fast for whatever reason. Hates that the alpha still has this effect on him, or his wolf in this case. "Can you shut up?" He tells his second gender angrily. "I don't wanna go after him, get it in your stupid head." 

His wolf whimpers but is patient, thinks that soon he'll break and comes running back to their alpha. 

Jeongguk scoffs, of course he knows what his wolf thinks, they're connected afterall. "Let's see who'll be right in the end, watch me." He finally walks past the building, towards his own. 

Seokjin isn't home yet. Work seems to be a pain in the ass for his brother, and Jeongguk is glad that he's alone for now. No one's bothering him with questions after such an exhausting day. The omega hopes that tomorrow is going to be better, that he won't see or hear Taehyung at all. Jeongguk takes a short shower and goes to bed, dreaming about the tail he had pulled, the moan his mate let out and the feeling it had caused in his stomach. It felt real and the last thing he wanted was to wake up with a raging boner because of him. Unfortunately his body never listens to him. 

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