Chapter Thirty Seven - Persephone

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I have never felt like this before. Well, granted my interactions with males, in general, is basically nonexistent but that doesn't affect this... whatever it is that's evolving between Hades and me. It feels deeper like even if I had some type of experience in the area of romance it would still have bloomed from somewhere deep within.

Am I attracted to him?

Yes, but it's more than physical attraction... it's like my soul calls to his and his answers.

My lips tingle where ours touched. I don't know why I'm surprised considering his touch has created this reaction with any skin on skin contact. I can't help but touch my lips, they are plump from the rough kiss just moments ago. I wonder if he is having similar effects as me? I do know he is affected in some way I just don't know the extent of it. He appears to be restraining himself but that seems to be his normal. However, despite his stiff demeanor, I can also see a shift within him. He doesn't seem as serious and his eyes are brighter... more alive.

Though I want to touch him as much as possible I have to control myself. Urges as I have never known attempt to take over but I couldn't let that happen. My body ached and cried out whenever he was near which is all new to me. These new experiences just happen to be coming to life with the god of the underworld. However he is more than that now, I would be kidding myself if I tried to say he wasn't. He is Hades. A kind, generous, loving man that takes his work seriously, to which he should. Having the job of taking care of human souls once they leave the earthly plane isn't something casual. He treats it with the utmost respect.

I had been lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize where he was leading me. We stand at the end of the hallway leading to the well where the souls stay. Cerberus must have heard us coming because he stands at full height, his tail wagging uncontrollably smacking the stone walls with such force I'm surprised they aren't chipping away upon impact.

I smile instantly saying "Hi there Sir" as we walk toward him. His feet begin to bounce as we move closer. He is on guard duty and knows that he isn't to leave his post but he can't contain his excitement the closer we get.

Hades reaches out scratching behind his ear while I rub his cheek. But to my surprise, we don't stop at the door that leads to the well instead we keep traveling past it. Just a short way down the hallway is a stone staircase that descends into darkness. Hades taps the wall on the inside of the staircase and torches light the way down. Hades doesn't say anything he just tugs my hand and we begin our way down the stairs.

With a few steps left a room comes into view. It's a bright room decorated with furniture for sitting and various tapestries hanging along the walls depicting nothing in particular just mainly colors. In the middle of the room between the furniture, there is a circular rug with deep reds and yellows circling each other.

Hades observes me looking around and taking in the room. For the first minute or so he still doesn't explain where we are. When I turn to look at him as if on cue he says "This is where the souls arrive into the realm."

"How many people come each day?" I ask holding his gaze as he studies me.


A small gasp escapes my lips, turning I take in the room once more. Thousands of people arrive here each day not knowing where they have come from or where they have arrived. "How do you have time to do anything else besides be here to help the people that come."

"I tend to most of them but when I able unable to or need time away Nilus is the one that takes care of them" Hades explains, his narrow shoulders dropping slightly. "Thank goodness for him because I am only one being and I can only do so much."

His features take on that drawn in appearance much like my first time seeing him. His soul has gradually been coming alive in his features while I've been here, making them brighter and not as solemn. But with the reminder of his duties, the exhaustion is back and the brightness gets snuffed out without a second thought.

"Why would they provide all this responsibility to one person? God or not, this is too much for one soul to bear. You have been left down here just to deal with this. Even my mother made light of you not visiting more but how could you?" I exclaim anger unknown to me overflows. How could they do this to him? How can they go on with their carefree lives knowing he is here bound by his obligations.

His silver eyes churn but not like their usual way. This is more with thoughts consuming him while remaining alert and aware. I step closer but don't touch him. I tilt my head up to provide as much conviction and appreciation with my words "What can I do to help?"

Hades loses his composure his mouth parting and sucking in a sharp intake of air. The brightness reappears in his eyes as they search my face. His lips move to form whatever thought coming from within his mind but the torches brighten around us. Confused I turn and look at the room, nothing has changed except the flames getting brighter and brighter.

When I turn back to him his gaze has focused on the rug in the middle of the floor "A soul is arriving."  

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