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The days, weeks, and even months passed before it was a year later. Seokjin could see that Jeongguk has changed and not for the better. He's often out with his human friends and comes back drunk with bruises.

His younger brother is an omega, he shouldn't be out there fighting with others or even drinking alcohol. Too many horny and weird alphas and betas live in Seoul, it's dangerous for him.

Jeongguk always waves it away. "Hyung, they will protect me." He babbles, of course he's been drinking again.

"Is that so? So you're telling me that your human friends are strong enough to fight an Alpha three times as strong as they are?" The older raises an eyebrow. He knows that there's no point in arguing when Jeongguk is in this state. Even a sober Jeongguk is stubborn and, lately, extremely stupid.

"Hyung, listen." The younger shows him three fingers. "I have three friends-" there follows a hiccup, "and if the alpha is three times as strong we will win because with me we are four!" Jeongguk thinks he has won and has made a good point.

"Gguk, are you serious? You're always drunk! You wouldn't even be able to hit his body." Seokjin has had enough. Even if this situation is a little more calm than usual, there are times when Jeongguk comes back full of anger and lets it out at the Alpha. In this case, Seokjin has no choice but to use his wolf's voice and perhaps even the power on him.

The older of the brothers doesn't know what to do anymore, Jeongguk's friends are like a disease and he has to cure him from it, no matter how.

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Taehyung arrived in Seoul two weeks ago and is preparing himself before going to university. There's a feeling in his stomach that he cannot accurately describe, like something is about to happen.

He calls Yoongi to see how he is doing. "Hyung, I miss you."

"Tae, I'll be there soon. How are you doing in Seoul so far?" Yoongi can't wait to move, is very worried about him.

"It's so loud here. I mean, there is a very busy street in front of my apartment and even at night the cars honk and it sometimes wakes me up. Otherwise, it's really nice." Taehyung is still getting used to everything, but he has already visited a museum and enjoyed it.

"I understand we didn't take that into account when we bought the apartment. Maybe we can sell it and you move to a quieter area?" Yoongi needs his sleep not matter of the day time. When he arrives in Seoul he will work as a songwriter and silence is important to concentrate, that's why he has chosen a very quiet apartment for himself.

"Okay, call me when you leave Daegu. I want to pick you up from the airport." Taehyung can't wait for the two weeks to go by.

"I will. Ah and Tae, make friends." Yoongi hopes he won't avoid people there because of his looks.

"Don't worry about me, you know I'm a social butterfly." Taehyung giggles, although he has ears and a tail, he also has a strong personality. The alpha can fight if necessary and knows how to defend himself verbally.

"You're right, I wish you a nice and relaxing day. I still have to organize a few things here before I can leave the pack. Call me if something is wrong or if you need someone to talk to."

"Okay, thanks Hyung. Bye." Says Taehyung a little sadly.

"Bye Tae." Both end the call.

Taehyung decides to go to the university today he enrolled in. It's always an advantage to have seen everything before starting to study there.

The alpha packs up his things and leaves his home. He covers his feral ears with a beret.

It doesn't take long to get there. He and Yoongi made sure to find an apartment in the immediate vicinity.

Taehyung enters the great building full of excitement, it isbeautiful, even artistic. He pulls out the documents in which all the rooms of his lectures are written down. The Alpha wants to become an artist, plans an exhibition in the future with photographs that he has shot.

A boy comes up to him. "Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok, you look a little lost."

"Hi, name is Taehyung and yes, I'm new here. Can you show me these rooms?" He shows the notes while bending down to the other. Taehyung can smell that he is an omega, his scent has a calming effect on him.

"Oh." Says Hoseok suddenly surprised. "Your tail!"

Taehyung giggles. "Yeah, that happened not that long ago, but I don't know why."

"That's so cool, it looks really good." Hoseok smiles, can see a movement under his beret. "Ears too?"

Taehyung nods. "Yeah, ears too. The full package, if you will put it that way."

Both look at each other, there is a connection that neither of them can describe. It isn't the romantic kind, more like a soul mate?

Hoseok raises his eyebrows after looking at the paper. "Dude, you have the same courses as me. I don't mean all of them, but most of them."

"What? That's great!" Taehyung is happy about it. Maybe he'll be his first friend here.

"I'm sure we won't be attending the same lectures because you're a newbie, am I right?" The smaller one frowns a little.

"Not really. I attended a university in Daegu before moving to Seoul. I'm taking the advanced courses." The alpha is proud of himself.

"Really? Woa, that's perfect, it's the same for me with dancing. They gave me a lead role on our next show." Hoseok bites his lower lip, he only got to know that yesterday. There was a competition between him and another dancer, but the other was always way too distracted. He admires Jeongguk, but it seems like something has been wrong with him lately.

"Congratulations on that, I'm sure you deserved it. I wanted to learn to dance too, but I've already had so many classes that it wouldn't have fitted my schedule." The alpha's voice sounds sad, but Hoseok snaps his fingers and has an idea.

"Listen, how about I show you some dance steps when we both have free time. For me it will be like training and you can learn without any pressure."

Taehyung's immediately nods, he loves this idea. "Would you do that? How can I repay you?"

"You don't have to, I like company when I dance. It's a win-win situation for both of us." Hoseok pulls him into the first room. "Let's start the tour now and we can talk more about it when you have time."

"I have nothing to do afterwards." He giggles. They both take an hour to go through all the rooms. Since it's the middle of the day there are many students and they can't enter a few, but it's enough for Taehyung to know where everything is.

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