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When Jeongguk opens his eyes and looks beside him, he cannot see anyone. He remembers everything, knows it wasn't a dream. Taehyung's smell is still strong, filling his airways and causing him to relax. He doesn't want to admit that he's disappointed that his mate isn't here anymore. He has himself to blame why this is the case. There's no need to be mad at Taehyung, more at himself, but Jeongguk is too proud to admit that as well. He turns to the wall and rolls more into his blanket. At least Taehyung cleaned everything up at night, bathed him and then they cuddled.

The door to the room opens slowly, he can hear it and has a clue who it is.

Seconds later it gets confirmed. "Hey Gguk, how are you?" Seokjin's voice is silent.

Jeongguk turns his head in the direction of his brother as far as possible, he looks over his shoulder and smiles. "Exhausted but fine. How come he was here in the first place? Do you have anything to do with it?"

Seokjin sighs. "Yeah, I just couldn't see you suffer anymore. Your heats are so bad now that the pain is almost unbearable. I could see it, so don't try to lie to me."

"Thank you." Jeongguk sits up, rubs his bare chest, and then leaves the bed. It's not uncommon for the brothers to see each other naked. "I'm not going to lie, Hyung. It really helped me a lot. Unfortunately, it will be very embarrassing for me when I meet him at university. I hope he doesn't mention it." Jeongguk goes to the bathroom to freshen up, then gets dressed and sniffs the air, "you made breakfast?"

Seokjin, who is now leaning against the door frame, nods. "Yes, rice, soup and a few side dishes. I didn't have much time to cook meat as I only got home half an hour ago. Taehyung is at home, by the way."


Taehyung reached his apartment not long after leaving Jeongguk. He collapses on the bed, exhausted, and whines. The images of the last few days play in his mind, he rubs his face in frustration. "What have I done? He'll just hate me more now."

Yoongi enters the room without warning. "Ah, so I heard right, you're back." Seokjin just said goodbye when they heard the apartment door, he wanted to see his brother to make sure he's okay.

Taehyung rolls over on his side to look at his cousin. "You and Seokjin planned this, am I right?"

"Well..." Yoongi scratches his neck. "You could say that, yes." He wrinkles his nose.

Taehyung closes his eyes, falling on his back. "Fuck. Now everything is a lot more complicated than before."

Yoongi goes to him and sits down next to him on the bed. "Tae, don't worry, I talked to Jin and he explained why Jeongguk is acting like this."

That makes Taehyung curious. "What is it? You have to tell me, Hyung."

Yoongi nods. "I planned to do that anyway." He places Taehyung's head on his lap and starts playing with his hair, knows it calms him down. "Jeongguk lost almost all of his pack members the night you both completed the mating. He got angry, blamed himself for being with you instead of fighting and defending his friends and family. Jin tried to explain to him that he wouldn't have survived even if he's strong. As an Omega he still has some disadvantages. Unfortunately, Jeongguk refused to accept that and has looked for someone else to blame. It's not that he blames you alone, but himself too. Jeongguk decided that night to punish himself and you by moving to Seoul with Jin without saying a word." He gently strokes Taehyung's cheek. "I think he understood by now that you weren't at fault, but he's too proud to apologize. You should talk to him, Tae."

"No." Taehyung shakes his head. "I don't want to push him. He has to understand that what he did was wrong and take the first step. Jeongguk has to learn to recognize and correct his mistakes. All this time I've thought that I did something to him, that there was certainly a valid reason for why he suddenly left me. Knowing that it was just his stupid stubbornness, that he was just looking for someone to hate, doesn't make things any better."

"I understand, just... don't do anything stupid." Yoongi hopes that his cousin won't do anything rash.

"Don't worry, I won't. However, I'm really tired and should rest. Jeongguk exhausted me." Taehyung chuckles, brings his head to the pillow and snuggles in. "Good night."

Yoongi frowns and looks at the alarm clock on the bedside table. "It's 10 am, what do you mean by 'good night'?"

The younger rolls his eyes. "I wasn't kidding when I said I'm exhausted. Jeongguk is insatiable, his stamina is out of this world. My body hurts, but my dick feels numb. I'm afraid he's not a wolf but a bloody incubus."

Yoongi can't hold back a laugh. "Wow, I think you guys are a perfect match."

Taehyung groans, turns to face the wall. "Shut up and get out of here, I need my beauty sleep." He pushes his bum back and surprises the older with it, who then falls from the bed to the floor.

"What the hell!" Yoongi gets up, brushes the non-existent dust from his clothes. What he says next, he wanted to keep to himself, but he's a little angry now. "I hope you have used protection, otherwise, have fun with a pregnant mate." With that said, he leaves the room without waiting for a reaction.

Taehyung's eyes widen. What if Yoongi is right? They didn't think about it, were too busy trying to get Jeongguk through the heat, chasing orgasm after orgasm. For male omegas there is a type of pill that's supposed to prevent pregnancy. Just like there's for women, just a little different. He hopes that Jeongguk was smart and took them.


Taehyung slept all day and all night. He feels reborn, could climb trees or sing a song.

He had missed having sex with him. Taehyung leaves the building to go to the university and sees that Hoseok is already waiting for him. He had texted the omega an hour ago that he was back.

"Hobi. I missed you." The alpha strolls over to him.

"Wow Tae, you seem to be in a very good mood. What happened?" Hoseok looks at him from top to bottom, but cannot see any change, okay, how and why should he.

"Ah, my muscles are just a bit sore, but otherwise I'm fine. How are you Hyung, everything going well?" Taehyung has a permanent smile on his face, he can't turn it off.

"Sore muscles, huh?" Hoseok raises an eyebrow, knowing Taehyung isn't the type to hit the gym. But he doesn't want to seem too curious, so he lets the topic be for now. "I was so bored when you weren't there. You can't believe how glad I am that you're back." He pats the younger's back and notices him flinch. "Oh sorry, that bad?"

Taehyung ponders whether or not to tell him the truth. Hoseok is his only friend here, he trusts him. He leans closer to him and whispers, "I helped Jeongguk through his heat but please don't tell anyone."

Hoseok gasps. "Fuck, oh no. Is that true or are you trying to fool me? Jeongguk? As in Jeongguk, your mate?" He can't believe it after what Taehyung told him about their past.

"It's the truth. My cousin finally arrived in Seoul a few days ago and said that an alpha friend invited us over. He forgot to mention that this someone is Jeongguk's brother and that Jeongguk is in heat. Of course that was all planned, they apparently knew that I was his mate and I couldn't hold my wolf back. One thing led to another and yes, we were like horny, sex driven rabbits to say the least." Taehyung sounds proud, but doesn't notice it, even when he sticks out his chest more than necessary.

Hoseok shakes his head in amusement, "Wow, who would have thought that this could happen."

"Yeah, I'm a bit frustrated though. What if he treats me worse than before? I think I should forget about him if that's even possible. Will you help me?" Taehyung is unsure, today will show how to proceed.

"Of course I'll help you, we're friends, but you know it will hurt both of you as soon as you start an intimate relationship with someone else." The omega warns, will definitely be on Taehyung's side but hopes it won't be necessary.

"I am aware of this, but I have a feeling that he won't care if I find someone new." Those are Taehyung's last words when they arrive the big university building.

Hoseok knows that he doesn't want a reply to that and accepts it. They part ways, after planning to meet for lunch, as they both have different courses.

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