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Taehyung thinks about what he could do, it's not easy. A picnic is too cliché, as well as going to a restaurant, no, it has to be something special, something that includes the pup in a way.

Hoseok has the life saving idea. "How about a baby shower party but only with the both of you?"

"Omg Hyung, that's perfect! I think I will decorate my apartment, buy a bed and other things for the little one. Do you think Ggukie will like it?" Taehyung bites his bottom lip unsure, is afraid his mate hates him after he asked to have distance between them.

"Are you kidding me, he'll love it! I have a feeling that Gguk is going to cry from happiness when he sees it." The Omega answers with a chuckle. Hormones can be such a bitch sometimes.

It makes the younger smile wide. "You really think that?" Taehyung looks down shyly, fumbling with his fingers.

"Stop being so adorable, you're an Alpha Tae." Hoseok laughs, he's watching his friend mumbling something he can't quite understand, but knows that he's cursing him out because of what he has said.

"Let's meet tomorrow and buy all the necessary stuff, I need to go back to Jinnie now." Hoseok waves goodbye to his best friend and leaves his apartment.

Taehyung plops down to the couch after locking the door. "I really hope he's right, I want Ggukie to be happy."

He knows that he should be mad for a bit more but his wolf side is getting stronger and therefore he's forgiving his mate faster than a human would do. Especially now that he's pregnant with their pup, it's even harder to stay angry. It doesn't mean that he's forcing himself, no, that's absolutely not the case. Taehyung really wants him back, he's missing Jeongguk so much that it hurts.

This night Taehyung dreamed about the events he planned. Jeongguk is liking it but he also has a surprise. Unfortunately before the younger could reveal that surprise, he wakes up. The doorbell was ringing and Taehyung is sure that it's Hoseok.

The Alpha can't show himself yet, needs to brush his teeth and gets dressed properly before opening the door. That's why he takes his phone and sends the older a message. The ringing stops and Taehyung walks to the bathroom.

Around twenty minutes later, he finally lets Hoseok into his apartment. What shocks him the most is Seokjin, who's right behind his mate  stepping into the room with a smirk.

"Uh, hello Jin Hyung?" Taehyung greets him questioningly, then looks at the Omega.

"Hah, funny story." Hoseok starts, but Taehyung rolls his eyes, interrupting his explanation.

"You couldn't keep it a secret, am I right?"

"I did, at first." The boy smiles at his mate. "It's just that Seokjinnie can feel when I hide something from him and he asked so many questions." He sighs dramatically. "I'm a weak man Taehyung, he was literally torturing me!"

Seokjin laughs. "If kissing you is a torture to you, then I'm guilty."

"Hyung, I'm sure it wasn't just kissing huh?" Taehyung, even though he doesn't know the older Alpha well, has a hunch.

"Exactly!" Hoseok throws in. "He was so mean." A pout adorns his face, forming dimples on each side of his mouth, right below the cheeks.

"Ah, so you didn't like the blow jo-" Seokjin couldn't finish the sentence, because Hoseok was covering his mouth with his palm.

"Too much info." Taehyung groans. "Way too much info."

"Yeah, uh we should go I guess?" The Omega suggests, it's better to make Taehyung think about other things.

"Yes, please. Tomorrow is the day and I'm so fucking nervous." The youngest is fetching his bag and leads them out of the apartment and to the basement where his car is parked.

They drive to a shop for baby articles, including clothing and equipment. As soon as Taehyung enters the building he's overwhelmed. "Shit, I don't even know the gender of the pup. What if Ggukie wants it all to be in blue or pink?"

Seokjin is patting his shoulder. "Don't worry, I've asked him yesterday and he told me that he doesn't want to know the gender before giving birth. Neutral stuff is what he wants for them."

"Them?" Taehyung's gasps.

"Them is the term you use, if you don't know the gender, Tae." Hoseok explains and Seokjin nods.

"Okay, good. For a moment I thought we are going to get more than one." The Alpha laughs nervously.

"And what if you do, would it be a problem?" Seokjin is curious now, does Taehyung not want to have more that one pup?

The younger scratches his nape. "Well, I'd love it too but I think it would get really hard for us. We're both still in university and even though we aren't poor, it's still gonna be tough."

"You have us, we can help and who knows, maybe Hobi here is soon making me a father too." Seokjin shrugs, ignoring the wide eyes of his mate.

"I- I ugh, do you want me to?" Hoseok blushes slightly, he's a bit over the time and maybe it isn't too far fetched.

"Of course baby, you'd make me the happiest." He pecks his lover's lips and pulls him into a hug. "I love you pup."

"I love you too, honey." Hoseok giggles when he sees Taehyung placing a hand over his heart, cooing at them.

The younger Alpha clears his throat though. "As cute as you both are, we really should hurry up."

The mated couple nods in agreement, following their friend to search for a salesman or woman.

It doesn't take long and Taehyung has spent a lot of money on unisex clothing, unisex furniture and some cute accessories. Maybe it wasn't one of his best ideas to go shopping without a plan. He should have made notes about what he wants to buy and stick to it.

Whatever, it's too late now and the woman who has helped them, promised that it will be delivered in the evening. Taehyung has even paid 100.000 won more for that service.

"Okay, I'm hungry. I've seen a small restaurant on our way to the baby shop." Seokjin suggests with a growling stomach as they were already sitting in the car.

"I'm hungry too, sounds like a plan." Hoseok agrees and they stop soon after at said restaurant.

The delivery company arrives at 8pm, bringing all the things inside Taehyung's apartment. The Alpha only has to tell them where he wants each piece so they can build it up.

After it was done and the men have left, Taehyung looks satisfied. This isn't a single apartment anymore, this is one for a small family. He hopes that Jeongguk is willing to move in and if not, they can still buy a new apartment or even a house. There are no limits to what they can do.

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