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When Jeongguk goes to university the next day and listens to his friends, he is surprised to see Taehyung and Dohun standing together in front of the lecture hall. After a short time, Hoseok had left them alone and they disappear into the room. Damn it, he can't just go in, it would be too obvious and his friends know that he has an other course.

Is his mate looking for someone to be with? If this is the case, it must not bother him, it was his own decision to end it between them. Before Jeongguk can think about it any more, he has reached his own lecture hall and says goodbye to the others. SooYeon smiles at him and he smiles back, but without ulterior motives. The omega just wants to be nice to the young woman.

During the lunch break, Hoseok, Dohun and Taehyung sit together at a table. The alpha invited the beta to join them at short notice, and he happily accepted the offer.

Jeongguk cannot believe his eyes. "What does he see in him?" Without thinking about it, he says this out loud, which of course makes his friends curious.

"Whom do you mean?" MinJoon looks around the room and his gaze falls on the three who are likely to be the ones, one in particular.

"Forget what I said, it doesn't matter." Jeongguk tries to end the topic with a waving hand.

SooYeon has found out what's going on in the meantime and takes Jeongguk's hand. "Do you want to do something with me this afternoon? We could go out for a coffee or just walk around town."

"I would really like to do that, but today is the dance training and if I skip it again I'll be kicked out." Jeongguk gives her an apologetic look, is really sorry.

SooYeon nods. Even if a little disappointed about it, she can understand his reason. "It's okay, maybe another time."

After this matter is settled, they start talking about other things, it's obvious that Jeongguk doesn't want to talk about his mate.

Taehyung and Hoseok laugh at something Dohun said, the small group is having fun and ignores the looks of the students around them. Since Taehyung has been open about his appearance, he has often been the focus of interest. Many half wolves, but also humans still want to become his friends. Fortunately, the alpha has a very good understanding of people and doesn't respond to these requests, but rather declines them in a friendly but firm manner. There is something about Dohun that made him curious, so he gave him a chance.

After university is over, the three of them meet at the gate. Hoseok has to go back inside in a few minutes, but wants to make sure Taehyung doesn't go home alone. He knows he's an alpha, but he can't do anything against more than two people either.

"Dohun, please make sure nobody comes too close to him. Have fun without me, I hope I can come with you next time." The omega pouts but then winks at them. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do as well." He walks backwards a few steps in the direction of the university building, then turns around and runs inside so as not to be late.

"Even though I like him a lot, I'm glad we're going to be alone today." Dohun doesn't hold back his enthusiasm, lets Taehyung know that he wants to be alone with him this time.

Taehyung is very happy that Dohun is straightforward and doesn't beat around the bush. "Hobi understands that, don't worry. I can't wait to see what you've planned for us. Shall we go then?" He bends his arm so that the beta can hook himself in. Even if it's just a friendly date, nothing can hold him back from showing affection. It's not uncommon for friends to hold hands, so he doesn't think twice about it.

Dohun, on the other hand, knows this and accepts it. Baby steps. Even if nothing develops between them, he still found a good friend in Taehyung.

Neither of them noticed the person who mingled within the other students and was watching the scene. Jeongguk intended to speak to Taehyung about what he had done, but apparently the timing isn't and probably will never be good. With a disappointed sigh, he makes his way to dance training as not to be kicked out. For his mate, however, he would have risked it if he had had the opportunity to speak to him.

The newly found friends find themselves in a small Café some time later. The couches are decorated with small pillows and it has a very pleasant atmosphere overall.

It's really nice. They get to know each other better and Dohun tells him about his mate and what happened. Taehyung is saddened by this, but the beta assures him that he has learned to live with it and is now accepting the situation. Life has to go on and he wants to keep her in good memory.

Taehyung decides to tell him about Jeongguk and how it came that they are no longer together. He is careful not to portray him as a bad person, even if he hurt his feelings very much.

The afternoon goes by way too fast, both had a lot of fun and were able to exchange a lot of information. Dohun insists on accompanying him to the door, but Taehyung refuses, after all he is the alpha and instead brings him home. Both live not far from each other, Dohun is actually almost Jeongguk's neighbor.

After Taehyung has said goodbye to the older, he stops briefly in front of the house where Jeongguk and his brother live. Memories of the heat come up. He misses the touch of his mate, the wild kisses and the breathtakingly good sex. With a shake of his head, he makes his way to his own home.

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