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After the introduction, the diving instructors put them into groups. It's now or never, Hoseok thinks. He pulls Jeongguk away from the others to have a private conversation, it's perfect since Taehyung is occupied with one of the divers who's explaining things to him.

"Gguk, you should skip it." He starts as soon as they're out of hearing range.

"What are you talking about Hyung? I wanna do it too." Jeongguk pouts, doesn't know why the older is saying that.

Hoseok takes a deep breathe. "I know." He points to the other Omega's stomach. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, it isn't my business but diving can be dangerous, at least I've read it somewhere. It could damage the brain of the pup and-"

"Woa stop, what are you talking about, pup? I don't know what you mean." Jeongguk suddenly becomes nervous. If Hoseok knows, does Taehyung know too?

"Jeongguk, please. I'm an Omega too and I can smell it. All the signs tell me that you're pregnant." He feels the other's hand covering his mouth.

"Don't talk so loudly, what if someone hears you? We are surrounded by wolves and their super hearing." Jeongguk sighs, there's no way he can lie to his follow Omega. "Does he know too?"

Hoseok shakes his head. "I don't think so, he's oblivious. I'm sure Taehyung thinks that you're just sick. I mean, he mentioned your change of scent but shrugged it off, saying that it must be the distance between you and him."

"Good, I'm so afraid that he's going to figure it out before I'm ready. My Omega is out of control and my hormones are giving me a hard time. I wanna sleep in his arms, cuddle with him rather than going out to these stupid trips. I should have stayed at home but then Seokjin would be suspicious of me. Oh god, he's your mate, don't tell him Hyung!" Jeongguk literally begs, this can't happen.

"Calm down, it's not good for the pup when you're stressed. Of course I won't say anything, I told you already that it isn't my business to do so. Can I ask how far you are?" Hoseok is curious, you can't blame him, Jeongguk's stomach is still flat or rather muscular.

"Umm, it happened when I was in heat and he helped me. So it's four months?" The younger asks unsure even though he isn't.

"Wow, did you see a doc or not yet?" It's important, especially for a male Omega to go to the checkups.

"I have an appointment the day after we're coming back. Uh, could you maybe- only if it's not too much trouble, I mean you can say no but I haven't told anyone yet, so." Jeongguk's rambling.

"Gguk, I'd gladly accompany you. I'm an Omega myself to remind you again. I wanna know how it is for my and Seokjin's future pups." Hoseok's cheeks became slightly red.

"Oh, I see." A smirk is plastered on Jeongguk's face now. "I'd love to be an uncle soon."

"And a dad." The older throws in with a chuckle.

"Fuck, I'm not used to this yet. Shit, me as a father? I think I have to puke, Taehyung will kill me." He is close to a panic attack but Hoseok pulls him into a tight hug.

"Sssh, calm down. Taehyung is going to love it, don't underestimate him when it comes to you. He may be disappointed and angry right now, but I know that you both can go back to where you were before everything went downhill. He loves you, just don't tell him that I've said that." Hoseok laughs, can feel how the younger is relaxing in his arms. "Please don't take too long telling him, he'll feel betrayed."

"I know, I won't but I need to go to the appointment first to see it on my own. I still can't believe it if I'm honest." It's overwhelming for him, it's been two weeks that he knows and since then many thoughts have occupied his mind. Many what ifs and should he keep it questions bothered him.

They were about to talk more but Taehyung is calling the older Omega's name. "Hobi, I'm done and so excited! Hurry up and let them know that you are ready too."

Hoseok looks at Jeongguk and smiles. "I won't go diving Tae, Jeongguk doesn't feel well and I don't wanna leave him alone. I think he ate something bad yesterday that wasn't good for his stomach."

Jeongguk is mouthing a 'Thank you' before he turns his head to his mate. "I'm sorry to take your friend away." He fakes an expression that clearly shows that he isn't feeling well, to add that he's still wrapped in Hoseok arms, makes it even more believable.

"Oh, I see." Taehyung stands beside them with a concerned look. He'd lie if he'd say that he doesn't care because right now, he wants to be the one who's hugging him and stay behind but he can't just say that. "Hope you're feeling better soon."

"Thanks, me too." Jeongguk is pressing his lips to a thin line, needs his mate's embrace now more than ever, however he doesn't make a move. Hoseok can feel it, the pull the younger's body has away from him. He tightens the hug to help Jeongguk staying strong.

Hesitantly, Taehyung nods and turns around to walk away. SooYeon watches him, her gaze wanders to Jeongguk and Hoseok, then back to Taehyung. "Why do they look so sad?" She asks herself silently. Maybe it's time to get to know Taehyung better.

SooYeon greets him with a smile. "Taehyung, Dohun told me to say hi and he hopes that you have a good time."

"Ah, yes I have. Tell him I said hi back, I miss him." He forces himself to smile.

"I will, aren't Jeonggukie and Hoseok coming too?" The female Alpha points to their direction.

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, Jeongguk doesn't feel well and since Hobi is an Omega, he can help him a bit."

"I see, how about we build a team, would you want that?" SooYeon smiles widely, doesn't have any bad intentions.

"Sure, why not." Be close to your friends but even closer to possible enemies. Taehyung doesn't know what to think about the female Alpha, Dohun is a very nice person, he hopes that she's honest with him.

✔ Disorder // BTS Taekook 18+Where stories live. Discover now