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They groan into each other's mouth, are about to undress one another, but the closer coming voices from outside the bathroom bring both back to reality. A reality in which they are no longer together and shouldn't be doing what they are doing.

Taehyung is the first to lean back, looks at the equally heavy breathing younger, with his eyes wide open. "What- Why did you kiss me out of nowhere?"

"Why did you kiss me back?"

The Alpha doesn't have an answer to this. He's standing there, replaying the scene in his head. It doesn't make any sense to him. "You should go first. I'll follow a few minutes later, it's less suspicious." Taehyung ignores the question.

"Yes, I'll go then. See you babe." Jeongguk goes to the door but face-palms himself mentally as soon as he realizes what he just said.

When the Omega is out of sight, Taehyung let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "B-babe? Did he just- That can't be right." He tells himself. "Must have heard it wrong." Taehyung laughs, finally leaving the restroom too.

They don't meet again that day and maybe it's better for the sake of their sanity. It would be awkward anyway.

Hoseok is noticing that something is wrong, Taehyung is too silent and was all the way home in deep thoughts. "Hey, what's wrong?" He nudges the other to get his attention.

With a sigh, Taehyung shakes his head. "I'm an idiot, that's all. Why does a thing like this make me all flustered? I know that it was an accident and happened just because we've spent a few nights together."

The Omega furrows his brows, what is his friend talking about? He knows it's about Jeongguk but what exactly happened? "Tae, do you wanna talk about it. You know that you can trust me, right? I won't tell Seokjin or Dohun, I promise."

"Can we go to yours, I don't feel comfortable to say it in public. What if someone can hear it and spread rumors." The Alpha looks to the side where the older is walking right next to him.

"Sure, my mate is busy today so we will be alone." And with that said, they arrive ten minutes later to Hoseok's apartment. After a quick dinner, both lean back to the couch, bellies full and satisfied.

Hoseok is the first to speak, wants to know what's going on. "Now tell me, what did Jeongguk do this time?"

Taehyung closes his eyes, sees the scene playing in his head. "He kissed me in the restroom and I kissed him back. I mean, why didn't I push him away? It doesn't make sense, you know. He hurt me, calls me names, tells me that I'm a retard because of my tail and ears. I should hate him but why does he have me wrapped around his finger?"

Hoseok's eyes were growing bigger and bigger, the more he's hearing. "Wow slow down Tae, what were you saying? He kissed you without one of you being in heat or rut?"

Taehyung nods. "Yeah, it was today but it wasn't romantic or such. It was full of anger and tension but fuck, it felt so good. If there wouldn't have been voices coming closer, we would definitely have done more. I mean, I already pulled his hoody off, not completely but almost and he was working on my pants."

"Shit, could it be an aftermath to the rut, like you both spent nights of fucking and maybe Jeongguk was still into it in his head?" The Omega doesn't have an other explanation. Jeongguk hates him, it can't change over night even though they helped each other out. It's a mate thing, the pull is too strong but real feelings are another thing.

"We argued and then it just happened. It was in the heat of the moment but we didn't really talk about it afterwards. I've asked him why he did it but he only asked why I've kissed him back. Of course I couldn't answer that so we just left it as it was." The younger one shrugged nonchalantly.

Hoseok, who was listening carefully, sighs. "I think you both need to talk, no matter what. I have a feeling that something has changed between you and him. Maybe he's finally ready to accept the fact that you aren't the reason for what happened to his pack or whatever. How about you guys go on a friendly date and sort things out over a cup of coffee and hot chocolate?" It's exhausting with them, Hoseok hopes that soon they can talk normally again. Jeongguk can be stubborn and stupid but so is Taehyung when it comes to his mate.

"We will see. It's not that I've started this whole drama in the first place, he disappeared without a word and then acted like an asshole out of nowhere. I want an apology for his behavior, I want him to admit that it was him who is in the wrong. Only then I'm willing to forgive him." Taehyung's words are final, it's obvious that he's not changing his mind and that's understandable.

"Okay, just try to understand Jeongguk too, let him explain his side even though it may sound stupid to you. He has experienced a really cruel situation, has lost his pack right after he had found his mate, which should have been a happy moment." The Omega has a point and Taehyung only now is acknowledging that. Of course he was focused on the pain it had caused for himself but never had thought about Jeongguk's side, what he went through back then and maybe still.

They talk about Seokjin after this, the Alpha seems to be a perfect match and Hoseok is definitely happy. His smile is brighter when he talks about him, the older is just so deeply in love that it's annoying - not really. Taehyung would lie if he'd say that he isn't jealous of their relationship but maybe, maybe he and Jeongguk can go back to have a healthy relationship too one day, with a lot of work of course. Trust doesn't build up again after a few days.

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